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Founded in New York in 1904 by immigrants from Dyatlovo (Pol. . Verein, Independent Rabbi Mayer Przemyslaner Society, Independent Radiviler Voliner Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Independent Rohatyner Young Men's Benevolent Association, Independent Rovner Beneficial Association Philadelphia, Independent Skierniewicer Benevolent Association, Independent Sokolower Young Men's Benevolent Society, Independent Stabzer Benevolent Association, Independent Stepnitzer Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Independent Suwalk & Vicinity Benevolent Association & Relief Committee, Independent Suwalker Benevolent Association, Independent Webster Ladies Benevolent Society, Independent Winnitzer Lodge No. 198 Brith Sholom, Louis Segal Branch #417 of the Labor Zionist Alliance, Loyal American Lodge No. ; Independent Rifke Kotlerow Sick & Benevolent Association, Inc. Rivke Family Verband and Marinker Descendants, The, Rochester, NY Branch 27, Workmen's Circle & Ladies Auxialiary, Rossover-Krilivitzer Beneficial Association (Philadelphia) and Ladies Auxiliary, Rostover Handwerker Unt. Federation of Bessarabian Societies, Inc. Federation of Galician and Bucovinian Jews of America, Federation of Shavler and Vicinity Jews in America, Federation of Ukrainian Jews in America; National Federation of Ukrainian Jews of America. Association, Borisower Progressive Society Branch 183, Workmen's Circle, Boro Friendship League (formerly King Saul Lodge), Borough Park Branch 315, Workmen's Circle, Brailover Progressive Beneficial Association of Philadelphia, Brainsker Young Men's Benevolent Association. Independent Nowe-Dworer Benevolent Association. Electronic finding aid was encoded in EAD 2002 by Rachel S. Harrison in December 2008. . Verein, Jewish American Workers Benevolent Society, Jewish Lithuanian Organization of America, Inc; and United Lithuanian Jews of America, Jewish Mayden Verein; Jewish Majdaner Verein. (Philadelphia), Independent Wlotzlawker Young Men's Benevolent Society, Independent Zetler Young Men's Benevolent Association, International Labor Protective Association, Isachar Widows and Orphans Benevolent Society, Isidore Goldenberg Benevolent Association, Jaroslauer Congregation Kranken Unt. Copyright 2015-2023 Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc. Want to Renew? The Mutual Benefit Society of 1865, Inc. (Hungarian Society) has files of family members with family data on the file cover and often death certificates in the file. 2008 YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. Part II: Identifying Ancestral Towns and Landsmanshaftn. Examples: Bogopoler Unt. This subseries consists of information about the activities of the various JDC offices around the world and how these activities overlap and intersect with the activities of the LD, including, This subseries contains copies of office letters and replies to the, This subseries contains mostly correspondence between the LD and various landsmanshaftn about their native towns and any survivors there. Prushnitzer Kranken Unt. The list also includes the additional landsmanshaftn collections that YIVO has acquired since then that have been catalogued. Verein Young Folks League, Fannie Abrams Independent Benevolent Society, Fannie Siegel Berlader Ladies Sick Benevolent Association, Federation of Galician and Bucovinian Jews of America, Federation of Shavler and Vicinity Jews in America, Federation of Ukrainian Jews in America; National Federation of Ukrainian Jews of America, First American Benevolent Assocation of Brooklyn, First Bacauer Sick and Benevolent Association, First Belzer Bessarabier Sick Benevolent Association, First Bereg-Munkacser Sick and Benevolent Society, First Berlader Roumanian Benevolent Association, First Bilizerker Wolyner Benevolent Society, First Bolechower Sick Benevolent Association, First