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Satan knows all this and end-time prophecy underscores the attempts by Satan to eliminate Israel: the dragon (Satan) persecuted the woman (Israel) who gave birth to the male child (Christ) (Rev 12.13), This hatred was evident in the holocaust and subsequent wars against Israel, and culminates in all nations turning against Israel at Armageddon (Zech 14.2, Rev 16.16). So the restoration of Israel will be a sign or witness to the nations that the God of Israel, the God of the Bible, the only true God, loves mankind. A glance at a map shows that Moscow and the associated western and southern military districts are directly north of the Black Sea. These are some of Israel's future invaders, Turkey will take part in a war against Israel, Some see Russia leading an Arab war against Israel, Israel's invaders will be destroyed on the mountains of Israel. Maybe not. Heres what the Bible says about this amazing promise: In Revelation 21: 1-7, we read about Johns vision: Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. Surprisingly, in contrast to prophecy, Israel also has a working relationship with Russia, link! And to this day it is said, On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided., The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time and said, I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Van Duzer, Chet. According to Islamic ideology, once Islam conquers a territory it is to remain under Islamic dominion forever, and Islam is humiliated when such territories are lost to infidels, link. [1] The meaning of the name Gog remains uncertain, and in any case, the author of the Ezekiel prophecy seems to attach no particular importance to it. The oldest manuscript is recension . For this reason, in 2014 the Chief Rabbinate of Israel urged the public to begin saying a special prayer daily to ask God to bless Israel with abundant rain (enlarge image). function googleTranslateElementInit() { So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. Twentieth-century scholars have used the term to denote the eschaton in a malleable sense, not necessarily meaning final days, or tied to the Apocalypse. It is interesting that NASA scientists predict that, eventually, the sun will expand to become a red giant and burn up the solar system, including earth, link. The Tartar Relation, an obscure account of Friar Carpini's 1240s journey to Mongolia, is unique in alleging that these Caspian Mountains in Mongolia, "where the Jews called Gog and Magog by their fellow countrymen are said to have been shut in by Alexander", were moreover purported by the Tartars to be magnetic, causing all iron equipment and weapons to fly off toward the mountains on approach. It is widely known that there are some 100 mud volcanoes under the Black Sea and these are continuously releasing methane gas, link, link. In Genesis chapter 1 we read that God made mankind male and female and blessed them to be fruitful and multiply. The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush. Boycotts are social protests with the aim of changing Israeli government policy through economic damage. He sums it up like this: 1 Corinthians 15.53 Some accounts and maps began to place the "Caspian Mountains", and Gog and Magog, just outside the Great Wall of China. The facts show that Israels role in Arab-Israeli conflicts has always been defensive in response to Arab aggression. 14Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them. And many authorities add that Meshech and Tubal are the names of the Scythian tribes, whose names have been standardized as modern place names. [d][16] A later corrupted folk rendition in print altered the tradition around Gogmagog and Corineus with two giants Gog and Magog, with whom the Guildhall statues came to be identified. I used to believe that Gog and Magog which invades Israel as depicted in Ezekiel chapter 38 is Russia. Moscow. (Isa 17.1). In the succeeding Millennial Age on earth, Israels borders will be firmly established by the God of Israel. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. Whilst the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) must play a part in the war, prophecy implies that they receive supernatural help. On the other hand, Malachi 4.1-3 and Zechariah 14.12 appear to describe how the invaders in the final conflicts will perish, and may be references to nuclear war and the use of neutron bombs respectively. He wrote in the 8th Psalm: When I consider your heavens,the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars,which you have set in place,what is mankind that you are mindful of them,human beings that you care for them?. Ancient Israels eastern border went down along the Jordan, ending at the Salt Sea (Num 34.12). They are of course the twelve tribes descended from Jacob (whose name was changed by God to Israel). It is up to the Palestinians to maintain water networks, utilize wastewater, improve existing supplies and drill new wells. In 2012, per capita water use was 150 MCM (million cubic meters) for Israelis and 140 MCM for Palestinians. NO! Today we see the return of the Jews back to their God-given homeland (Canaan). The Gog Magog Hills are a range of low chalk hills, extending for several miles to the southeast of Cambridge in England.The highest points are situated either side of the A1307 Babraham Road, and are marked on Ordnance Survey 1:25000 maps as "Telegraph Clump" at 75 m (246 ft), Little Trees Hill and Wandlebury Hill, both at 74 m (243 ft). The Jewish contribution to finance, science, the arts, academia, commerce and industry, literature, philanthropy and politics has been astonishing relative to their tiny numbers. Website by Stormhill Media, Map of Gog and Magog. But God has compassion on His people (Deut 30.3-5) and promised that He would bring them back from the nations and place them back in their own land: And (the Lord) will lift up a standard for the nations, and assemble the banished ones of Israel, and will gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth (Isa 11.12) Defeat comes through fire and brimstone similar to that which destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Ezek 38.22,23), and possibly via extreme snowfall (Job 38.22,23). Sadly, this legal fact is often ignored by the UN. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. From human cells to the earth and the starry heavens all were made through Jesus (John chapter 1). Given these historic and certain future events, we can see that the various claims on Jerusalem are actually the outworking of a spiritual battle over Jerusalem, a battle between truth and error, between the God of Israel and spiritual forces of darkness. And of course Turkey is indeed north of Israel, as required by the prophecy in Ezekiel 38.6. It is an agreement with promises of delivery, but also with stipulations and penalty clauses. Well, these are all Islamic countries with Hamas (Gaza) and Hezbollah (Lebanon) vehemently opposed to Israel. Gagmagog was also a legendary giant who appears in British folklore . God said to him: Then God said, Take your son, your only son, whom you loveIsaacand go to the region of Moriah. [p][98] In the verse Roman d'Alexandre, Branch III, of Lambert le Tort (c. 1170), Gog and Magog ("Gos et Margos", "Got et Margot") were vassals to Porus, king of India, providing an auxiliary force of 400,000 men. We all need to go back and read the One True Book, The Holy Bible, and open your eyes & ears WIDE, so we may hear and see what is Godly vs the ungodly in this world that we live in. 1 Chronicles 5:4. Gog and Magog appear in Ezekiel 3839 and in Revelation 20:7-8. antisemitism in Gentile nations (Ezek 38.8, 39.26). This spirit of hatred against the Jews exists today and Irans leaders insist that Israel must be wiped off the map as foretold in Psalm 83 verse 4. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. Israels climate change is certain since her God is faithful to His promises. In Henricus Martelluss World Map at Yale (c. 1491), pp. The city here is the New Jerusalem described symbolically in Revelation 21. Currently, Israel has strong support from some western NGOs like Freedom House. Badsey, S. Nicolle, D, Turnbull, S (1999). The timing is not clear in scripture but it is generally taken to occur before Armageddon. Nothing has changed, and today Islamic leaders proudly boast of their coming destruction of the Jewish nation, Israel. Removing the Jews from the land they occupied in 1948 is an immutable principle, because it appears in the Book of Allah. These wars will directly glorify the God of Israel as He openly defeats the attacking forces. Last edited on 26 February 2023, at 07:26, "Version anglo-normande en vers de l'Apocalypse", "The Commentary of Rashi on Isaiah and the Jewish-Christian Debate", "Iskandar Oversees the Building of the Wall", "Story of Ya'juj and Ma'juj (Gog and Magog) form The Quran Link To Islam", "Review of Alexander's Gate, Gog and Magog, and the Inclosed Nations", "From Alexander to Marco Polo, from Text to Image: The Marvels of India", "Take the World by Prose: Modes of Possession in the, "Text, Image and Contradiction in the Devisement du monde", "The Gog and Magog Tradition in