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which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis which of the following is an explanatory hypothesisead>
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which of the following is an explanatory hypothesiseader>

To say that an explanation or an outcome is not falsifiable is to say that any observation at all is consistent with the explanation. Newtons account of celestial mechanics is correct and applies to the motion of comets. a. as a circle The survivors were the finches with beaks closest to either of the two extremesa demonstration of how competition eliminates intermediate beaks and forces each species to specialize in seeds of one size. But it turned out that concrete was available only when mild weather had been predicted. WebQuestion: Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? The deception explanation should often be considered, but it is subject to the same high standards that apply to any other explanatory argument. It is conducted to have a better understanding of the existing problem, but will not provide conclusive results. Sample exercise. One other possible explanation is that as the pulsar spins it might be wobbling due to some strange effect in the inside of the star, though such an effect is not understood and has never been observed before. Treatment: in a research study, any condition applied to subjects - those in the treatment group - that is not applied to subjects in a control group. The scolding and praise are no better than a fifth wheel in the argument, since the outcome is highly probable anyway. WebQuestion: Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? He argued that, by super-cooling the stomach, acid production was reduced and the ulcer relieved. During an episode of wheezing, they found that the vocal cords, which are located in the airway leading to the lungs, formed almost a complete barricade across the passage. And in the larger world, organisms themselves are organized into many levels: populations, communities, and ecosystems within the biosphere. Prepare a cost of production report, using the average cost method. And what is the prior probability of the skill explanation? In 1695, Edmund Halley began to ponder whether Newtons account of celestial mechanics was correct and, in particular, whether it applied to the motion of comets. Exploratory research is defined as a research used to investigate a problem which is not clearly defined. Which of the following has scientific investigation shown to be LEAST reliable in criminal prosecutions? Concrete, according to the campus architect, was poured whenever the schedule required and the necessary materials were available. And by using a double blind test, the alternative is ruled out that the data were being interpreted differently for each group. Favor outcomes that would falsify alternative explanations. There we have the marine. . her own conscious experience. C. It's correlated, but not causal. Simplicity contributes to epistemic probability, so ask whether the explanation is sufficiently simple. a. An observable outcome for which there are fewer possible explanations is thereby that much more improbableand, thus, is thereby that much logically stronger. Sample exercise. That smacked of the sea. Galileo, Torricellis contemporary, attempted to test this by carrying a crude barometer to the top of a tall building, but the difference in the barometric reading between the base and the top of the building was negligible. It is not offered as a reason to believe that the water boiled quickly. When people insist that they have no repressed memories, then, Freud considers this to be evidence for the presence of resistance, which is itself evidence for the existence of repression. Now its been discovered that the icebergs are broken pieces of huge ice shelves that are hundreds of years old, according to a study reported in the, Death and disaster provide a convincing argument that, contrary to the persistent notion, women are not the weaker sex. Ban alcoholic beverages at sporting events. Instructors found that when a student pilot was scolded for a poor landing, the student usually did better the next time. But when, having slept in the car, your friend says, This water boiled quickly, so we must be well above sea level, this is offered as a reason to believe that we are well above sea level. When it did come true, it was often counted as reason to believe that the oracle had special powers. Astrology is reliable. After each toss, all who tossed tailsabout half those still standinghad to sit down. Perier stopped and measured the barometer from time to time as he scaled the mountain, with results that were widely taken as impressive proof of Torricellis hypothesis. d. Frustration produces physical but not psychological aggression. Explanatory Impotence Explanatory impotence is the opposite of explanatory power. Specialists found the cause by taking motion pictures of the patients vocal cords during an attack and during a normal period. WebExploratory research: Definition. It must be emphatically added that the world is in many ways mysterious, and that science can be mistaken, and often is. A theory has been extensively tested and is generally accepted among a set of scholars; a hypothesis is a speculative guess that has yet to be tested. To put it more generally, to