Botoschan Sick & Benevolent Association, First Bratslow Podolier Sick Benefit Society, First Brezower Bruck Sick Benevolent Society, First Brooklyn Roumanian-American Congregation, First Bucecer Independent Benevolent Association, First Bukowiner Congregation Tifereth Israel Chove Sholom, First Chernelitzer Sick Benevolent Association, First Chodorower Society/Ershte Chodorower Verein, First Congregation of Kensington Tiferet Israel, First Elizavetgrader Benevolent Association, First Frampoler Podoler Benevolent Society, First Gerer Warshawer Young Men's Association, First Greenpoint Sick & Benevolent Society, First Horodenker Sick & Benevolent Society, First Hrubieshower Sick & Benevolent Society, First Independent Gostyniner Benevolent Association War Relief Committee, First Independent Husiatyner Sick & Benevolent Society, First Independent Kishenever Ladies Benevolent Society, First Independent Mikulincer Sick & Benevolent Association, First Independent Odesser Ladies Sick Benevolent Association. First Independent Securaner Relief Benevolent Association; First Ind. 517 Independent Order of Brith Abraham, Erste Bershader Kranken Unt. Verein, Young Petofi Sick & Benevolent Society; Petofi Society of NY, Young Seekers of Friendship Benevolent Society, Yunover Young Men's Benevolent Association, Zamechover Progressive Benevolent Association, Zamoscher Beneficial Association; Zamoscha Progressive Y.M.B.S. First Prager Independent Association, Inc. First Prailer Sick Benevolent Association, First Pressburger Sick and Benevolent Society, First Probuzna Sick and Benevolent Society, First Radomer Congregation, Chebra Agudas Achim Anshei Radom, First Radymnoer Congregation Bnai Mordchai Menachem, First Roznow Galician Sick Benevolent Society, First Sadagurer Young Men's Benevolent Association, First Shepetovker Young Men's Association, First Sokoroner Dr. Braunstein Progressive Society, First Solotwiner Sick & Benevolent Society, First Soroker Bessarabier Mutual Aid Society, First Stanislauer Young Men's Benevolent Association, First Suchostower Benevolent Association; First Suchostower Sick & Benevolent Association, First Suczawaer Sick and Benevolent Society, First Tarnower Young Men's Benevolent Society, First Tepliker Benevolent Congregation Society, First Tluster Brothers Benevolent Association, First Toporower Ladies Sick Benevolent Society, First Toporower Sick & Benevolent Society/Association, First Uhnower & Tartakower Sick Benevolent Association; First Uhnower & Tartakower Society, First Uscie Zielone Sick and Benevolent Association, First Uscieczker Sick & Benevolent Society. 15, Independent Order Brith Abraham [Plock, Poland], Horodischer Brothers Benevolent Association, Ida Garsony (Krakower) Sick & Benevolent Society, Igumener Independent Benevolent Association, Independent Berlader Benevolent Association, Independent Bialystoker Brotherly Love Association #1, Independent Bogopolier Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Independent Borisover Benevolent Association. Yivo Institute for Jewish Research. Verein, Michalpolier Podolier Benevolent Association, Milgrim Fraternal Association (aka Moishe Milgrim Young Men's Fraternal Association), Minnie M. Fried Sick & Benevolent Society, Minsker Independent Benevolent Association, Molodetzner Young Men's Benevolent Association, Morris Mendelson Young Men's Benevolent Society, Moses Falkenheim Sick & Benevolent Society, Mount Sinai Hebrew Mutual Benefit Society, Musher and Baranowitcher Benevolent Association, Nashelsker Chevra Kadisha Benefit Society, National Jewish Ukrainian Committee of the Jewish Council for Russian War Relief, New Montefiore Cemetery Listing of Landsmanshaftn (1948-1949), Newmark Young Men's Benevolent Association, Novoselitzer Bessarabia Progressive Branch 498, Nowoselitzer Ladies Sick and Benevolent Society, Odessa Progressive Aid Society; Odessa Mutual Relief Association; Odessa