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As a young child, Carpathia shows remarkable intelligence and athletic ability, and also proves to be extraordinarily manipulative, able to bend others to his will with relative ease. Carpathianism draws heavily from the narratives and traditions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The two of them are soon joined by Rayford's daughter, Chloe, and Cameron "Buck" Williams, and together they form an inner core group, the Tribulation Force. Carpathia established "Carpathianism" as the only legal religion on Earth and, following the events in the Book of Revelation, decreed that all were required to bear a mark (the biblical Mark of the Beast) signifying their loyalty to him and the Global Community in order to buy or sell. Four million people attend his funeral. Ryan finds a dog and names it Phoenix early on in the series. (This ability was also afforded to believers since they are also immune to the destructive forces of the heat.) Everybody, including Steve Plank and Buck Williams continued to clap and cheer, never once appearing embarrassed at their loss of detached objectivity. As Jesus laid out his crimes against humanity and the will of God, he pleaded for mercy and forgiveness, even attempting to reject Carpathia and Satan, pledging allegiance to him. He had been buried and crushed in the rubble of the GC headquarters complex and his mother was calling him home, when he heard a voice Carpathia's calling out: "LEONARDO, COME FORTH!" Fortunato's "glory days" are short-lived, however, ending in Glorious Appearing with the return of Jesus. Later he was ordered to bomb the gathering of Christians and Jews at Petra, planning for a BLU-82 and a "lance" missile to be dropped on them, but the inhabitants there were unharmed. The meeting with the two witnesses had a profound effect on Ben-Judah, who spoke Nicodemus's words to Jesus, while the two witnesses took turns speaking Jesus' words. In Tribulation Force (Book 2), Carpathia tells Williams that he was named the sole beneficiary in Stonagal's will, though Stonagal's family members will receive massive payoffs to silence them. in imitation of a command that Jesus Christ gave to Lazarus. After he raised Fortunato from the dead, he styled himself "His Excellency, Global Community Supreme Potentate Nicolae Carpathia", Eventually after World War III, Carpathia became a malevolent dictator, while still openly portraying himself as a benevolent pacifist. He was raptured, along with his mother, when Jesus returned before the Tribulation. Full Name When a friend of Zaki, Qasim Marid, goes undercover for the Force without their permission, they all start to wonder where his loyalties lie. In New Babylon she became a believer and meets David Hassid. She was formerly married but left a widow during the early years of the Tribulation. Carpathia orders cities around the world, including neutral ones, to be obliterated to serve as an example to his enemies. Carpathia is the Antichrist, and leader of the Global Community, a world government which he ultimately marshals against the followers of Jesus Christ . Refusal to do either of these activities is made punishable by public execution. Hassid's love interest, Phoenix 216 cargo chief Annie Christopher dies as a result of False Prophet Leon Fortunato's Satan-imbued ability to call down lightning from heaven to kill any non-Carpathianist. In Left Behind: World at War, he displays the same ability as an Angel to let bullets pass through him without losing momentum and hit the person behind him. Chang is pressured by his parents, who are Carpathia loyalists, to take the mark, but Chang violently protests this as he is a believer in Jesus Christ. Mathews is later assassinatedstabbed with icicles from an ice sculptureby the ten "kings" that Carpathia had appointed to lead the world under his rule. He also warns all of the Christians present that the Great Tribulation, the 3.5 worst years in human history await them all. Rayford Steele was a former 747 pilot for Pan-Con Airlines, lost his first wife (Irene) and only son (Raymie Jr.) in the Rapture. For instance, he had Ipswich beaten to death for addressing him as "sir" and not giving a sufficiently abject apology to him. Chaim later became a believer, and led the Jewish Remnant at Petra under the alias "Micah" (made from the letters of his original name). Abdullah Ababneh is a former Jordanian fighter pilot, first officer for the Phoenix 216, Royal Jordanian Air Force, Amman; lost divorced wife and two children in Rapture; former first officer, Phoenix 216; a principal Trib Force pilot assigned to Petra; witnessed the Glorious Appearing; now residing near the Valley of Jehoshaphat, Israel. In the Millennium World, he and his wife go on Rayford's missionary trip to Egypt to help spread the gospel. She eventually gets through to her son, Raymie, who becomes a Christian and helps her cope with Rayford's and Chloe's indecisiveness toward God. Carpathia attempted to regale Hut with the detail that one's heart can beat for more than a half an hour after decapitation, but Carpathia realized that was moot if someone actually shot a victim in the manner he described. He has doubted the Bible for most of his life; though he has professed faith in Jesus Christ, he has never truly believed in his heart. As