say that an explanation or an outcome is unfalsifiable is to say that any observation at all is consistent with the explanation. A theory with great explanatory power makes few assumptions, has significant predictive power and helps to reduce uncertainty in a precise and accurate way. c. as either reactive or instrumental The plumber couldve called the man or sent a note (enclosed, perhaps, with his bill) to straighten things out, but wrote Dear Abby where there was a good chance it wouldnt be published or the man wouldnt read it; how often does a well-intentioned person take such an ineffective action to right a wrong? A theory has been extensively tested and is generally accepted among a set of scholars; a hypothesis is a speculative guess that has yet to be tested. Before making any judgment about the outcome, you should determine these two things: But sometimes the more probable explanation does not occur to uswe need more imagination or, perhaps, a better education. For the Greek might count anything as grave misfortune, from a financial reversal to the death of an aged parent. Add a moving part to the machine, and the probability that every part will work drops dramatically. The following are illustrative examples of explanatory power. The first premise states that the theory, or the explanation, really does enable you to predict the facts, or the observable outcome. e. They were born with an aggressive urge, e. They were born with an aggressive urge, Research on game reasoning (also called bracketed morality) has shown that Also termed the data, the prediction, or the facts. An explanationalso termed a theory or an explanatory hypothesisis, for our purposes, loosely defined as a statement that enables us both to predict and to better understand the cause of that which it explains. Thus, the prior probability of beating the market in a single year is roughly .50. When you cannot think of another explanation, it can be tempting to accept an explanatory argument even when the prior probability of the explanation is exceedingly low. her own conscious experience. We make our observations when we can and we fashion our explanations when they occur to us, and the same principles of evaluation apply regardless of which comes first. Newtons theories, for example, while applied here to Halleys comet, actually cover the motion of all objects at all times. Explanatory/ Causal /Bivariate Hypothesis. It was all those asthma medications that I didnt need, she said. A general, fact-based understanding of the basics of biology and other sciences, the scientific method, and the social, political, and legal implications of scientific information. Which of the following shows the correct order for a scientific explanation? a. assertive behavior. If the comet had been expected anyway, why should its appearance point toward Newtonian mechanics as opposed to whatever was the already accepted explanation? Devise a testable prediction. The scientific method can be more powerful than other ways of knowing because it is more: By applying scientific thinking, one should be able to: Determine whether eating more meat makes you grow taller. General explanationssuch as Newtonian mechanics applies to the motion of celestial bodies or Vitamin C helps prevent coldsdo not lend themselves to the question about comparative frequencies because they are general. A. a person's unconscious. For general explanations, the simplest one normally predicts the smoothest curve. Never have. Alternative explanation that already exists. He had a maritime tattoo, a military carriage, regulation side-whiskers, and an air of command. The experimental subjects do not know which (if any) treatment they are receiving. Exploratory research is defined as a research used to investigate a problem which is not clearly defined. Sample exercise. But where either species lived by itself on an island, it developed a beak in between these two extremes. c. with the intent to harm psychologically. Sample answer. In the steps of the scientific method, what is the process where a scientist writes down tentative explanations or statements about what he/she expects might happen under certain conditions? Hypotheses are guesses; theories are correct answers. Again, if you include the observations actually made in December of 1758, the probability would be very highthey saw it! The empirical method of study is based on ________. Slightly less oxygen means that we get tired a little sooner; slightly worn brakes stop the car a little more slowly; slightly less sunlight means the plant grows a little shorter. First, its conclusionthat we are above sea levelis an explanation. hypothesis? Why? C. It's WebIntrospection refers to a process by which someone examines ________ as objectively as possible. Is the if-clause offered as superior to alternative explanations of the then-clause? The comet argument can be clarified as follows: The correct form for an explanatory argument should look familiarit is also the form of the fallacy of affirming the consequent, introduced in Chapter 11. b. behavior directed toward the goal of harming a person who is motivated to avoid such treatment Vitamin C is an antioxidant, but exactly how does that connect with the bodys immunity to the cold virus?). d. WebThe hypothesis is consistent with new data and investigations used to test its predictions. My evidence? It