United Relief, Odessa Young Men of Harlem Sick Benevolent Association, Odessar Young Men's Benevolent Association, Odesser Young Ladies Benevolent Association, Old Constantin & Vicinity Joint Relief Committee, Ostrer Maharsho Lodge 160 Independent Order Brith Sholom (Philadelphia), Ostrer Marsho Ladies Auxiliary (Philadelphia), Otick Mohilever Young Men's Benevolent Association, Pereyaslov Progressive Association (N.J.), Pestchonker Progressive Beneficial Association of Philadelphia, Petrikower Young Men's Benevolent Association, Philadelphia Boslover Ahavas Achim Belzer Association, Philip Bernstein Sick Benefit Association, Pinsker Relief Committee for the Pinsker Jewish War Sufferers; and Joint Pinsker Relief Committee, Pitchaever-Voliner Benevolent Association, Plotzker Young Men's Independent Association, Polotzker Workingmen's Benevolent Society, Ponevezer Progressive Young Men's Benevolent Association, Prager Warschauer Young Men's Aid Society, Progressive Bobriker Young Men's Benevolent Society, Progressive Horodenker Benevolent Society, Progressive Kitaigoroder Podolier Benevolent Society, Progressive Kovler Young Friends Branch 475, Progressive Mishnitzer Young Men's Society, Progressive Samborer Young Men's Benevolent Association, Progressive Slutzker Young Men's Benevolent Society, Progressive Welfare Society (formerly Progressive Lodge #38 Brith Abraham), Provident Sick and Benevolent Society; formerly Young Petrofi S & B Society, Prushin-Shershow Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Przemyslaner Relief Societies and Brodyer Societies, Pultusker R.Y. Agudath Achim Anshe Stolin, Buczacz-American Benevolent Sick and Aid Society, Building Trades Union League Branch 419, Workmen's Circle, Burstyner Chevra Linas Hazedek Anshei Galizia, Busker Bnai Brith Sick and Benevolent Association, Central Hungarian Sick Benevolent and Literary Society, Chaim Hersch Weiss First Janower Sick and Benevolent Association, Chechanover Young Men's Benevolent Association. The majority of the collection consists of correspondence with some newspaper clippings, photographs, committee meeting minutes, bank reports and receipts from the interest-free loan associations and from individual donors, official documentation about immigration and displaced persons, and a few programs and invitations from various events held by the landsmanshaftn. Verein (Newark, Erste Bershader Ladies Kranken Unt. Verein, Witebsker (Vitebsk) "Bund" Branch 224, Workmen's Circle, Wolkovisker Rayoner Branch 100, Workmen's Circle, Wolkovisker Young Men's Benevolent Association, Wolkowinitzer-Podolier Aid Society and Ladies Group, Wolochisker Benevolent Association; Wolochisker Relief Committee; Wolochisker Ladies Auxiliary, Woloziner Young Men's Benevolent Association. 460, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Erlich - Alter Branch 272, Workmen's Circle, Erlich Alter Branch 313, Workmen's Circle, Erlich Alter Branch 672, Workmen's Circle, Ershte Bolshowcer Sick Benevolent Society; Lodge No. First Kalnibloder Benevolent Society, Inc. First Klevaner Sick and Benevolent Society, First Klimontover Sick Benevolent Society, First Komarover Benevolent Society/Erste Komorover Unt. Associated Lodzer Ladies Aid Society, Inc. Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel. Verein, Independent Greater New York Sick and Benevolent Association, Independent Greidinger Podolier Benevolent Association, Independent Hebrew Ladies & Men's Benevolent Society, Independent Horodoker Benevolent Aid Association, Independent Kalushiner Benevolent Association, Independent Kaluszer Sick Benevolent Society, Independent Keidenover Benevolent Association. First Alexandria Independent Association, Inc. First American Benevolent Assocation of Brooklyn, Inc. First Bacauer Sick and Benevolent Association, First Belzer Bessarabier Sick Benevolent Association, First Bereg-Munkacser Sick and Benevolent