Christopher's army was marching towards Petra, Jesus appears on a ridge and Christopher meets him there. She made it to the Glorious Appearing. The scene closes and Fortunato's suffering is resumed for all eternity. Buck was guided to him with hints from the two witnesses at the Wailing Wall, and secretly conducted Ben-Judah out of Israel by way of Egypt, to be flown back to the United States for exile and sanctuary. While others, such as Carpathia's secretary Krystall Carney and Loren Hut, became disillusioned with his behavior and personality, others in his inner circle were sycophantic around him, trying to curry his favor. He allowed Vicki, Ryan, and Lionel to stay at his house until they were forced to flee because of the Global Community. Cameron ("Buck") Williams, is an award-winning journalist, former senior publisher of Global Community Weekly, who became a believer before the murder of Jonathan Stonagal. He also gathered the armies of the world at the valley of Armageddon for the battle with Jesus Christ and His army. He initially met other Left Behind protagonists Vicki Byrne, Lionel Washington, and Ryan Daley. Hassid works in communications and is considered one of the top computer experts alive. It can also a refer to a group of non-mainstream/not accepted "Christians" called Nicolaitans in Revelation 2:15. At the end of the Millennium, Tsion is welcomed into Heaven with the rest of the believers. Thus, Nicolae eliminates any obstacles in his path to power. [5] In The Mark, Fortunato is revealed to be the Left Behind series' incarnation of the False Prophet described in the Book of Revelation. She also appears briefly in Kingdom Come, as she is among those present at Mac McCullum's thousandth birthday party and is assumedly with the rest of the Trib Force as they gather to watch the end of the Millennium. It is hinted later in the series that Bruce was poisoned by Nicolae Carpathia's agents and may have died prior to the actual hospital bombing. Apart from controlling most of the world's largest financial institutions and being the richest man in history, he also owns the genetic engineering company that artificially inseminated Nicolae Carpathia's mother Marilena. From this office, he converts the U.N. into the Global Community, appointing himself as that government's Supreme Potentate. Tsion Ben-Judah, pronounced "Zion", is a Jewish rabbinical scholar and former student of Chaim Rosenzweig. Supernatural Abilities: Even before he was indwelt by Satan, Nicolae had the ability to resurrect whoever he wanted from the dead, though this was used only one time with Leon Fortunato. Not wanting anyone to follow Cendrillon's path, but knowing many will, Kenny, Raymie Steele, Bahira Ababneh, and Zaki Ababneh form the Millennium Force, a branch off of the Tribulation Force. Walter Moon is a supporting antagonist in the Left Behind series. In a contrast to Jesus's temptations where He withstood Satan with Scripture, Nicolae fell to all three temptations. However, through infiltration of the GC Palace by the Trib Force and Buck & Tsion's conversations with him, Chaim was led to murder Carpathia. His father's last name, Carpathia, comes from the Carpathian Mountains, a mountain range in Romania. Hassid and Blod clash, but eventually, Hassid realizes he must get along with Blod or risk discipline and possible exposure as a Tribulation saint; also, it is not very Christ-like to be promoting enmity. 2000s Every Friday, Vicki would usually have to baby-sit her sister Jeannie, however, occasionally she would ditch her and run off to smoke, drink or do dope with her friends. Religion In the prequel, it is suggested that his name means "Victory of the People." A small band of Christians calling themselves the "Tribulation Force" resists him as . (In the prequel novel The Rising, it is explained that the name "Nicolae", when translated, means "victory of the people", although this is far from Carpathia's actual goals. He was the last one out of the four to become a believer due to his atheist background and grief in his parents loss. After Carpathia establishes the Global Community, the governments of the United States, United Kingdom, and Egypt launch an uprising against him, resulting in World War Three. This is evidenced by both Carpathia's and Ceausescu's use of cult of personality in their rules. Marilena stays with her husband, Sorin, until the baby is born, insisting that her son keep the strong Carpathia name. Manipulation: The Antichrist Nicolae was able to manipulate anyone at ease. Ten oasis regions, where each delegate is given complete control over his respective area. At the age of 24, Carpathia stepped into the political scene as a member of the lower house of the Parliament of Romania. Nicolae hires "kingmaker" and soon-to-be False ProphetLeon Fortunatoas a deputy and consultant. Joshua Todd-Cothran is the head of the London Stock Exchange and, like his colleague Jonathan Stonagal, is a highly influential financier. He would not tolerate others calling him "Nicolae" except perhaps his aunt, Viv Ivins. He was extremely tall, with broad shoulders, as well as a thick muscular chest. He was one of the few believers left alive when Christ, with his armies, returned to earth. Like Nicolae, Leon regularly communicated with the 'spirit world'; it is implied that both men shared the