will be proven when I get some sort of raise in the next few years. If you find a dead body, for example, with assorted fingerprints on the candlestick, you are beginning with the observable outcome; only later does the detective invent the explanation that the butler did it. We typically favor the explanations with the highest prior probability. At any given time, each pilot has achieved a certain level of competencecall it the pilots current mean level of competence. If I were trying to give you a better causal understanding of it, you would probably expect me to tell you something about the chain of eventsthe family history or career decisionsthat led him to Illinois. Several other terms account for roughly the same thing. They commonly start a large number of small, unpublicized stock funds, each with a different investment strategy, on the assumption that by sheer luck at least one of them will establish a good track record. The funds that fail are closed, and the manager of the one that succeeds is advertised widely. b. c. reactive versus hostile After much research, he found that comets with similar orbits had also been observed in 1530 and in 1606. And so I do. D. It excludes the presumption of It takes the same form as the fallacy of affirming the consequent, but the two are easy to distinguish; an explanatory argument, unlike the deductive fallacy, depends not only on form, but also on the total evidence, for logical support. A(n) ________ is a chamber that isolates the subject from the external environment. Is there no other explanation of the outcome that already exists? The term prior, in this case, means that the probability calculation must be done prior to your making any judgment about the explanation itself and prior to your making any observations pertinent to the observable outcome. . The observable outcomealso termed the data, the prediction, or the factsfollows from the explanation and can in a certain way, at a certain time, and under certain conditions, be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. b. athletes view aggressive acts as more appropriate in society than in the sport environment It makes no statement with respect to causation. c. It must be directed toward a human being. Write an expression for the general or nth term, an,a_{n},an, for the geometric sequence. WebThe explanatory hypothesis is the heart of the case formulation. Hypotheses are guesses; theories are correct answers. A statement that enables us both to predict and to better understand the cause of that which it explains. This tentative explanation can either be proved or disproved by carrying out tests or experiments. A Guide to Good Reasoning: Cultivating Intellectual Virtues, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, The Total Evidence Condition (1): the Improbability of the Outcome, The Total Evidence Condition (2): the Probability of the Explanation, [If we are well above sea level, then water boils quickly.]. Punishing student pilots when they perform poorly is followed by improved performance more often than rewarding them when they perform well. Explanation: Simone is a code word. But this does not make the special-powers explanation more probable than the deception explanation; it simply enlarges the deception. I recently organized a small test of this hypothesis. Which of the following statements best distinguishes hypotheses from theories in science? The work is being done by whatever independent reason we already have for expecting the outcome to occur. Average people will harm others if told to do so by an authority figure. Unfortunately, there is no formula for calculating the prior probability of the observable outcome. To illustrate how this strategy is related to the prior epistemic probability of the outcome, suppose I propose the following fanciful explanation: I am bewitched, so that gravity has no affect on me whatsoever; the only reason I am able to walk around on the ground is because of magical shoes that counteract the bewitchment when I wear them. There are two types of hypothesis. This argument would have the same form as the first one, differing only in the nature of the observable outcome. Some historians mark this as the day of the final triumph of the Newtonian over the Cartesian theoretical tradition. I thought somebody must be barbecuing. If comets were common in December, then the premises of the argument would have still been true, but they would have given us no good reason to believe the conclusion. d. causing mental or physical harm to another person regardless of the intent of the act - Tend to be broad. They took me off all of them and since then Ive had no attacks. The researchers also monitored a drought that killed off 85 percent of the finches on an island one year. Another good way to check for an improbable outcome is to ask this: Does another explanation for this outcome already exist? Which aspect of the scientific method occurs first? It is easy to invent a convenient explanation for data you already have, but then to disregard failure to fully satisfy the total evidence condition. An experiment that makes it possible to determine decisively between alternative hypotheses. Lack suggested that a finch species alone on an island evolved an intermediate beak for eating seeds of various sizes. e. modeling, c. an interaction of situations and personal beliefs, The general