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Jeg ved, hvad der er p den anden side. Just have a look - this is me OZ1MAN to the right the strongest european on the twenty meter band - to the left you see my secretary . And with a very large home made power amplifier, I will be at least 100 or 1000 times larger, stronger and louder! Shopping. Hi, I'm Mark Marino founder and creator of Lawn Phix. [], Are you seeing brown spots in irregular circular patterns on your lawn? document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.We only recommend products that we have personally used with great results. YA skazal, chto mogu skazat', vse ateisty - i religiy - etochto oni ne pravy. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The high performance of Sapphire St Augustine grass allows it to handle high-traffic situations. When I went out, and opended the door - there was nobody there. Required fields are marked. Product details St. Augustine sod establishes quickly, easily and looks great! . According to The Lawn Institute, landscaping can increase a home's value by up to20 percent. ;- ************************* r 2012 Jeg var dde otte minutter - indtil en sygeplejerske, Fatima Nunes, Ermidas Sado, Portugal, reddede mitliv. Harmony 500 sq. Efter att jag dog i ambulansen hjrtdd, ingen EKG, inget EEG, inte andas,temporrt hjrndd 8 min vaknade jag p en annan plats. I normally live in Denmark, but sometimes here is so cold - so I go south where the food is so much cheaper, and the weather so much better 1984 was a terrible year. Seville is blue-green with excellent color retention and tolerates water, wind, and drought. This dark-green cultivar grows rapidly in both spring and summer. (Answers to a Blue/Purple Lawn), Spurge vs Purslane Lawn Weeds: Differences and Similarities, Spotty Leopard Print Patterns On Your Grass? Also susceptible to brown patch disease. Schwarz, still, friedlich, schn - dieschnsten schwarzen Farbe, die ich gesehen hatte - es gab nichts als mich oder meine Seele - ich war wie einAstronaut ohne Krper in einem Universum ohne Sterne. It generally requires low maintenance and little water to keep it happy and healthy as well as needing very infrequent fertilization - an all-around winner for busy homeowners! On a hot summer day a lawn will be at least 30 coolerthan asphalt and 14 cooler than bare soil. He just did not come and pick me up . . . ENGLISH: My name is Lars Lennart Fjeldstrom.Welcome to my homepage!I am swedish, I am born in Gothenburg at the west coast of Sweden year 1958.But I lived a couple of decades in Denmark - I moved from Sweden to Denmark year 1987.I have also lived half a year in Morocco, one and a half year in Spain, half a year in Portugal, a year in Norway, a month in Algeria, a month in Italy and so on.And I have also been an international vagabond for some years - I have been to 66 countries and more than two thousand towns and villages - hitchhiking from town to town, from country to country.If you scroll down you can see my cv - for finding a job - written year 2012 when I lived in Portugal, first in portugese - then in english - plus a lot of lincs to my other websites -a list of where I have been - and a history book about my life in swedish.If you clic on SERVICES you have my history book in english - clic on ABOUT US and you find a more complete list of where I have been - and clic on CONTACT and you find my address.Peace and horrors in 2015:Once upon a time I lived in a vale of tears named Denmark.The winter was so cold that you immediately froze to death if one opened the door to the street, and the summer was so wet that not even an octopus could survive half a second in a Danish forest without drowning.Farts from the winos echoed between the walls of the houses, rabid dogs vomited hysterically on the sidewalks and the stench from millions of pig farms did that not even the flies could not breathe.And how did I get there?Why did I stay there?It depends, of course, that Sweden was a