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figure four leg lock signature move figure four leg lock signature move figure four leg lock signature moveead>
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The wrestler next turns 180 degrees and leans back. The attacker throws their other leg over the opponent's trapped arm and then behind the opponent's neck, pushing it forward. Used by Delirious. Description Discussions 0 Comments 1 Change Notes 1 . It is currently used by current WWE wrestler Natalya Neidhart as a finisher. In Mexico's Lucha libre this hold is known as La Torre, Spanish for "The Tower". While this can inflict pain on its own, it is most often used as a transition hold, leading into either a hammer lock, an elbow to the held arm, or kicks to the opponent's abdominal area. This move was made famous by Ric Flair and now too is often used by most of the wrestlers in WWE and other franchise. An inverted version of this moves exists with the opponent on their stomach, the wrestler grabs the opponent's right arm and places it on top of their back, grabs and stacks the right arm with their right leg, then puts the left arm on top of the right leg, and then finally immobilizes the other limbs by placing the left leg on top of the rest. The wrestler takes hold of the opponent's arm or wrist and turns around completely while twisting the arm over the wrestler's head, resulting in the opponent's arm being wrenched. The wrestler approaches face-up opponent then grabs and folds the opponent's left arm over their lower torso, their left leg over their left arm, their right arm over their left leg, and the right leg over the right arm and left leg at the point where the ankle and wrist are placed together. This move is also being used by indie wrestler The Silent Warrior, a wrestler who is Deaf. The wrestler sits on the back of an opponent who is lying face down on the mat. The wrestler then grabs hold of the wrist of that arm, pulling it upwards, causing hyperextension of the shoulder and elbow. A grounded version of a sleeper hold with an added body scissors that is derived from martial arts and more recently mixed martial arts. Professional wrestling holds include a number of set moves and pins used by performers to immobilize their opponents or lead to a submission. Similarly to the biceps slicer, a calf crusher can be applied by inserting an arm or leg in the backside of the knee and flexing the opponent's leg to apply pressure to the muscles surrounding the fulcrum. Used by Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr., the wrestler using this move stands over the opponent who is lying face up on the mat and grasps a leg of the opponent. Move your opponent's left leg on top of his right leg in the position for the submission. Though this is an often-used rest hold, it is also sometimes the beginning of a standard bulldog move. This counter to the figure-four is often called a "modified Indian deathlock" or sometimes referred to as a "sharpshooter variant". Asuka also uses the bodyscissors variation as a finisher dubbed the Asuka Lock. A similar heel hook can be performed by holding the opponent's foot in the opposite armpit and twisting it laterally; a move which is referred to as an inverted, reverse or inside heel hook. The wrestler will then sandwich the arm between their own leg and the side of the opponent's body. This move has been used by Daniel Bryan and Bobby Fish as the Fish Hook Deluxe Edition. % of people told us that this article helped them. then the wrestler clasps his hand, one arm passes through the leg applying the headscissors and the other goes under. Wrapping his same leg (if he grabbed the left arm, he will use his left leg) around the back of the opponent's neck (against the back of his knee) and bracing his foot against the front of the other shoulder, he steps over his opponent with his other leg, squatting down. 3 HBK's Sweet Chin Music. 4. Lie back facing upwards. Used by Chris Benoit as the Crippler Crossface; in the adjacent picture, he has pulled so far back that he finished the hold seated, which he did not always do. The wrestler then kneels down on the opponent's back, locking the opponent's arm behind their knee in the process. The wrestler then pulls the opponent's arm over their far shoulder and distributes the wrestler's body over their shoulders while having the other hand between and holding onto one of the opponent's legs and stands up. To create this article, 22 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. In this variation of a cloverleaf instead of turning around when turning the opponent over, the wrestler faces the same direction as the opponent to squat and lean forward to apply more pressure to the legs, spine, and abdomen. This is also known as a Nerve hold, due to its association with The Great Khali and was formerly used by Classy Freddie Blassie. The attacker stands to the side of an opponent and locks their hands around their torso. Professional wrestling throws Giant swing, "Wrestling Innovators The Origins Of Your Favorite Moves", "What a manoeuvre! This move is currently being used by NXT UK superstar Noam Dar calling it the "Champagne Superkneebar". The wrestler then bridges back. Sometimes preceded by an arm wrench, the wrestler grasps the opponent's hand and twists backwards, placing pressure on the wrist. It was utilized by wrestlers like Awesome Kong. This move sees the attacker kneel behind a sitting opponent and wrap around one arm under the opponent's chin and lock their hands. It can be transitioned into a DDT, suplex, etc. Naomi uses this move to set up for the F.T.G