same spiritual 'guide' Satan himself. He is badly disfigured and wears a prosthetic to hide the fact that most of his face is missing as a result of injuries caused by the Wrath of the Lamb earthquake. Rayford becomes more and more distant over the years, and Irene suspects he is having an affair. Leah also helps Rayford Steele in Glorious Appearing after an almost fatal ATV wreck. Shortly thereafter, in the chaos following the Rapture, Carpathia is appointed United Nations Secretary-General. Terrified from the events, Hattie informs Rayford about the event, thinking he does not know what has just happened. His mother, Marilena, is unwittingly convinced by Sataniststo become the mother of a child who, they assure her, will change the face of the world. Before she died, she wrote him a letter saying how she felt like there was somebody back home that he loved. Marilena Carpathia (mother, deceased), Sorin Carpathia (biological "father", deceased), Baduna Marius (biological "father", deceased), Viviana Ivinisova, a.k.a. As a young child, Carpathia showed remarkable intelligence (easily mastering many languages), beauty and athletic ability, and also proved to be extraordinarily manipulative, able to bend others to his will with relative ease. She then accepted Christ upon meeting Bruce Barnes, Judd Thompson, Lionel Washington, and Ryan Daley. After his resurrection and indwelling, he expects everyone to use an honorific such as "excellency" or "potentate" while "sir" being insufficient for him. After being expelled, Fortunato grew fond of becoming a kingmaker, preferring to work behind the scenes to elevate his chosen candidates to any positions of power they wanted. In Desecration, he saw Carpathia personally murder high-ranking loyal personnel such as Loren Hut and Walter Moon for failing to fulfill Carpathia's orders, even though they acted competently and gave an earnest effort. Shortly after the Rapture, Mathews participated in key meetings to establish the Global Community Faith (shortly after, it was renamed Enigma Babylon One World Faith) and also was elected to replace the pope John XXIV who had been raptured. Carpathia also demonstrates his uncommon polyglotism, being able to fluently speak over 9 languages, which include Romanian, Hungarian, Russian, English, French,Spanish,German, Arabic, Hebrew, and Chinese. He acquired his name from a snowmobile accident in Minnesota before the Rapture when he hit some razor wire and should have died. Thus, both Antichrist Carpathia and False Prophet Fortunato are punished accordingly by Jesus Christ, who has them hurled into the bottomless and ineffably terrifying Lake of Fire for all eternity. Though he is hideously disfigured, the seal of the believer is visible on his forehead. He resists going to the schoolhouse, as he and Vicki have a massive falling out. When Vicki was twelve, a man asked to speak at the dance. Also, both hail from the country of Romania, and moved up the political ladder in that country with incredible speed and ease. (This was hinted at with the name of the artificial insemination project, Project People's Victory.) Buck Williams notices that the gunshot sounded similar to the sound of the gun Nicolae used to kill Eli and Moishe. Enter Nicolae Carpathia. He later kicks Kenny out of the Force after evidence surfaces that indicates that Kenny has "switched sides." The Global Community is a fictional worldwide government led by Nicolae Carpathia, who was its Supreme Potentate.It was transformed from the United Nations after the Rapture when Nicolae took power, and moved to New Babylon where its main headquarters were until the plague of darkness from the fifth Bowl Judgment fell upon it. His demise is short-lived, however, as after three days of lying dead, Carpathia's body is indwelt by Satan himself, thus making Carpathia appear to rise from the dead and further cement his power. As her son Nicolae comes of age, Stonagal becomes one of his mentors, financing his rise in the corporate world. This is partly in keeping with the early Christian belief that the Antichrist would come in the form of a Roman emperor in addition to the current Premillenialist Christian view that the Antichrist will emerge from a "New Roman Empire", the European Union. The authors gave the impression that Nicolae Carpathia really did believe that his self-aggrandizing endeavors to defeat God and the Son would prevail, even though scripture says that the devil knows his time is short (Revelation 12:12). Through the counseling of her friend Jackie, Irene tries to turn the rest of her family towards Christ, but to no avail. 