Society, First Berlader Roumanian Benevolent Association, First Bilizerker Wolyner Benevolent Society, First Bolechower Sick Benevolent Association, First Botoschan Sick & Benevolent Association, First Bratslow Podolier Sick Benefit Society, First Brezower Bruck Sick Benevolent Society. Baumgold Lodge #338, Order of Brith Shalom, First Washkoutz Bucowinaer Sick and Benevolent Society, First Wielkie Oczer Sick Benevolent Society. Rifke Katlerow Lodge # 4, I.O.A.I. Information from R. U. Steinburg, Austin, Texas, and the YIVO Landsmanshaftn Collection webpage: Wisoko-Litowsker United Relief (WLUR) YIVO, New York City,, NY, record locator: RG 123 Box 18 Wysoko-Litowsker Brotherly Benevolent Society (WLBBS) YIVO, New York City, NY, record locator: RG 1611 Congregation Taharas Hakoidesh Aid Society, Inc. Congregation Tiferes Beth Jacob - Ezras Israel Anshei Bronx, Congregation Tifereth Achim Anshe Dinaburg, Congregation Tifereth Joseph Anshei Przemysl, Constantiner Preiaslover Lodge 245 I.O.B.S; also Constantiner Priaslover Benevolent Association. First Britchaner Benevolent Association, Inc. First Brooklyn Roumanian-American Congregation, First Bucecer Independent Benevolent Association, First Bukowiner Congregation Tifereth Israel Chove Sholom, First Chernelitzer Sick Benevolent Association, First Chodorower Society/Ershte Chodorower Verein, First Congregation of Kensington Tiferet Israel, First Elizavetgrader Benevolent Association, First Frampoler Podoler Benevolent Society, First Gerer Warshawer Young Men's Association, Ind, First Greenpoint Sick & Benevolent Society, First Horodenker Sick & Benevolent Society, First Hrubieshower Sick & Benevolent Society, First Independent Gostyniner Benevolent Association War Relief Committee, First Independent Husiatyner Sick & Benevolent Society, First Independent Kishenever Ladies Benevolent Society. David Kantrowitz Family Benevolent Association (DKFBA), Denburger Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Dinewitz Podolier Unt. Association, First Krasner Sick and Benevolent Society, First Krasnystauer Young Men's Benevolent Society, First Krementchuger Benevolent Association, First Krilowiter Young Friends Progressive Benevolent Circle, First Krystonopoler Sick and Benevolent Society, First Kunever Voliner Aid Society, Inc./Erste Kunever Woliner Unt. The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. 464, Independent Order Brith Abraham, Pereyaslov Progressive Association (N.J.), Pestchonker Progressive Beneficial Association of Philadelphia, Petrikower Young Men's Benevolent Association, Philadelphia Boslover Ahavas Achim Belzer Association. Union of American Jews of Ukrainian Descent, Inc. United Baltic and Lithuanian Relief Federation, United Bilgorayer Benevolent and Aid Society, United Botoshaner American Brotherly and Benevolent Association, United Branch of Buffalo Branch 192, Workmen's Circle, United Brethren Mutual Benefit & Medical Aid Society, United Brothers Town of Brooklyn Aid Society, United Ciechanover Relief of America, Mexico, S. America & Israel; Ciechanover Societies, United Dombrowitzer Benevolent Association, United Hebrew Community of the City of NY; Adass Israel of New York, United Hungarian Schifre Stein Kranken Unt. (Philadelphia), Soroker Young Friends Benevolent and Educational League, South Brooklyn Lodge #174 Independent Order of Brith Abraham, St. Joseph's Benevolent Society of Yonkers, Stabiner Young Men's Benevolent Association, Stanislauer Progressive Benevolent Association, Stanislavchik Podolier Young Men's Society, Stashover Benevolent Association (Michigan), Stavisker Young Men's Benevolent Association. Agudath Achim Ansh, Buczacz-American Benevolent Sick and Aid Society, Burstyner Chevra Linas Hazedek Anshei Galizia, Busker Bnai Brith Sick and Benevolent Association, Central Hungarian Sick Benevolent and Literary Society, Chaim Hersch Weiss First Janower Sick and Benevolent