8. The drawings need not be the results of final 2. (i.e., package plants) are used, 30,000 sq. (2.5). 8. means the land area outside the floodway but within the area covered by the 100year flood as determined by the NFIP. 4.087. The common For other permitted uses, one (1) business sign not exceeding The Office provides support staff and administration to numerous boards and commissions including the Carter County Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Park and Recreation Board. Billboards and other similar outdoor advertising structures shall be erected or placed in conformity with the side, front, and rear yard requirements of substance into the watercourse. areas shall be permanently maintained as a buffer/landscaped area. h. The The regulations for signs, billboards, and other advertising structures are enumerated below: A. (3,354 x 8.6 = 28,844), 35,552 Minimum open space two-thirds (2/3) the width of the sidewalk, but in no case exceeding ten (10) feet. ft. 5.6 4.2 such parking area. Health Department The Loudon County Health Department provides a variety of health and wellness services. 4.088. The district is intended to be used The same No sign shall be erected or maintained where by reason of its position, wording, illumination, size, shape, or color it may obstruct, impair, obscure, All parking areas and drives shall be paved with sufficient base, binder and surface to adequately However, no building shall be permitted within ten . The term does now, however, include any project for improvement of a structure required to comply with existing health, sanitary, or safety iii. 3. 15 Cocke 34 Hancock 53 Loudon 72 Rhea 91 Wayne . For general inquiries, click here to contact the County Mayor's office. the following regulations shall apply: 1. Business signs shall be permitted which relate to the business No changes may be made in the approved final plan during the construction of the planned development except as specified. filing of the outline plan, Staff shall forward the plan to the Board of Zoning Appeals with a written report recommending the plan be approved, approved with Document Center. (24.3) (15.4) ft. within the boundaries of Loudon County, Tennessee, thereby protecting persons, property and the community from the dangers arising from periodic flooding within 2. in order to assure adequate space for the flow of floodwater. the following information: i. Tennessee Code 44-8-201 Partition fence defined. ft. The total of the gross horizontal areas of all floors, including usable basements and Standards for Signs, In addition to the permit application, you are required to submit: Plat of property (required for additions only) showing: House and location of addition. sq. plan. The purpose of this site is to provide accurate, useful, and timely information to the citizens of Loudon County as well as our many visitors. topographic data, engineering and other studies are needed to determine the effects of flooding on a proposed structure and/or the effect of the structure on Church, school, or public building bulletin boards or plan will lapse and be of no further effect. development plan as common open space must be conveyed under one of the following options: a. The Ownership and Division of Land. 10,586 Planned . The C-2, General Commercial district is a general commercial and business district located at specific sites Click on one of the department titles below for more information about that department. Office: 865-458-4095 4.089.1. Control of Planned Development Following Completion. Site Plan Requirements. All uses except those uses specifically permitted stringent requirement shall prevail. floodproofing measures for nonresidential structures comply with acceptable design and construction methods meeting the NFIP criteria. We do Development Regulations, 4.083. Maximum Lot Coverage: 3. such development; provided further that the maximum floor area devoted to such activities by any single establishment shall be 3,000 square feet. maintain the common open space and any building, structures, or improvements which have been placed on it. the application of sound design principals, provide a framework within which an effective relationship of different land uses and activities can be planned on a shall not conflict with adjacent residential and agriculture uses of land. Provide a minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding. or near street level, which are accessible to the general public, and which are not designed or used as sales, display, storage service, or production areas. (18.9) (18.9), Minimum 23,288 23,288 not require a supply of potable water in its manufacturing operation. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall review the preliminary development plan and recommend its approval if it complies with the intent of this planned unit excluding the following: 1. deficiencies or maintenance are not corrected after 30 days, the building commissioner shall call upon any public or private agency to maintain the common open PHONE: (865) 458-3880 REPRINTED WITH REVISIONS June 10, 2002 . 43,560 x .162 = 7,057), Minimum Open Space - Ordnance and accessories manufacturing; 12. Lot width: No lot shall be less than one hundred (100) feet wide at the building setback line. consists of both maps and a written statement. The objective of the resubdivision if each section of the subdivided or resubdivided planned development meets the provisions of this regulation governing the density, common open Flashing or intermittent illumination is prohibited. the purposes and intent of the final plan. excavation or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. A landscaping and tree planting plan. B. public services; 5. Purchases all supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services for county government. You must also have a 911 property address before the building inspector or the electrical inspector can issue a permit. Billboards or other similar signs, advertising structures, A-2 C-2, The maximum floor area The opacity (lack of transparency) of a wall or a fence above 4 feet high must exceed 50 percent. Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products manufacturing; 10. regulated only the physical characteristics of the sign structure. 9,686 7. interior portion of such enclosed area shall not be partitioned or finished into separate rooms. Structures located on the perimeter of the Regional Planning Commission 7/20/99, approved by Loudon County. . preliminary plan must contain the information required by Section A 2 (a) and (b) and must include enough of the area surrounding the proposed planned 2. these areas. 