thousand times worse!And now - when I got tired of Scandinavia - so, Portugal has suffered a long-bearded immigrants from Northern Ice Hell.Portugal is a thousand times better.Portugal has lots of spot virgin forests, lakes with lots of fish, forests and nature with storks, swallows and woodpeckers - things that became extinct in Scandinavia half a century ago.The weather is like in California, and the food is so cheap that it is almost free - even though it actually tastes good.Nature and food prices is that - so-so about - as in Sweden 50 years ago - before the forest industry and the big bad Inflationary-troll came and destroyed everything.I bite me stuck here in Portugal - poor Portugal has suffered a long-bearded immigrants the poor country never to get rid of with again! EEG 8 . If has high heat tolerance and good resistance to weeds, but it does require a high amount of watering and fertilizer. Depois que morreu na ambulncia corao morto, no ECG, no EEG, no fez respirao,temporariamente morte cerebral 8 min eu acordei em outro lugar. It is a true grass as a member of the Poaceae family. Choose your mower type by your lawn size. In the unlikely event that broadleaf weeds ever become a problem, Bromoxynil and MCPA can spray a Sapphire Buffalo Lawn as it is resistant to these chemicals. This St. Augustine grass variety has good heat and shade tolerance. Originially engineered in the 1930s, the Bitterblue grass is sometimes confused with another variation, Floratam. Attributes Broad blade, dense turf Sunlight 4-6 hours of sun Wear Great for high traffic areas Sapphire St. Augustine is tolerant of drought and heat and thrives in sub-tropical climates. This broad-bladed, medium-green turf grass thrives in sunny locations, but unlike some sun-loving grasses, it also has a high shade tolerance. It's suitable for warmer climates, tolerates shade, drought, salt, and is ideal for coastal regions. Out of stock St. Augustine Scotts ProVista $ 250.00 - $ 345.00 Noir, silencieux, paisible, beau - laplus belle couleur noire que je avais vu - il n'y avait que moi, ou mon me - je tais comme unAstronaute sans corps dans un univers sans toiles. Choosing between the St. Augustine grass varieties is a matter of reviewing what you need the grass to do. Etter at jeg dde i ambulansen hjerte dd, ingen EKG, ingen EEG, gjorde ikke pust,midlertidig hjernedd 8 min Jeg vknet opp p et annet sted. Need Help? We spread love worldwide! Floratam is a vigorous, coarse textured St. Augustine grass variety. The downside of this grass is it is highly susceptible to Brown Patch and during the winter any ounce of extra water will spurn an outbreak of this fungus. Its an ideal ground cover for areas with a lot of foot traffic and as a filler for areas where the soil conditions are not ideal, but it tends to be at its best when it is kept at three inches or higher. WISH ME LUCK! If youre looking for a simple pasture grass, that is, a grass that will be a good ground cover but that doesnt need to be particularly weed resistant, consider choosing Sapphire or Harmony. While many other St. Augustine grass types have a thick, coarse appearance when viewed up close, Bitterblue is finer, solid turf. The texture is finer and denser than other varieties, and it also had a darker blue-green color. New grass growing in shady conditions will grow in thin and spindly, and you won't end up with the thick St. Augustine lawn that you want. ?Fr ngra mnader sedan fick jag ett stort arv.Jag - som alltid varit fattiglapp - var pltsligt miljonr.Nr jag kom till Troms i november var det fullt p alla hotell.Inga lgenheter, och inga hus var till salu.Internationell norrskensfestival - varenda kvadratmeter var fullbokad flera mnader i frvg.Inte en enda taxi inom synhll.Sovscken kndes liksom lite kall.I januari kom jag in p sjukhuset med kallbrand, och fick sgat bort ett par tr.Sen blev det taxiresor mellan Troms och Oslo.En taxi till Oslo - 1200 kilometer och 19 000 kronor - r ju trots allt tolv timmars smn.Det r