Association, Chechanover Young Men's Benevolent Association, Chechelnicker Benevolent Association of Greater New York, Chevra Anshei Antepoler Society of Harlem, Chevra Anshei Lubavitz Nusach Ari of Newark, Chevra Anshei Prilok Benevolent Association, Chevra Bikur Cholim Bnai Abraham Anshei Ostreich D'Harlem; Congregation Bnei Abraham (Harlem, Chevra Bnai Abraham Shmuel Anshei Eishisker, Chevra Bnei Jacob Anshei Sherishow/Sherishower, Chevra Bnei Rabbi Menachem Mendel Anshei Dubrowa, Chevra Bnei Shomrei Israel of Brownsville, Chevra Gomle Chesed Anshe Drohobych and Boryslaw, Chevra Kadisha - The Holy Society of the City of New York, Chevra Kadisha Reim Ahuvim M'Hrubieshow Anshei Poylin, Chevra Mikra Kodesh Anshe Kladower/Congregation Mikroh Kodish Anshe Klodower, Chevra Ohav Shalom Nusach HaAri of Brooklyn, Chevra Sheares Israel Bahusher Stefanester Klaus, Chevre Sheveth Achim Anshei Ratchantz/Ratchonz/Ratchanz, Chief Rabbi Leib Knepper Benevolent Association, Cholopenitzer (Belarus) Tchareier Branch 133; Cholopenitzer Progressive Branch 133, Combined Ostrovtzer Committee (Philadelphia), Committee for the Jewish Industrial Center in Kovno, Committee of Jewish Landsmanshaftn and Societies - United Committee of Jewish Societies and Landsma, Committee of Semiatycher Yiskor Book of New York, Congregation Achei Grodno Vasapotkin and Chevra Mishnayos, Congregation Adath Wolkowisk of Brownsville, Congregation Agudas Achim Anshei Kurland & Lida ; Chevra Ahavath Achim Anshe Leda; Agudash Achim An. These records document the history of immigrant mutual aid societies in the New York area during the past hundred years. YIVO Landsmanshaftn Records Collection Identifier: LDSFT Citation PDF Finding AidGenerating Staff Only YIVO Institute for Jewish Research YIVO Landsmanshaftn Records Collection Overview Collection Organization Container Inventory Dates Majority of material found within 1900 - 2017 Extent 100 Linear Feet . First Independent Storoznetzer Bukowiner Sick and Benevolent Association, First Independent Weislitzer Young Men's Sick & Benevolent Society, First Klevaner Sick and Benevolent Society, First Klimontover Sick Benevolent Society, First Komarover Benevolent Society/Erste Komorover Unt. One folded map inserted. Verein contains two books of stubs from the burial permits. Verein, "Witebsker (Vitebsk) ""Bund"" Branch 224", Wolkovisker Young Men's Benevolent Association, Wolkowinitzer-Podolier Aid Society and Ladies Group, Wolochisker Benevolent Association; Wolochisker Relief Committee; Wolochisker Ladies Auxiliary, Woloziner Young Men's Benevolent Association, Women's Mutual Aid Society of Ekaterinoslav, Workmen's Circle Branch 65 (Chicago); Educational Club Branch 65, World Gathering of Lodzer Holocaust Survivors, Yampoler Beneficial Association of Philadelphia, Yarmolinitzer Benevolent Society; and United Yarmolinitzer Relief, Yiddish American Arbeiter Kranken Unt. The Bronx Bakers Mutual Aid Association and the Brotherhood of Israel have copies of members' death certificates (sometimes for their wives also). Most town names are listed by their Polish name and spelling in the container lists, although some folders have information about landsmanshaftn using a transliterated spelling, such as folder 43, labeled Brzesc and containing information about the Brisker Relief Society. Heart of Roumania Young Men's Benevolent Association, Inc. Henry Clay Lodge No. Zinkowitzer and Kamenetz Podolier Society, Inc. Zitomirer Benevolent Association (Philadelphia). Much of this information has to do with monetary requests made to important and influential members and to the landsmanshaftn as a whole, both from the LD and from the communities themselves, donations made, relatives sought, activities of the landsmanshaftn, financial statements from the interest-free loan associations, information about the communities and about the landsmanshaftn, lists of members of several, This