aggression model proposes that when aggression occurs, it will be It describes why the individual is having problems. But if Halley was right about Newtons views, there would be detectable regularitiescertain comets would be found to follow fixed elliptical orbits around the sun. Empirical knowledge is knowledge that is based on experience and observation. Ideally, the explanation contains a cohesive and cogent understanding of the origins of the problems, the conditions that perpetuate them, the obstacles interfering with their solution, and the resources available to address them. Which of the following statements is true of an explanatory d. Let athletes decide on what punishments fit different aggressive and violent behaviors. A) experiential method B) scientific method C) intuitive process D) strategic management process E) account planning philosophy B) scientific method c. Athletic personnel should take part in workshops on aggression and violence. D. It excludes the presumption of causation. This closure did not occur during a normal period. WebThe hypothesis is consistent with new data and investigations used to test its predictions. A colleague visited several Washington-area bookstores and slipped a small note into about 70 books . Muluple Choice Young women purchase fewer meats than women who are 35 years of age or older. Freud argued that repression and resistance are two important mechanisms of our minds. Examine the list of all known species of birds and determine if any cannot fly. But the editors at. Healthy people who rate their health as poor know enough about their health to know that they are not as healthy as healthy people who rate their health as excellent. Given that they are elderly and in the low end of the healthy group, they will die sooner. Thousands of lives are going to be wrecked over this. At least one source of income was going to be wrecked. I knew you came from Afghanistan. c. with the intent to harm psychologically. d. fans become more aggressive under the influence of alcohol Muluple Choice Young women purchase fewer meats than women who are 35 years of age or older. The following are illustrative examples of explanatory power. a. with the intent to harm physically. Thirty of the 40 who died were men and, says Grayson, most of the male deaths occurred before that of a single woman. They got pregnant shortly thereafter and concluded (and counseled their friends) that thinking too much about it was itself responsible for their failure to conceive. Researchers found that during a three-year period, the percentage of tickets, compared to simple warnings, was considerably higher during the night shift: more than 71 percent of the drivers stopped at night got tickets, compared with 58 percent of those stopped during the day (the others got warnings). . It makes no statement with respect to causation. sentence with an appropriate personal pronoun. It is doubtful that more than 1 in 30 is able to win five years in a row on the basis of skillthat is, the probability of succeeding for five years by skill is probably no better than the probability of doing it by chance. When your entire family is wiped out in a car crash, that is support for Romans 8:28 tooafter all, they are in heaven and you are going to have your character strengthened, so it is good. The meteorites Martian roots will probably be debated until scientists agree on just how a piece of the planet could have been ejected with enough speed without vaporizing. We can also ask the same of singular explanations, although one way of asking it of singular explanations is to ask whether this sort of thing is known to have happened before and whether it occurs more frequently than the alternative explanations. He has just come from the tropics, for his face is dark, and that is not the natural tint of his skin, for his wrists are fair. Webe. The more surprising the outcome would be, the lower the prior probability and the stronger the logic of the argument. Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? It includes the presumption of causation. This point can be broadened: vague statements, in general, are more likely to be true than precise ones. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Falsifiability applies when there is some possible observable outcome of the theory that could prove the explanation to be false. All of these. I presume: 1. When an explanations prior probability is extremely low, another alternative explanation is deception. Several of the younger trees by Beaver Creek stream are now nothing more than two-foot posts sticking out of the ground; the treetops are nowhere around, and the top of each stump comes to a curious point. Admit it. d. a and c Teacher to student: I never received your research paper. This is an important source of the comet arguments logical strength. She is a ________. I was being more careful about my health because I was engaged in the experiment. Scientists rejected Newton, they rejected continental drift, they rejected meteorites, and they were wrong! Halleys job would have been much easier if, instead of predicting a comet precisely in December 1758, he had made the following vague prediction: At least one comet will appear somewhere in the sky at some time in the future. 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which of the following is an explanatory hypothesistml>