submission manouvre. Also known as a rear chinlock, the attacking wrestler crouches down behind a sitting opponent and places their knee into the opponent's upper back, then reaches forward and grasps the opponent's chin with both hands. George Steele used an elevated version of the Hammerlock. This armlock sees the wrestler grappling the opponent's wrist with the similar hand (for example, if they use the right arm, they would grab the opponent's right wrist), and with the opponent's wrist still clutched, the wrestler bends the opponent's arm (of the grappled wrist) towards or behind the opponent's head. The wrestler then pulls back on the arms, causing pressure. From this point, the wrestler turns 360 degrees, simultaneously bending the arm of the opponent around the attacker's own leg. This hold is performed on an opponent who is lying face down on the mat. This article has been viewed 73,781 times. This hold was innovated by Mr. Niebla and is best associated with Miliano Collection A.T. known as the Paradise Lock. 3.0 0x. The attacker then uses his free leg to complete the reverse crucifix armbar, trying to hyperextend the elbow. This is a scissored armbar combined with a crossface. Lashley sometimes locks his opponents into a body scissors to immobilize them. A "goozle" is a single arm choke held briefly before performing a chokeslam. Kazuchika Okada uses this finishing move as Money Clip. Bryan Danielson recently will sometimes transition into this move while already having applied the LeBell Lock effectively making this move a Scissored armbar omoplata crossface. This leg cross indicates that an argumentative or competitive attitude exists. 4.0 0x. This move commonly sees an attacking wrestler dive over an opponent who is facing them, usually bent over forwards, catching the opponent in a waistlock from behind and landing back-first behind the opponent. However, Joe Rogan criticizes it; emphasizing that it's inviting an Inside Heel Hook counter. It is used by many wrestlers in the beginning of the match. Take his/her left leg and place your left leg on the right side of his/her leg then spin 360' so that you are facing 3. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. The Rock also used this move as his signature submission move by the name Sharpshooter. Johnny Valentine, who often The wrestler approaches an opponent lying against any set of ropes and grabs one of the opponent's wrists with their similar arm. [1] Miro performs a variation he calls Game Over, where he stomps on his opponent's back before applying the hold, this move was previously called The Accolade when Miro was Rusev in the WWE. This move can also be applied to a seated opponent. However it is more often used in a double team maneuver, known as a "doomsday device", wherein another wrestler uses flying attacks to knock opponents off the shoulders of the wrestler. Posted . Tyson Kidd uses a variation where he laces his opponent's legs as if he was to perform a Sharpshooter, but then falls to his back, and then locks in the Gogoplata. The wrestler can over-rotate or turn again to apply more pressure on the arm. The move is also referred to as a "European headlock", due to its prominence in European wrestling. Samoa Joe, Jazz, Erik Watts and Nikki Bella have also used this move. A lot of superstars who used Native American gimmicks also used this as a finisher, such as Chief Jay Strongbow, Billy White Wolf, Wahoo McDaniel, and Jules Strongbow. He first leads in with a Snap Suplex to put his opponent The wrestler then steps over his opponent, turning the opponent over as in a sharpshooter and Boston crab and proceeds to squat and lean back. With the opponent lying prone, the wrestler lies on the opponent's back, at a 90 angle to them, putting some or all of their weight on the opponent to prevent them from moving. The wrestler performing the hold approaches their opponent from behind and grips their head with both hands. The wrestler stands in front of and with their back to a standing opponent. Will Ospreay used the double underhook to spin his opponent into a neckbreaker called the Stormbreaker. 2. Take his/her left leg and place your left leg on the right side of his/her leg then spin 360' so that you are facing your opponent. During this The wrestler traps one of the opponent's ankles between their thighs (as seen primarily before applying an STF). Edge's variation is where he used a metal bar on the opponent's mouth as the Glasgow Grin. The attacker then either pulls straight back on the chin or wrenches it to the side. A common variant of this hold has the attacking wrestler also apply a double underhook before or after lifting the opponent. This may lead to an armbar, a wrist lock, the wrestler pulling the opponent onto their shoulders in a fireman's carry, an Irish whip, or a short-arm maneuver, such as a clothesline. Starting in the same position as a regular STF, the attacker takes both the opponent's legs, bends them at the knees, and crosses them, placing one ankle in the other leg's knee-pit. WebSignature moves: Figure Four Leg Lock Piledriver Indian Deathlock Sleeper Hold Cobra Clutch. This move is used by Shane McMahon and CM Punk. With the opponent lying face down, the wrestler sits beside the opponent, facing the same way, locks on the cobra clutch, and then arches their legs and back, bending the opponent's torso and neck upwards. While in the vise, the wrestler can control their opponent by squeezing the temples and bring them down to a seated position where more pressure can be exerted. This move is illegal due to usage of the ring ropes, and results in a disqualification for the wrestler should they not release the hold before a count of five. Usually performed on a charging opponent, this can also be a transition hold for counterattacks that sees the wrestler hit many throws and drops like a DDT or headscissors takedown. A transition lift to perform many throws, drops and slams. The crossface chickenwing is mostly identified with Bob Backlund, who used the hold as a finishing maneuver following his comeback to the WWF in the mid-1990s and won his second world championship using the hold. WebFigure Four Leg Lock is a throw used by King I in Tekken 2, and by King II from Tekken 3 onwards. 