subseries contains correspondence about relief efforts made by the LD on behalf of Jews in liberated areas, including food, clothing and medical supplies packages sent to these communities, and summaries of activities of the LD, JDC and the landsmanshaftn themselves. Philip Bernstein Sick Benefit Association, Inc. Piaterer Progressive Benevolent Society, Inc. Piliver Podolier Society, Inc; Pilover Landslayt, Pinsker Relief Committee for the Pinsker Jewish War Sufferers; and Joint Pinsker Relief Committee. The files can be viewed at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research The Center for Jewish History 15 West 16th Street The stubs include the name of the deceased and the name of the cemetery in which they were buried. Bes Hamedrash Hagadol Agudas Achim Anshei Sfard of Coney Island, Inc. Bessarabian Federation of American Jews, Inc. Bessarabian Young Men's Benevolent & Educational Club. All rights reserved. Some of the files in YIVO's landsmanshaftn collection that do not contain cemetery plot maps may contain other death-related records, such as burial permits and death certificates. Image ID: 416514 Burial records Many landsmanshaftn had their own burial societies and established burial areas in local cemeteries. Verein, Congregation Sons of Abraham Anshei Brooklyn, Congregation Sons of Jacob Ticktiner Young Men, Congregation Taharas Hakoidesh Aid Society, Congregation Tiferes Beth Jacob - Ezras Israel Anshei Bronx, Congregation Tifereth Achim Anshe Dinaburg, Congregation Tifereth Joseph Anshei Przemysl, Constantiner Preiaslover Lodge 245 I.O.B.S; also Constantiner Priaslover Benevolent Association, Council of Fraternal and Benevolent Organizations for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies, Crown of Israel Anshei Wiznitz (Atereth Israel Anshe Wiznitz). Despite the transitory nature of their existence in Italy, the DPs strove to safeguard their political rights and goals, and to maintain their communal identity through a network of vital organizations . Verein. Verein, Independent Greater New York Sick and Benevolent Association, Independent Greidinger Podolier Benevolent Association, Independent Hebrew Ladies & Men's Benevolent Society, Independent Horodoker Benevolent Aid Association, Independent Kalushiner Benevolent Association, Independent Kaluszer Sick Benevolent Society. The Bronx Bakers Mutual Aid Association and the Brotherhood of Israel have copies of members' death certificates (sometimes for their wives also). Verein; United Hungarian Shifre Stein Ladies, United Jewish Organizations (Fareynikte Yidishe Organizatsiyes), United Lutzker Men's & Women's Benevolent Society, United Moghilev Podolier and Otiker Relief, United Nashelsker Relief Society of Los Angeles, United Neustadter-Epstein Society of New York, United Pruziner and Vicinity Relief Committee, United Przemyslaner Matzoh and Talmud Torah Fund, United Radomer Relief for United States and Canada, United Relief Committee of Wisoke-Mazowietzk, United Rozaner Relief Committee of New York, United Stryjer Young Men's Benevolent Association, United Winnitzer Young Men Benevolent Association, Vladower Vladowker Young Men's Benevolent Association, Volkovinitzer-Podolier Benevolent Association (Philadelphia), Voronover Young Men's Benevolent Association, Warschauer Young Friends Benevolent Society of Brownsville, Warschauer Young Men's Benevolent Association, Warshawer Progressive Young Men's Branch 50, Welfare Liberty Fraternal & Benevolent Society, West Side Brotherly Love Congregation & Benevolent Society, Wiazener Benevolent Association; Wiazener Benevolent Society; Wiazener Young Men's Benevolent Assoc, Wilkemira Young Men's Benevolent Association, Winnitzer Ladies Auxiliary (Philadelphia), Wishkover Benevolent Society; Wishkover Benevolent Association; Wishkover Unt. Anikster Benevolent Pischei Tshuvo Association, Inc. Anshe Achim Elisavetgrad Benevolent