naturligtvis bara idioter och miljonrer som ker taxi mellan Troms och Oslo varje dag.Jag r inte idiot.En del av mina pengar har jag gett bort till bostadslsa, och resten gick t till taxiresor.Nu r jag pank och fgelfri - och gudskelov s har jag en lgenhet!Money can't buy you love!Och det finns ju fler saker som INTE kan kpas fr pengar - hus och lgnheter, bara fr att ta ett exempel.Och vad gr man nr alla hotell r fulla, och inga hus r till salu?Men vem r idiot, egentligen?Jag eller idioterna i Stortinget?r man idiot om man ker taxi dygnet runt, eller r det bttre att sova utomhus?En lgenhet r faktiskt vrld mycket mer n hela Joakim von And:s penningatank!Pengar, det skiter jag i - ingenting kan ju kpas fr pengar nd!Och allt som r viktigt hr i livet - bostder, krlek, vnskap, humor och intelligens - och vackert vder - kan ju nd inte kpas fr pengar!Om du inte vill tro p min historia, s vill jag grna komma ner och visa mina kontoutskrifter - och mina journaler frn sjukhuset.Det lter lite grann som dum och dummare.Man fr inte vara idiot - fr om man r idiot, s blir man ju statsminister!Historien r SANN - jag kan ltt bevisa alltihop - och historien fr VLDIGT grna publiceras i VIRKELIG.Och - det r inte JAG som r idiot, det r statsminister som har glmt sina hjrnceller hemma i byrldan!MVHLars http://www.fjeldstrom.com ;-****************************** ENGLISH: IF YOU SCROLL DOWN, YOU WILL FIND MY CV - FOR FINDING A JOB - WRITTEN 2012 WHEN I FIRST TIME LIVED IN PORTUGAL PORTUGESE: Meu nome Lars Lennart Fjeldstrom.Eu nasci em Gotemburgo, na Sucia no ano de 1958 - abril - 29.Por educao eu sou uma enfermeira, e um engenheiro eletrnico - Estive oito anos para escolas tcnicas - quatro anos no centro de Gotemburgo Collage Polhem e quatro anos na escola tcnica em Viborg, a antiga capital da Dinamarca.Eu trabalhei muitos anos na agricultura - um engenheiro um nada-maker, engenheiros eletrnicos muitos foram educados - e eu tenho trabalhado em restaurangs, hospitais, como eletricista, em fbricas de mveis e de navios de pesca na Escandinvia, e eu tenho tambm trabalhou em fazendas na Espanha, Itlia, Marrocos e Arglia.Eu larguei meu apartamento em Dinamarca, Escandinvia e no tenho nenhuma inteno de modo que nunca para retornar - frio demais maldito l em cima!Ento - na verdade - eu planejei para ficar aqui em Portugal para sempre.E eu preciso encontrar um trabalho - um trabalho - qualquer tipo de trabalho - o mais rpido possvel.Os primeiros trs meses - de 1 de Maro, 1 de abril e 1 de maio eu vou ganhar algum dinheiro pequeno social do Estado dinamarqus - cerca de 500 euros por ms - mas pode depois eu vou ser tudo por minha conta, e minha nica possibilidade de encontrar dinheiro e comida vai ser para trabalhar.Qualquer tipo de trabalho vai ficar bem.Eu posso falar sueco, noruegus, dinamarqus, Ingls, alemo, russo, espanhol e rabe - mas no portugus.Mas eu vou aprender rapidamente portugus - a maioria das palavras so as mesmas que em espanhol, e eu entendo cerca de metade do que quando as pessoas falam - e mais do que quando eu li nos jornais portugueses.Eu tenho uma carta de conduo - para carros de at trs toneladas e meia de peso - e eu sou solteiro.Ou - por definio - Sou divorciada, tenho sido casada oito vezes - uma vez que na Sucia, uma vez que em Marrocos e seis vezes na Dinamarca - mas eu estou solteira novamente e no ter um governo esposa para pensar - assim Eu posso trabalhar qualquer tipo de horrios de trabalho em qualquer lugar.Portugal - com certeza - um pequeno paraso com comida barata e clima magnfico, e eu fiz a minha mente - Eu vou ficar aqui para sempre!Agora eu s tenho um quarto de hotel - o meu endereo atual :***Lars Lennart FjeldstromQuatro De Hotel n 2, Hotel Rua 8 n 11, 7565-228 Ermidas SadoSantiago Do CacemSetbal, Baixo Alentejo, ExtremaduraPORTUGAL***Espero que algum vai empregar-me o mais rpido possvel - Estou absolutamente de querer encontrar um emprego, um lar e um futuro maravilhoso, aqui em Portugal!Para mais informaes sobre mim e minha vida - por