2016 He was fond of dressing in ornate and flowing robes and strutting all over his college campus. Naomi's mother was converted to Christianity before she died of an illness. Carpathia also believes that he can usurp God's exalted position in the heavens and rule over creation though an extravagant scheme of destroying the Christians and Jews of the world and capturing Jerusalem with overwhelming military force. To complete his quest for world domination, Carpathia creates the One World Unity Army, composed of all G.C. It is also interesting to note that Nicolae Carpathia and Leon Fortunato essentially share the same first names as Nikolai Lenin and Leon Trotsky. There he resides until the Battle of Armageddon, when he leaves to help defend the Holy City. After hearing about the strange disappearances of his fellow passengers, Judd realized that what he had been told in his church before was true. However, on April 15, Carpathia left on a flight to the ATLANTIS-aligned United Kingdom on a highly secretive Gnosis mission. Marilena stays with her husband, Sorin, until the baby is born, insisting that her "son" keep the strong and noble "Carpathia" name. Nicolae and Elena evacuated the capital by helicopter. David (at some point during this time) vomits on Carpathia during a meeting. The world catches a final glimpse of both Carpathia and Fortunato at the end of the Millennium World, when Satan himself is thrown into the Lake of Fire. She was a former Global Community employee working at Buffer who is a believer. There, she meets Ming Toy, another believer with a strategic position inside the Global Community. She is awarded a crown from Jesus Himself, who praises her for her bravery in the face of certain death. Carpathia then brainwashes everyone in the room (except Williams, who was protected by God) into believing that Stonagal shot himself and Todd-Cothran in remorse for the assassinations. In the third film based on the books, Left Behind: World at War, Bruce dies from being infected with a virus, and most of the Tribulation Force (all except for Buck) is at his bedside when he dies. On Earth, the cosmic battle of the ages takes place as the Tribulation ravages the planet. He and Lionel often clashed to the point of a brawl, yet they were still very close. Carpathia is still writhing in agony as he is tortured in fire and sulfur, repeating over and over, "Jesus is Lord!!!". The very word send shivers through us. With his reign secure, he ordered that golden statues of himself be constructed in every locale possible, and commanded that all worship these statues three times a day, with death as the penalty for failure to obey. A very impressed reporter Cameron Williams (who was previously known to be a skeptic) even refers to him as the "Carpathia Juggernaut." He is later drugged by his father, who forces the mark on Chang while the young man is incapacitated; Chang fears for his soul as a result of this, although he is reassured that he cannot be held responsible for taking the mark since it was forced on him against his will. In the kids series book The Rise of False Messiahs, Chang Wong looked at Carpathia while Carpathia was in the courtyard of the GC Palace. Carpathia then ordered Suhail Akbar, the Global Community Director of Security and Intelligence, to assassinate the heads of Libya and Ethiopia and their entire senior cabinets in order to send a message to the sub-potentate of the United African States by the time the sub-potentate wakes up in the morning. Hattie, who convinced Buck to introduce her to Nicolae Carpathia, eventually becomes Carpathia's personal secretary, and later his lover. During this time, Nicolae proudly announces to Rayford and Amanda Steele that Hattie is pregnant with his child and they are engaged. He is the origin of evil, and the archenemy of God and His betrayer, and uses Nicolae Carpathia, the Supreme Potentate of the Global Community, as his vessel. After helping rescue Chang from New Babylon they become very close, but decide to postpone marriage until the Millennium Kingdom. Two weeks later, when United Nations secretary-general and Antichrist Nicolae Carpathia and a host of American and Israeli delegates arrived in Israel to sign a seven-year treaty of peace, and at the behest of Buck Williams, Ben-Judah guided Buck (Kirk Cameron) to the Western Wall so that he could speak with the two prophets, Eli and Moishe, men resurrected from Biblical times to bear witness to Christ and begin converting 144,000 Jews to become witnesses for Him. Contents 1 Biography Before the Rapture, Bruce is the associate pastor at New Hope Village Church, serving with the then-senior pastor Vernon Billings. Dishelved with the death of a fellow co-worker at the age of one-hundred, Raymie founds the Millennium Force, a small group dedicated to sharing the Word of God with the undecideds during the Millennium World. Ken Ritz, a fictional character of the Left Behind series, is a private pilot. They started going to a secret church in Arlington Heights and running a black market gas station. Relatives Angela "Annie" Christopher grew up in an atheist home in Canada. One night she came back from partying to find the house quiet and was under the impression that they had fallen asleep waiting for her. Formerly assigned to Global Community Headquarters Palace, New Babylon, United Holy Land States as Director of Purchasing; oversees all purchases for the GC and the hangar and cockpit crew of the Condor 216 and the Phoenix 216. Being born as a result of the genetically engineered Project People's Victory, Carpathia possessed many incredibly desirable traits, and was extremely handsome and dashing; piercingly blue-eyes and blonde hair, like the original Romanians. Within the series, Carpathia is the Antichrist, and leader of the Global Community (G.C. Ben-Judah, believing himself to be protected by God's power, insisted on returning to Israel to meet with most of the 144,000 witnesses, in order to teach them. Rayford Steele and Albie encounter him in The Mark working undercover as a GC operative in