Revelation 20:8", "Typological Problems in Medieval Alexander Literature: The Enclosure of Gog and Magog", "A Christian Legend concerning Alexander", "Observations and Beliefs: The World of the Catalan Atlas", "Ch. The invasion is sometimes referred to as the Gog-Magog war since it is led by Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal from out of the far north (Ezek 38.2,15). They are arranged as follows: Ezekiel 38:1-13 - The Lord's anger with Gog and his armies for their attack on Israel during the Millennium. But the concept and promise is there (and the caveat is there too)! More . In his first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 15 verses 50-54, Paulwrote: What I mean, friends, is that what is made of flesh and blood cannot share in Gods Kingdom, and what is mortal cannot possess immortality. The Holy Sprit will reveal to the Church who he is, and than maybe the rapture. Contents 1 The Biblical Gog and Magog Heaven is Gods throne and earth is meant for man. The invader says: I will go up against the land of unwalled villages. In fact, during the Millennial Age God actually comes to dwell with Israel and the nations through Jesus the Messiah at Jerusalem: Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion! Israel is a light to the nations (Isa 49.6). Did you see Gods caveat? We also see Gods amazing protection (as in the 6-day war), and God building a numerous people as in the birth of numerous sons and daughters. And when Jesus came He wept for His people for He knew they were going to suffer and be dispersed amongst the nations. Both Jerome and Josephus claimed that Magog is a general designation for the many Scythian tribes of the north, whilst Philo (1st century) identifies Magog with the southern Russia area, link. The sons of Joel were Shemaiah his son, Gog his son, Shimei his son, Ezekiel 38:2-11. This is the so-called millennial age on earth, when the whole world is at peace and nations are at peace with Israel. Psalm 83 adds more Islamic groups based in Gaza, Lebanon, and possibly northern Iraq (Assyria). The significant point here is that historians link the Scythian peoples to Magog. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element'); They are also defeated by extreme weather: With pestilence and with blood I will enter into judgment with him; and I will rain on him and on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, a torrential rain, with hailstones, fire and brimstone. But it is not just creation alone which groans; we who have the Spirit as the first of Gods gifts also groan within ourselves as we wait for God to make us his children and set our whole being free. [102][103][104] In the 13th-century French Roman d'Alexandre en prose, Alexander has an encounter with cannibals who have taken over the role of Gog and Magog. But it does explain everyday experience. Note the change in loyalties. We will fight them wherever we can on the ground, underground, and if we have airplanes, we will fight them from the skies. Desertech, the annual agricultural expo for Arava agriculture. The countries involved appear to be mainly the Islamic nations surrounding Israel, possibly led by Iran and Russia. [15], The Biblical "Gog and Magog" possibly gave derivation of the name Gogmagog, a legendary British giant. In fact, the spiritual aggression shown to Israel (and to the true followers of Christ) will intensify towards the end of this age (Rev 12.13-17). Certainly, the evidence to date is that each time Arab nations attack Israel, they are defeated and their end-state seems worse than their first. Source of map image showing ancient Magog, Meshech, Put, Cush, Persia: SignPosts of the Times, Iranian leaders: credit: SS&SS / Foter / CC BY-NC, Russian soldiers: credit: Bohan Shen_ / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA, Turkish troops: credit: PH1 Timm Duckworth, USN. But International law firmly states that Israel is not in occupation, link. [81], In the Syriac Alexander Legend dating to 629630, Gog (Syriac: , gwg) and Magog (Syriac: , mgwg) appear as kings of Hunnish nations. Put simply, todays church is often blind to her Jewish roots. The area as a whole is undefined but is roughly the . Under President Ergodan, Turkey now has a powerful President who is sympathetic to Egypts suppressed Muslim Brotherhood, link. The conflation of Gog and Magog with the legend of Alexander and the Iron Gates was disseminated throughout the Near East in the early centuries of the Christian and Islamic era. After all, Israel is just some 8 million people living on land the size of Wales! "Russia will join China in the war" Rabbi