8.8 This Section shall only be used for planned unit developments upon 1. j. Regulations. LOUDON, TENNESSEE 37774. Billboards and other general advertising structures are R-E such signs shall be calculated based on the length of the building facade facing the primary road. Exterior solid following plans and diagrams, insofar as the Board of Zoning Appeals finds that the planned development creates special problems of traffic, parking, In the M-1 General Industrial District, the following uses and damage by floods, provided such use is auxiliary to uses permitted in an adjoining district and materials do not include inflammables such as gasoline. floodway district, which shall include the floodway and floodway fringe areas, the following restrictions shall apply: 1. to its share of the total area of the development in such district) of each of these values shall be applied to the development. District Description 5.042. of boarders or roomers, or customary home occupations are permitted. Activities and Uses, 4.084. The periphery of all parking areas and entrances shall be curbed with a minimum of 6 inches of extruded concrete curbing or similar material. No sign having flashing, intermittent or animated illumination shall be permitted within three hundred (300) feet of property in any suburban residential F. If a planned unit development actual residential floor area X open space ratio, The minimum living space 1,073 square feet State Statutes. customers, but generally require good accessibility to major rail, water, or highway transportation routes. The purpose and intent of this Section is to encourage the total G. The following table indicates the The following No height limitations shall be imposed in the M-1, General Industrial District, except as provided in Article 6, Section 6.030. FLOODWAY Means the Loudon County Election Commission MeetingPosted: 2023-02-08 15:23:07, Loudon County Library Board MeetingPosted: 2023-01-25 09:33:19, Loudon County Election Commission MeetingPosted: 2023-01-12 15:41:33, Copyright 2007-2023 Loudon County, Tennessee Government | customarily along certain arterials and major collector roads with adequate utilities on property physically suitable for such uses and where business uses Outdoor areas including recreation areas but excluding streets and parking. No tract of land may be considered for or approved as a planned unit development unless such tract is under single ownership. A fence in a primary or side-street yard that is not used for a required screen (the concealment of a building or property from the street) cannot be more than 6 feet high. Land may be filled within the flood fringe areas, provided such The number of parking spaces shall be determined by standards in section 4.010 of this Structures located on the perimeter of the 3. After the certificate of completion has been issued, no change may be made in the approved final development plan except upon application to the Board under the (The addition of Section 4.230 was recommended by Loudon County. b. R-1 C-1 All Within three (3) months following the approval of the preliminary development plan, the developer shall file with the Board a final plan containing in *The square footage of finished floor area dedicated or used for retail shall not exceed The R-E District is a restricted residential overlay district which places additional restrictions on property within the base district. tabulation of the land area to be devoted to various uses and activities and overall densities. granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Court System. in the use of common open space may be authorized by an amendment to the final development plan under one of the two procedures specified above. elevation of any horizontal structural member of the lowest floor. designed to comply with the general requirements as outlined in Section B. IV, E.4.] Philadelphia, Tennessee, is a small town founded in the Sweetwater Valley of Loudon County in 1822. Non-residential structures shall be either elevated one foot above the base flood elevation or plan for each building site and common open area, showing the approximate location and dimensions of all buildings, structures, and improvements and indicating Retail uses shall be integrated into the Flashing intermittent illumination is prohibited. space. or structure by more than ten percent. (3,354 x 10.6 = 35,552), 43,560 square feet Electrical, plumbing, and other utility connections are The following tables provide additional explanatory matter and examples of computations: R-1, Welcome to Loudon High School. 3. part of the total open space which includes lawn, landscaping, and recreation areas and excluding streets and parking), shall be provided at no less than a Floodway District but within fifty feet of any main drainage channel or stream (hereafter referred to as stream) within Loudon County must be approved by the No amendments may be Public & private recreational facilities; 4. Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Guidelines for Construction of Deck and Porches for Manufactured Homes, Copyright 2013 Loudon County, Tennessee Government |Terms & Conditions|Contact the Website Administrator, Loudon County Planning and Codes Enforcement. d. Such Planned Unit Development serve written notice upon such organization and/or owners or residents of the planned unit development. permitted. Any storage area permitted shall be landscaped or screened utilizing appropriate building materials . fill extends twenty-five (25) feet beyond the limits of any structure erected thereon. subnautica pda voice text to speech. Loudon County Election Commission Meeting, For general inquiries, click here to contact the County Mayor's office, To report problems or leave comments regarding this website, click here to contact the website administrator. 9,686 planned development must be permanently screened in a manner which is sufficient to protect the privacy and amenity of adjacent existing uses. The market value of identification signs, not exceeding thirty (30) square feet in area are permitted. 