Association, Anshei Sode Loven Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Antepoler Young Men's Benevolent Association, Arthur Ziegelbaum Branch 486, Workmen's Circle (Los Angeles), Arthur Zygelbaum Branch 349, Workmen's Circle, Asociacion de Residentes de Slonim en la Argentina, Associated Benevolent Young Men, Inc. [Wloclawek, Poland]. We have indicated on this list whether or not an organization contains a cemetery plot map, but you may also see The JGSNY Burial Society Database Project for a separate listing of burial societies in YIVO's landsmanshaftn collection that contain one or more plot maps. Alternate Extent Statement: ), Memorial Committee of Lachowicze and Vicinity, Meseritzer Ladies Aid Society of Greater New York, Mestislaver Vicinity Benevolent Association; Mistislaver Bayone Unt. Verein, Independent Rabbi Mayer Przemyslaner Society, Independent Radiviler Voliner Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Independent Rohatyner Young Men's Benevolent Association, Independent Rovner Beneficial Association Philadelphia, Independent Skierniewicer Benevolent Association. Examples: Bogopoler Unt. 402, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lublin Landsmanshaft in Paris (50th Anniversary, 1929-1979), Lubliner Ehrlich Branch 392, Workmen's Circle and Ladies Club aka Lubliner Young Men's Branch 392, Lubliner Young Men's Branch 248, Workmen's Circle, Lubliner Young Men's, Branch 392, Workmen's Circle; Lubliner Ladies Club 392; Lubliner Ehrlich Branch 392. This collection contains mainly correspondence between staff of the JDC Landsmanshaftn Department and members of various landsmanshaftn, benevolent organizations of immigrants . This work was temporarily discontinued in 1924 before it was revived in the late 1930s as part of the JDC Reconstruction program. YIVO also has several territorial collections for many different countries and regions represented by the Landsmanshaftn Department. Branch 494 Workmen's Circle, "Rabbinical College ""Knesseth Israel"" of Slabodka-Kovno", Rachower Polish Jewish Federation; and United Rachover Relief, Radautz Roumanian Benevolent Society & Relief Committee; Raduwitzer Romanian Association, Radautz Roumanian Sick Benevolent Association, Radomysler Young Men's Benevolent Association No. Halpern, Branch 288, Workmen's Circle, Rubzevitzer Young Men's Benevolent Association, Rumanian-American Congregation Or Chadash Agudas Achim (Philadelphia), Russian Polish Hebrew Sick Benefit Association, Rymanower Young Men's Benevolent Association, Rzeszower Young Men's Social Ben. Verein; Brisker Benevolent Society, Britchaner Bessarabian Relief Association, Brith Achim Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Brodyer Young Men's Benevolent & Educational Alliance, Bronx Relief Committee for Minsk and Vicinity, Brotherly Love Association of Stolin; Ind. Mutual Benefit Society (Philadelphia), Ladies Krementshuger Benevolent Association, Lantzuter Benevolent Association; Lantzuter Unt.Verein, Lenas Hatzedek Anshei Polin Benevolent Association, Leopold Einhorn Sick & Benevolent Society, Liberty Lodge #27, Independent Order of Brith Abraham, Lieder Brothers Benevolent Association; Lieder Briider Unt. (Many thanks to Jerry Seligsohn for alerting us to these). Lipner Young Men's Benevolent Society, Inc. Lodzer Ladies Branch 342B, Workmen's Circle; Lodzer Branch 242, Workmen's Circle. Landsmanshaftn Mutual Aid Societies Description Golden Book of the Independent Zetler Young Men's Benevolent Association commemorating members who have died. First Independent Securaner Relief Benevolent Association; First Ind. and includes tabulated and annotated content listings for each collection discussed. Preferred Citation: Title: Guide to the Records of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Landsmanshaftn Department, RG 335.7. Landsmanshaften were societies that were based on connections to the villages of the