Thanks to the military duchess and Subaru's interest in military history (not a canon thing I think) everyone just agrees to view how warfare is waged on the land. There are appearances from our favorite characters from Re Zero, but this story heavily focuses on Tanya and her experiences. In the first one Emilia gets summoned after arc 4 happens while in the second one, instead of Subaru getting summoned to the Re:Zero world, it's Emilia who gets summoned to his world. Mas no se preocupem, no foi nada grave. Save Scumming? While he will receive aid from Nazarick, Subaru will not become overpowered. It is an incredibly popular series with a massive following around the world. Quando ele olhou para todos os seus lados ele viu que estava em um lugar desconhecido com aparncia medieval europeia e com estranhas criaturas parecidas com animais, porm eram humanoides. Re:Zero Assistindo a Re: Ten escrita por Dan_Agiota Em andamento Captulos 1 . Instead, he woke up in a different world without his people, his power, and his money. Emilia makes a startling and somewhat horrific discovery that leaves everyone a bit shaken up. In a rather intimate and corruptive way nobody would've seen coming, of course, he'd have to send Ram to distract Subaru while he's encouraging Emilia, leading to an unexpected romance along the way. Subaru would eventually lose Rem to deaths grasp, leaving him alone with no one left to turn to. Synopsis: I have taken over the original story with the blessing of the original author, the story will have my own spin on it, I hope I can do it justice, please enjoy. Talvez fosse apenas uma coincidncia, mas algo em seu instinto lhe dizia que havia mais na histria do que apenas um acidente de trem. With this being one of the most popular Re Zero fanfictions out there, you know it is going to be a good one. "I'm really glad you're back, Subaru! Ele prprio havia estado em um acidente de trem h alguns anos, e era o nico passageiro que saiu ileso. No entanto, esses poderes tambm o tornavam um pria na sociedade, forando-o a viver isolado do mundo. O sangue manchava a neve branca e a cena era to horrvel que Subaru sentiu uma onda de nusea. This fascinating Re:Zero fanfiction is an extension of an existing storyline from the novels. As Ram was only kept in a room chained to a wall someone has to assist her in the bathing process. Subaru: Eu no quero falar sobre isso. "Eu no consigo. It is similar to the previous story, but these two authors take a similar concept and make them into dramatically different stories. Broken, stricken of his power to redo, and doomed to a twisted timelinehe struggles to keep going. It's on my character sheet. No me machuquei. And I also takes request s Hinosuke era un estudiante de preparatoria, algo distante de los dems. The Most Popular Adult Fanfiction (2023 Edition), 10 Popular Star Wars Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023. "Eu entendo, filho. The combination of timeless themes, If you are looking for the best Kim Possible fanfiction, then this is the post for you. Repetitive. Even the Witch who saw his mind. Para comentar e incentivar o autor, Cadastre-se ou Acesse sua Conta. An unknown person comes to save Emilia. She encounters plenty of trials and struggles, but somehow she comes out on top. ", Sua me o abraou e disse: "No precisa ter medo, meu filho. The Autobots and Decepticon are both Mysteriously Transported to another world and Given Human Forms. "Isso tudo o que queremos. Satella see's this and wants to give him a gift with the help of a fellow witch. Subaru: Eu no posso explicar agora. She goes through trauma of having to participate in the Demi Human War from over 50 years ago. !-Nhn vt chnh:+Lu Diu Vn+inh Trnh Hm+Tng Hin+M Gia K+H Tun Lm+Nghi c truyn HI TNG CHO EM C MT DI NGN H c ng bi Nguyetthi_KYQWX999 The final Re Zero fanfiction that we will look at is another one that is still in the works. Enquanto comiam a cozinha tinha uma energia de alegria que a muito tempo o garoto no sentia com seu pai fazendo algumas piadas e sua me sendo um pouco dura com ele tudo comicamente enquanto comiam os biscoitos. Era tarde da noite e subaru descia as escadas usando um conjunto de moletom de cores pretos, laranja e branco. It is a great choice for someone looking for a smaller commitment that still brings lots of content to the table. Ele fechou os olhos e visualizou a si mesmo usando toda sua fora para mover o objeto. This story is one of the longest in its genre, but it is also one of the best. After having become the King of the entire world, Natsuki Subaru spends his time with his absurdly large harem. Spirits of death! De tarde subaru resolveu d um vilta pelo bairro andando por vrios lugares observando a paisagem do lugar enquanto pensava em sua vida. In this story, the author mainly focuses on Emilia and her reactions to Subarus life. Seu pai pareceu pensar por um instante antes de responder: Kenichi: Bem, eu no tenho certeza, filho. Together they must help each other overcome insurmountable threats, protect new allies and find a way to send Batman back home. Killed everyone but one, Ram survived the attack making her the only survivor. Queremos te ajudar a lidar com isso. Please refer to the main fic for context. Sua me o olhou preocupada. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying and returning to a previous point for here: These are recommendations made by tropers for Re:Zero Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Ele sabia que eles estavam cientes de que ele era diferente, mas no sabiam exatamente o qu. Im so excited for Re:Zero! Kenichi: Dar uma volta? Subaru contemplates if he should even have children, Subaru realizes that there's more requirements for marriage other than love and silver hair, If girls don't get their shit together he might actually marry with a kind village girl, Priscilla and Subaru have so much affinity that it's illegal. Eu preciso usar minha fora. Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu, known in English as Re: Starting Life in a Different World from Zero, is a Japanese light novel written by Tappei Nagatsuki, and illustrated by Shinichirou Otsuka. Sensibilidade sobrenatural: subaru tem um sexto sentido que lhe permite sentir a presena de criminosos e o perigo que os cerca porem, caso ele toque ele conseguira ver as maldades que essas pessoas fizeram e iro fazer sendo ligado e sua outra habilidade (prever o futuro de atos maldosos). As time goes on, everyone realizes that something is very wrong. He is hunting for the truth about this book collection, all while trying to save everyone from the evil around them. Statella has taken pity on him, but that has not made his experiences any easier. ??? It's on my Character Sheet. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. no quarto subaru fechou a porta, porm essa porta no possua uma tranca e ele no queria ser incomodado perto dele estava seu armrio de roupa bastante pesado e grande, ele ento tenta empurrar o armrio, porm no consegue, ele ento se lembra de como funciona sua fora, ele precisa acreditar que conseguem empurrar aquele armrio e que possui essa fora nele. Re:Zero Watching Him Die Again and Again by Reactionist, Something Wicked This Way Comes( link) by VereorNox, Batman x Re:Zero: The Dark Knight Starting Life in Another World by RogertheHomelessKing. Ele sabia que tinha que manter seus poderes em segredo, mas s vezes era difcil. Voc poderia me ajudar, por favor? Ele se perguntou se haveria alguma conexo entre ele e David Dunn. This is my book of all drawings that I am and have done And when he does, he will likely wish that it had remained nothing but a distant, mysterious dream. Subaru Natsuki sempre soube que era diferente das outras pessoas. Work Search: There is a bit of graphic violence, as well as scenes and mentions of death. Solte sua imaginao, escreva suas histrias, tenha sua prpria pgina personalizada, compartilhe idias, faa amizades. Even the Witch who has his life. Im looking forward to reading all of these fanfiction stories! Tudo muda quando ele transportado para outro mundo, onde descobre que suas habilidades so ainda . Era uma noite de inverno, mas o frio que permeava o ar no era o nico motivo para o silncio que pairava sobre a cidade. He thought of using Return by Death. Is it the one where they get eaten alive by rabbits? - . Zero (Rewind and watch from Zero) by 1StoryMaker Fandoms: Re: | Re:Zero Starting Life i there you go and enjoy one of the best re zero fanfic out there This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 36 4 comments Best ThespianException 2 yr. ago I just finished it a minute ago. It's on my Character Sheet), Re: Avenger by Just-Another-Marvel-DC-Geek (link here). Spirit Fanfics e Histrias uma plataforma para autopublicao de Livros. We'll just have to Y/N L/N has died Now the impulsive child has sent himself to Re:Zero, with the powers of the Ten Commandments from the anime, Seven Deadly Sins Gnero . Synopsis: Soul marks appear in pairs and each pair blooms only once; these are the things Subaru learns: an important person, an important event, a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. The witches cult attacked and killed everyone in the village and the Rosswal mansion. Eu sempre me senti diferente dos outros e no queria chamar a ateno para mim. with a number of divergences. Para comentar e incentivar o autor, Cadastre-se ou Acesse sua Conta. Subaru se lembrou de quando descobriu suas habilidades. Subaru always turned a blind eye to everything so nothing would break. Mas Subaru no conseguiu deixar de se perguntar se havia outras pessoas como ele l fora e se algum dia encontraria algum com habilidades semelhantes. This story has been a behemoth to plot and write in a manner satisfactory and true to the characters, but comments like yours give me the gusto to believe I know what Im doing. Vincent understands Subaru better than Emilia camp, Al helps Subaru more than all Emilia camp combined, Emilia's cuteness doesn't help her anymore, Lolimancing works every gender apperantly, Death's Foresight SS: The Smut Chronicles, Even In Darkness We Still Shared a Moment, Corruption in the Name of the Great Gospel of the Witch. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It offers new scenarios that we havent seen before, and it allows our favorite characters to make big decisions that have lasting effects. ", respondeu sua me, sorrindo gentilmente. Subaru pareceu intrigado com a resposta do pai e perguntou: Subaru: E se houver outras pessoas assim, por que elas no falam sobre isso? Little did she know that the world was going to meet one of the heroes of all times. This next story is another mature one, due to its violent content. The author of this story regularly posts updates and new chapters to the story, so you can rest assured knowing that there is plenty of content just waiting for you. With the Captain dead, he turned around and walked away, waving to his troops to follow. "Eu preciso mover esse mvel para poder limpar a sala. Plot is a lot different from the original. Ele decidiu que continuaria a esconder seus dons, mas sempre manteria os olhos abertos para qualquer sinal de outros como ele. Ele se concentrou novamente e empurrou o mvel com toda a sua fora, desta vez usando seus poderes. Healing for broken hearts and Re Union are probably the new ones another commenter was talking about where Subaru's parents get summoned to the Re:Zero world. Everyone nods Re:Zero (Are We Really Going Back to Zero? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Desde que nasceu, ele possua habilidades extraordinrias, como uma fora sobre-humana e uma resistncia incrvel. But in this setting, he will also not be anywhere near as helpless, either. Rem accepted Subaru's idea to running off with him. Subaru comeou a desconfiar que seus poderes eram ainda mais extraordinrios do que imaginava e passou a investigar mais sobre si mesmo e suas habilidades. This story is the epitome of suffering for Subaru. Rem accepted Subaru's idea to running off with him. Upon arrival, although the black-haired boy Y/N, a normal guy, is one day sent to the world of Re:Zero! Era un gran fantico del anime "Re-Zero", pero un da, entro a un supermercado, el cual Max Hernandez es un chico de secundaria, que esta enamorado de Leen, una chica que estudia en el mismo saln que el, pero aunque paresa un tipo normal el en realidad es yea i ship them kinda wish there were fanfics of them so i made my own Just hit the button below to get in touch. Voc precisa nos contar o que est acontecendo. Solte sua imaginao, escreva suas histrias, tenha sua prpria pgina personalizada, compartilhe idias, faa amizades. Ele sabe que tem uma fora incrvel e que capaz de coisas que outras pessoas no conseguem fazer, mas tambm sabe que no pode usar seus poderes de forma descontrolada e colocar outras pessoas em perigo. This work could have adult content. Como voc pode se envolver em uma luta sem se machucar? I am an avid book lover and collector. Ele se levanta da cama e caminha at a janela, olhando para a cidade l fora. Please consider turning it on! The author writes as if they are writing an actual novel in the series. Synopsis: Sage If. Aparentemente, apenas um nico sobrevivente havia sido encontrado entre os destroos. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Subaru's parents & the cast react to Subaru. Subaru hesitou por um momento, mas decidiu continuar: Subaru: Quero dizer, outras pessoas com habilidades especiais, assim como eu. As if Subaru should be so lucky. It is worth it, however, as this story is well-written and very engaging. No entanto, esses poderes tambm o tornavam um pria na sociedade, forando-o a viver isolado do mundo. Subaru was sure that this was the cause of his sickness. Work Search: Comment: Writes several Rezero fics and is one of the best Authors in the fandom. Kenichi: Que habilidades so essas? Season two will be in here along with Director's Cut season one and some, Pairings: Subaru/Emilia, Subaru/Rem, Subaru/Crusch(maybe). Subaru and some of his friends encounter a peculiar book collection that presents them with massive problems and challenges. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Habilidade de cura: Ele capaz de se curar de leses menores de forma acelerada. Until he blacked out and found himself Toaru Re:Zero Crossover Kakine finds himself in a world unknown to him. Your email address will not be published. Y/N: FUUU-! Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page. Qu es lo peor que podra pasar?.. Your words reached and moved me thank you and bless! No entanto, esses poderes tambm o tornavam um pria na sociedade, forando-o a viver isolado do mundo. I made this for fun, but since it blew up, i continued it. Pretty nice read. In this crossover, We see all four Isekai anime's Overlord, Re-Zero, Konosuba, and Saga of Tanya the Evil all come together to join forces, plot twist they are in School Just some animes reacting together! We see how each person deals with the troubles they are facing, and they each do it in such different and lovely ways. So, Subaru decides to ask her sister, Ram, for advice. The popularity of this series has inspired authors around the world to write fanfictions based on the characters and their lives in these books. c ri hiu nh ! (ps: im a big fan of them but it won't be the best! "Obrigado, pai. Seu pai comeou a falar: Kenichi: O que voc quer dizer com isso, filho? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Click the image above to see if your guess is right! One day, he's summoned to another world. Com um grunhido de esforo, ele empurrou com toda a sua fora e, finalmente, sentiu o armrio ceder sob sua presso. Ele queria ser como todos os outros e se encaixar na sociedade. Esta histria foi classificada pelo autor como imprpria para menores de. The question on everyones mind is whether or not they will understand Subarus pain and suffering. Subaru Natsuki sempre soube que era diferente das outras pessoas. You can get paid to write for us! It is a great story with a unique plot that will get you hooked immediately. Subaru sabia que tinha que agir rapidamente para salvar as pessoas feridas e encontrar o responsvel por essa atrocidade. The next Re Zero fanfiction we will look at it is a mature story that is best suited for adult readers. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Agora a noite subaru est voltando para casa caminhando lentamente olhando pro cho, porm, sua ateno chamada por trs figuras em um beco mexendo com uma senhora de idadepuxando a bolsa dela. Lembra-se de quando quase sufocou um homem que insultou sua me no bar. Subaru's face twisted in distaste as the corpse of the dead captain fell to the ground right in front of him, painting the stone pathway with blood and brain matter. ", Seu pai sorriu. Esta histria foi classificada pelo autor como imprpria para menores de. Save scumming? It is interesting to see how each character reacts to Subarus life, and it adds a great deal of depth to each of them and to the world itself. Monsters without a shred of humanity!" Sakura has heard it all. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. S Iron man comes to Re zero and gets an asthma attack at how inaccurate physics is here, and then uses it to his advantage. Coisas que eu posso fazer que outras pessoas no podem. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from (Fanfic inspirada na histria do reactionist "Re: Zero Watching Him Die Again And Again") 12; 2 . He's not sure if that's what he wants anymore. All Eu usei essas habilidades na luta. it's my first Wattpad/crossover story btw and yet I'm young to create this story that makes the story contains minor broken English and others. Soren Azure is The Gamer and had nothing much to do in his world until one day was summon to another by unknown force and met a familiar half elf. Synopsis: Satella's personality gains a moment of dominance over the Witch of Envy, and as a result, an 11-year-old Subaru is summoned in the Ellior Forest with a similarly young Emilia. (OOC, Mostly Smut Story and Harem), Explores various sexual adventures between Natsuki Subaru and all female characters. Subaru fechou os olhos e se concentrou em sua respirao, tentando se acalmar. Required fields are marked *. Subaru doesn't care about future seeing people. We see Emilia in a very fragile mental state, and we see how she deals with the difficult hand she is dealt. Ele sabia que algo estava prestes a acontecer, embora no pudesse explicar exatamente o que era. Subaru was a busy bee, and almost never went back to his room unless he needed to grab something - and even then, he didn't stay long. Ram was after him, with a knife in her hand. Ele estava ajudando seus pais a mudar alguns mveis pela casa quando percebeu que ele conseguia levantar objetos extremamente pesados sem nenhum esforo. Subaru Natsuki, um jovem com habilidades especiais, caminhava pelas ruas vazias, com um olhar atento e vigilante. Leia as melhores histrias escritas pelos fs com a tag Subaru As Ben - Mais comentadas . (Didn't mean it in a mean way.). E o que aconteceu com a pessoa com quem voc brigou? 2.5K 50 6. We get to see many different perspectives in this story and they all come together to form one unique and very touching Re:Zero fanfiction. Remake of the Original Re:Spirit Arts User. Please consider turning it on! We get to see what would happen if she was the one who transported instead of Subaru. ram emilia pirate +17 more # 7 Re:Zero Dark Matter IF by GunBun 2.9K 183 7 Captulo 1: Lembranas Distantes e Novo comeo. Mas eu prometo que vou tentar ser mais aberto sobre isso a partir de agora. Desde ento, Subaru vem tentando esquecer que possui dons incomuns que lhe permitem realizar feitos impossveis para um ser humano comum. Spirit Fanfics e Histrias uma plataforma para autopublicao de Livros. It follows a young boy named Subaru Natsuki who gets transported to a new world on his way home from the convenience store. Every night recently, Subaru has been dreaming of pink. crusch. This story contains situations and experiences that could never happen in either of these stories separately, so it is fun to see them come together in one world. That leaves everyone a bit of graphic violence, as this story is another mature one, Ram survived attack... 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