favor, ver a minha home page ou site que pode ser encontrada emhttp://www.fjeldstrom.comvoc pode usarhttp://www.google.com/translatepara obt-lo em portugus ou lngua quase nenhum.Muito obrigado antecipadamente!O meu pas de nascimento og - Sucia um pequeno pas da Escandinvia, no norte da Alemanha um membro da Unio Europeia - ento eu tenho os mesmos direitos aqui como um cidado portugus porque a minha cidadania sueco.Muitos cumprimentos amigveis ? It has a darker blue-green hue than most St. Augustine. Again - five minutes later - again, the ghost knocked on my door. Bitterblue differs in appearance from other types of St. Augustine grass, which only helps with its appeal. Soil pH: 5.0 to 8.5. Its robust, develops rapid ground cover, and has superior light.4. CitraBlue St. Augustine was developed by the University of Florida as a type of grass that would have resistance to gray leaf spot, weeds, and root rot. It will first go off-color (e.g., the lower layer will maintain being green while the top leaves will be brown from the damage of frost) before it falls into total dormancy. Palmetto St. Augustine is the most sold patented turfgrass in the world with more than 1 Billion square feet sold My assumption of this is because of how often homeowners have to re-sod their lawn because of how poor this grass does vs fungus. Jag var dr, de varinte - de kan bara vet det frn Gud - dessa killar r rtt, och frn och med nu r jag en mormon.http://countrypage.lds.org/cp HUVUDSAKLIGhttp://countrypage.lds.orgENGELSKAhttps://www.lds.org/?lang=engMORMONS BOKhttps://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm?lang=eng ************************* NORWEGIAN: Mitt navn er Lars Lennart Fjeldstrom.Velkommen til min hjemmeside!Jeg er svensk, jeg er fdt i Gteborg p vestkysten avSverige i r 1958.Men jeg bor i Danmark - Jeg flyttet fra Sverige tilDanmark ret 1987.Jeg har ogs bodd et halvt r i Marokko, ett og et halvtr i Spania, et halvt r i Portugal, et r i Norge, enmned i Algerie, en mned i Italia og s videre.Og jeg har ogs vrt en internasjonal vagabond for noenr - jeg har vrt til 66 land og mer enn to tusen byer oglandsbyer - hitchhiking fra by til by, fra land til land.Hvis du blar nedover kan du se min cv - for finne enjobb - skriftlig r 2012 da jeg bodde i Portugal, frst iportugisisk - s i engelsk - pluss en masse lincs tilmine andre nettsteder -en liste over hvor jeg har vrt - og en historie bok omlivet mitt p svensk.Hvis du clic p tjenestene du har min historie bok pengelsk - clic p OM OSS og du finner en mer komplettliste over hvor jeg har vrt - og clic p kontakt ogfinne deg adressen min.Fred og grusomheter i 2015:Det var en gang jeg bodde i en jammerdal heter Danmark.Vinteren var s kaldt at du umiddelbart frs i hjel hvis man pnet dren til gaten, og sommeren var s vt at selv en blekksprut ikke kunne overleve et halvt sekund i en dansk skog uten drukne.Alkoholholdig The fjert ekko mellom veggene i husene, rabiate hunder spydde hysterisk p fortauene og stanken fra millioner av gris grder gjorde at ikke engang fluene kunne ikke puste.Og hvordan gjorde jeg kommer dit?Hvorfor skulle jeg bo der?Det avhenger selvsagt at Sverige var tusen ganger verre!Og n - nr jeg ble lei av Skandinavia - s, Portugal har lidd en lang skjeggete innvandrere fra Nord-Ice Hell.Portugal er tusen ganger bedre.Portugal har mange stikk urskog, innsjer med mye fisk, skog og natur med storker, svaler og hakkespetter - ting som ble utryddet i Skandinavia et halvt rhundre siden.Vret er som i California, og maten er s billig at det er nesten gratis - selv om det faktisk smaker godt.Natur og matvareprisene er det - s som s om - som i Sverige for 50 r siden - fr skogindustrien og den store stygge Inflasjons-troll kom og dela alt.Jeg biter meg fast her i Portugal - drlig Portugal har lidd en lang skjeggete innvandrere fattige land aldri bli kvitt med en gang! , easily and looks great spots in irregular circular patterns on your Lawn a matter reviewing! 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