Asor added. Thank you for stating true biblical facts regarding the Nation of Israel and Gods protection and guidance of His Chosen Nation and people! He refers to Gog of the land of Magog and so some refer to this as the gog-magog war. [31], The Book of Jubilees, from about the same time, makes three references to either Gog or Magog: in the first, Magog is a descendant of Noah, as in Genesis 10; in the second, Gog is a region next to Japheth's borders; and in the third, a portion of Japheth's land is assigned to Magog. Lets read some of the fine print in the contract. So the invasion probably occurs around the time of the rapture of the true church, either a few years before or a few years after the rapture. Whilst involving the whole world, it is essentially a time of suffering for those Jews who have returned to the Promised Land. When it comes to Israel and Jordan, these nations are currently tethered by a peace treaty but the current cold peace could easily turn into a deep freeze, link. This instruction is timeless and applies to Palestinian Arabs today. NO: The Palestinian refugee problem was created by a sudden invasion of five Arab armies in response to the declaration of the State of Israel in May 1948. This is a popular belief taught by famous evangelists and Bible teachers such as Chuck Missler. She has to preach the good news (the Gospel). So some Bible scholars associate Rosh with Russia, link, link. Psalm 83 speaks of an alliance of invading nations, a mainly Arab-Islamic alliance. The puzzle of Israels role in the world is being assembled, and some of the pieces involve war. Since Jesus is soon to return (He will be seen with the clouds Revelation 1.7), this last book is essentially an end time message. While these two passages use the same names, a close study of Scripture clearly demonstrates they do not refer to the same people and events. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son., Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ramcaught by its horns. All over Israel, people now recite this prayer. 2 Thes 2 speaks of the end times and our gathering together unto him and what must happen first: the falling away of many from the true Christ, and the revealing of the antichrist. For the Gog and Magog statues in London, see. In fact, Israel becomes the focus of world attention as she once more takes up her role as God's witness to the nations (Isa 43.1,10 and 2 Sam 7.23), link. History shows that both houses rebelled against God, and despite warnings from the prophets, both houses were eventually removed from their Promised Land. 6You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. There will also be a great earthquake in Israel (Ezek 38.19). The nation of Iran was called Persia, its biblical name, until 1935. Lawson, M K (2004). Jesus gives a warning: Revelation 22.15 In 1967 the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon (and later Iraq) attacked Israel, but were defeated in just six days despite the huge Arab superiority in armour, aircraft and troops. Put another way, here Paul is saying that the inspired Hebrew scriptures of the Jews are the very words of God! Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. The problem however, is that as popular as this "Magog = Russia" notion is, the consensus of actual biblical scholarship has long rejected such an idea. Magog (/ m e /; Hebrew: ; Greek: ) is the second of the seven sons of Japheth mentioned in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10.. Gebal and Tyre), Syria is not specifically mentioned in Psalm 83, or in Ezekiel 38. The Green Line is not therefore Israels legal border, link, and all of western Palestine, from the Jordan to the Mediterranean remains legally open to Jewish settlement under the original 1922 Mandate. Whilst western nations led by the US and the UN favour the two-state approach, it is NOT the solution favored by the Palestinian Authority, Hamas or the Palestinian people! When the whole world is being assembled, and possibly northern Iraq ( Assyria ) the countries involved appear be! You go out, pp came He wept for his people for He knew they were to... To be mainly the Islamic nations surrounding Israel, as required by the.... Countries with Hamas ( Gaza ) and Hezbollah ( Lebanon ) vehemently opposed to Israel ) Jewish,! A glance at a Map shows that Moscow and the associated western and southern districts! Russia will join China in the contract at peace and nations are at peace and nations are peace. Of an alliance of invading nations, a legendary British giant occupied 1948! 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