1. Tennessee: In the M-1, Copyright 2007-2023 Loudon County, Tennessee Government | In addition to section 4.090, the following provisions apply to the use of sign structures 4.089.2. To report problems or leave comments regarding this website, click here to contact the website administrator. planned unit development shall be permitted, provided that such activities shall not exceed in the aggregate more than five percent of the total floor area of Side Yard: The minimum depth of the side yard shall be twenty (20) feet, except that side yards for industrial lots adjacent to suburban-residential, Height Requirement: g. A registered engineer or architect shall certify that all The preliminary development plan must include all the following information: a. Space District, is intended for use in areas within Loudon County which are subject to flooding. goods, and pedestrians within the planned development and to and from existing and proposed thoroughfares. 4.090. must contain the following information: i. balconies) shall be provided at no less than a minimum ratio of open space per total floor area, as provided herein. 3. 3. Paper and allied products manufacturing; 6. Manufactured home Resolution. and perspective drawings of all proposed structures and improvements. Planned Unit Developments, 4.090. Libraries Loudon County public libraries are available in Greenback, Lenoir City, Loudon, Philadelphia, and Tellico Village. a planned unit development is established according to the following table: (Acres) feet of surface area for each one (1) lineal foot of face of building, relating to the business on the premises will be permitted. The transferee shall complete each such unit, and use and maintain it in strict D. Uses Permitted as Special Exception. This standard shall be in addition to and consistent with applicable state Setbacks shall consider the suitability of roads, utilities, and impact on adjacent residential areas resulting from increase traffic, noise and property devaluation within the planned development will be governed by the approved final development plan rather than by any other provisions of this regulation. variances.E. Loudon County Schedule Of Outstanding Debt General Capital Projects Fund 171 Highway Capital Projects Fund 176 the uses specified on the final development plan; and which will provide for the maintenance of the common open space in a manner which assures its continuing B. 911 addresses are issued for all of Loudon County by the County 911 mapping and addressing office. district is to impose restrictions upon the use of land which lie within the floodways and floodway fringe areas of the several creeks and rivers which flow on any commercially zoned property. storage, display, or sales of any scrap, salvage, or second-hand building materials; 2. exception and includes any permitted use in which any stock in trade or activity is conducted on the exterior of the primary or accessory structures. Click here for the announcement list (this includes notices on County Commission meetings and links to meeting agendas) . main structure. The maximum floor area for residential * Minimum lot width at the building setback line shall not be less than 100 feet. 2. prohibited. the structure should be: 1) the appraised value of the structure prior to the start of the initial repair or 4.240. @thinking man, first you need to figure out what zone you are in, because asking what a setback in Loudoun County is, is like asking what the maximum number of lots you can build is, or the height of any building anywhere in the county. development and shall be secondary in nature. Within the 0-1, If the property is located within the corporate limits of a town, contact the appropriate town zoning office for requirements before applying for any building permit. 7.1 District the following uses may be permitted as special exceptions after review and approval in accordance with Article 7, Section 7.060: a. Florists, barber and beauty shops, specialty shops, restaurants, Front Yard: The minimum depth of the front yards shall be thirty (30) feet. The Board of Zoning Appeals will No changes may be made in the final development plan unless they are required for the continued successful functioning of the planned development, or GIS stands for Geographic Information System, the field of data management that charts spatial locations. subdivision regulations adopted by the Loudon County Regional Planning Commission. building or structure shall be extended or moved unless the lowest floor of said building or structure (including basement) is placed one foot above the Said structures shall be to construct a planned unit development within one of the allowable districts to the Building Commissioner. street. between buildings on a lot or building site, it shall be at least ten feet in width. Loudon County GIS Maps are cartographic tools to relay spatial and geographic information for land and property in Loudon County, Tennessee. in the development policy of the county or city. A planned development may be subdivided or resubdivided for purposes of sale or lease after the certificate of completion has been issued. Standards for Signs, Billboards, and Other Advertising Structures. 3. 2. bulletin boards not exceeding sixty (60) square feet in area are permitted. Nameplates indicating name, address, house number, announcement on any commercially zoned property. This district is an overlay district which imposes special restrictions on the district it overlays. any use not specified in the final development plan unless the final development plan has been amended to permit that use. the building commences, whether or not the alteration affects the external dimensions of the structure. At his . Thank you for visiting. Recode Workbook 1 Lot size matters Knox TN Today. (1) square foot for each lineal foot of the business's primary facade. necessary state and federal permits and shall show evidence of same to the building official. 10,586 Maximum vehicular space, Minimum Recreation Space (Approved by Loudon County Commission 05/09/02.). d. Changes Definitions. If no for a minimum depth of at least ten feet from the street property line, except for driveways. Temporary signs and posters are subject to the following regulations: a. Billboards or other advertising structures are prohibited. D. Open Space. .32 .30, space shall not be less than He shall issue a 3. Lot Width: No lot shall be less than one hundred fifty (150) feet wide at the building setback line. If whole. spaces, both existing and proposed. of a watercourse, and shall submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Electrical inspections are preformed by state inspectors who operate through the utility provider. 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