Pueblo, Colorado. However, it was already too late for Leon and Jesus sentenced him for eternity in the lake of fire. After becoming pregnant with Nicolae's child and being engaged to him, Carpathia attempts to poison her, but the child takes the brunt of the poison and dies. The Indwelling marked a new phase in Left Behind publishing. Once a commercial airline pilot, Ritz was sacked because he was too much of a stickler for safety. Security Director Akbar was loyal to Nicolae Carpathia, always zealous to carry about his directives, even though these directives came in a pique or at a whim. He moves to Petra where Nicolae Carpathia drops two bombs and a missile just minutes after his arrival. Carpathia mentioned "the Scandinavian young man" Lars Rahlmost, but he forgot that he had been killed during the onset of the heat plague. Carpathia represents the forces of opposition to this crazy deity. After this, Nicolae was returned to Romania by Satan. Judd Thompson, Jr is a fictional character and one of the four main protagonists in the Left Behind: The Kids series of novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. Leon Fortunato has been described as Nicolae Carpathia's sidekick. The second wife of Rayford Steele, whom married him in Tribulation Force. In contrast to the ineptitude of Hickman, upon hearing the appointment of Akbar, David Hassid feared he would be competent enough to stymie the Tribulation Force. Very quickly, he becomes a believer in Christ, and is spotted by Mac McCullum in the GC shelter right after the Wrath of the Lamb earthquake. He became as a prominent government peacemaker, who led a movement of disarmament. Chloe Steele Williams, daughter of Rayford Steele and wife of Buck Williams, was a former college student. Kat finally goes to talk to Kenny and realizes that he is innocent. Rayford and the other members of the Tribulation Force attempt to convince her that Carpathia is evil, but she refuses to listen. He leads a band of about four men and a woman at the safe house. Afterwards, Judd got off his plane and met up with Bruce Barnes. She is also thrilled to meet Cameron "Buck" Williams, Chloe's husband. Note that this is contrary to real-life Romanian naming conventions; Carpatescu would be a better rendition. All of his family disappeared in the Rapture except Andr, who died after being shot by LeRoy Banks and being caught up in a fire in his apartment complex. Nicolae's Satanist handlers arranged for his mother to be eliminated, and Nicolae himself eventually demanded the dispatch of his "fathers," a key to his rise to power. He was able to implant thoughts in Enoch Litwala's mind so that he would plan a conspiracy with the other subpotentates to kill Peter Mathews. After his death and resurrection, Carpathia proclaims himself God in the desecrated Temple of the Holy of Holies, an act that is considered blasphemous in all three Abrahamic religions. Hassid is killed by two GC MIAs at Petra, before the remnant actually arrives in Petra. Bruce acts as a spiritual mentor and adviser to the Tribulation Force, explaining the foretold prophecies of what is to come in the final days. Nicolae Jetty Carpathia, also known as the Antichrist, is the main antagonist in the Left Behind series. After his death, the Supreme Commander position was dissolved. He is introduced and warmly greeted by Secretary-General Mwangati Ngumo and Chaim Rosenzweig. During the plague of darkness after the Global Community had evacuated New Babylon since it had been crippled by the plague, Carpathia was discussing who is to blame for the failure of the Global Community News Network to retain control over their broadcast from the Tribulation Force's attempts to pirate it. He then kneels before Christ and declares him the Christ after Jesus judged him for all his crimes and sins against humanity and God. After losing some friends in the rapture she began searching but became a fan of Nicolae Carpathia. During his address, Carpathia quickly charms and impresses everybody present with his incredible oratory skills, amazing genius-level intellect and memory, as well as his vast knowledge of the United Nations, its members, history, principal organs, and specialized agencies. Plank resurfaces shortly after the midpoint of the Tribulation, using the alias Pinkerton Stephens, and a believer in Christ. Christopher then boasts anticlimactically to Jesus that the gathering before him were intended to become Jesus' bride but became his "whores and sluts". In Assassins, David introduces her to Mac McCullum and Abdullah Smith, Carpathia's pilots who are also believers. For those murders, Akbar lent Carpathia his side arm when Carpathia vehemently requested it. Tyndale had built an entire warehouse dedicated to storing and shipping copies of Left Behind books. Later, when Carpathia is assassinated by Dr. Rosenzweig and resurrected as prophesied, Fortunato becomes even more important, and is Carpathia's go-to man and second-in-command. [3] He also finances an attempted invasion of Israel which is thwarted by God. The religion lasts for three and a half years before meeting its downfall at the Second Coming of Christ. When the Rapture takes place and his wife and three children are taken to Heaven, Bruce almost falls into depression and total disbelief. 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