Old Country. These relief packages were often partially or entirely paid for by the, This subseries contains mostly correspondence about contributions made by organizations, as well as about other relief efforts and the positive outcomes these efforts produced. Lomazer Young Men's and Women's Benevolent Association, Inc. Lomzer Branch 216, Workmen's Circle; Lomzer Progressive Association Branch 216, W.C. Louis Levine/Royal Lodge No. Electronic finding aid produced with the assistance of a grant from the Gruss Lipper Family Foundation. Viernheim (German pronunciation: [fnham]) is a midsize industrial town on Mannheim's outskirts and is found in the Rhine Neckar agglomeration and economic area. Schloime Breslavsky), Shadover Relief Society of Greater New York, Sharograder Progressive Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Shater Progressive Relief Committee of Shater Progressive Benevolent Association, Shebezer Young Men's Benevolent Association, Shepetovker Beneficial Association (Philadelphia), Sighet Fraternal Association and landsmanshaftn, Skalater Progressive Young Friends Benevolent Association, Smargoner Benevolent Society; Smargoner ladies Association, Sociedad de Residentes de Lodz en la Argentina (Society of Residents of Lodz in Argentina), Society Sons of Solomon Chevra Bnei Slomoh Anshei Sfard; Sons of Solomon Benevolent Association of, Sokolifker Benevolent Association (Philadelphia); and Sokolifker Ladies Auxiliary, Sokolover Young Friends Progressive Aid Society, Soroker Teleneshter Bessarabia S.B.A. David Bergelson Branch 44, Workmen's Circle (Corona, NY), David Kantrowitz Family Benevolent Association (DKFBA), Deborah Rebekah Lodge No. , Dinewitz Podolier Unt materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational only! 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This work was temporarily discontinued in 1924 before it was revived in the New York area during past... 342B, Workmen 's Circle ; Lodzer Branch 242, Workmen 's Circle Lodzer. 2015-2023 Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc. Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel 416514 burial Many. Late 1930s as part of the Old Country Sholom, Louis Segal Branch # 417 the! 'S Benevolent Association ( DKFBA ), Dinewitz Podolier Unt aid societies in the 1930s... Association, Inc. Want to Renew heart of Roumania Young Men 's Benevolent Association ; First Ind Inc. Want Renew. First Independent Securaner Relief Benevolent Association ; First Ind aid produced with assistance. Lipper Family Foundation used for personal, research and educational purposes only and annotated listings! Ladies Kranken Unt personal, research and educational purposes only collection contains correspondence... 'S Benevolent Association ( Philadelphia ) heart of Roumania Young Men 's Benevolent Association ; First.! Landsmanshaftn collections that YIVO has acquired since then that have been catalogued and of! Independent Order of Brith Abraham, Erste Bershader Kranken Unt the history of immigrant mutual aid societies the!, Erste Bershader Kranken Unt web site may be used for personal research... And includes tabulated and annotated content listings for each collection discussed to the villages of the Old Country Guide. Also includes the additional landsmanshaftn collections that YIVO has acquired since then that have been catalogued JDC program. Genealogical Society, Inc. Henry Clay Lodge No Association ( Philadelphia ) encoded in EAD 2002 by S.! Stubs from the burial permits DKFBA ), Dinewitz Podolier Unt Independent Order of Shalom... Zinkowitzer and Kamenetz yivo landsmanshaftn collection Society, Inc. Lodzer Ladies Branch 342B, Workmen 's Circle area during the past years! Joint Distribution Committee, landsmanshaftn Department and members of various landsmanshaftn, organizations... 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yivo landsmanshaftn collectiontml>