2.0 0x. WebReverse figure-four leglock The wrestler using this move stands over the opponent with the opponent face up and grasps a leg of the opponent. The wrestler then grabs their own wrist with their free hand, crossing it underneath the opponent's armpit and chest to lock the hold in, compressing the opponent's neck. The amateur wrestling analogue is the guillotine, also known as a "twister". The attacking wrestler stands over a face-down opponent, facing the same direction. The opponent's arm is then hooked and pulled back into their body, stretching the forearms, biceps, and pectoral muscles. Also known as a "buffalo sleeper", this choke sees the wrestler kneeling behind a seated opponent before grabbing hold of one of the opponent's arms, bending it backwards overhead, and locking the opponent's wrist into the attacker's armpit. The double underhook variant is often seen when the hold is used to transition to another maneuver, such as a backbreaker drop or inverted powerbomb. This may sometimes be preceded by an arm wrench. The opponent, ostensibly confused, normally takes the offered hand, at which point the wrestler rolls forward and into an armlock. Invented by Masahiro Chono. A wrestler can repeatedly step over the leg and around again to twist the knee and ankle joints even more. This move can also be known by the underrepresented term coil lock in catch wrestling. The wrestler bends one of his fingers into a hook and uses it to stretch the opponent's mouth or nose. This was also used as a finisher by Hulk Hogan early in his career called the Golden Squeeze in his WWF debut match against Ted DiBiase in 1979. [14] The wrestler, while behind the opponent, facing in the opposing direction, hooks their arms under the opponent's. From behind a seated opponent, the wrestler grabs one of the opponent's elbows and pulls it up and backward. This move can be compared to the Heel Hook in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The opponent's arm is then hooked and pulled back into their body, stretching the forearms, biceps, and pectoral muscles. (Aa announcer calls him) Hardy boyz are the best. The wrestler then places their left arm over and around the opponent's arm while grasping their own wrist. A chokelift can be used as well if the wrestler were to perform a chokebomb or a two-handed chokeslam. Evil uses a variation called Darkness Scorpion, where the move is preceded by a stomp into the groin area. A wrestler approaches a sitting opponent from in front, behind, or either side. This type of toe hold is performed by holding the foot by the toes with one hand and putting the other hand under the opponent's achilles tendon and grabbing the wrist. It is the sitting position used by many American males who have a competitive nature. From here, the wrestler rolls the opponent face first onto the mat, with their legs and arms tied together, sandwiched between the mat. Often set up by a tilt-a-whirl, the opponent ends up suspended with one arm hooked behind and both legs hooked by the wrestler's other arm. In public performance, for safety's sake, stretches are usually not performed to the point where the opponent must submit or risk injury. A common type of toe hold is the figure-four toe hold, where a figure-four hold is used to hold the opponent's foot. The figure four leg-lock is a submission move used in pro wrestling, made famous by Ric Flair. The wrestler then "scissors" (clasps) the near arm of the opponent with one or both legs from a standing position and takes hold of the far arm of the opponent with both hands, forcing the opponent onto their side and placing stress on both shoulder joints, as well as making it harder for the opponent to breathe. Short for "stepover toehold sleeper", this hold is a modified version of an STF in which the wrestler wraps their arm around the neck of the opponent in a sleeper hold instead of pulling back on the head of the opponent. Like many transition holds, the defensive wrestler often uses the position to perform a variety of counter moves, most notably the victory roll. on Lucha [2] The move was invented by Gory Guerrero in Mexico, where it was called la de a caballo (horse-mounting choke), but got its more common name from Ed Farhat, who wrestled as "The Sheik" and used it as his finisher. Then, the wrestler maneuvers their other arm through the "hole" created by the opponent's bent wrist, locks their hand upon their own wrist, and pulls the opponent forward, causing pressure on the opponent's arm and neck. The attacking wrestler then wraps their legs around the opponent's midsection with a body scissors and arches backwards, pulling the opponent's head forward, stretching the torso and the neck. The wrestler first straddles one of the opponent's legs, then reaches over the opponent's near arm with the arm close to the opponent's back and locks it. The move is performed in several ways, usually from a prone position involving the wrestler trapping one of the opponent's arms. 0.0 0x. Using that leg as leverage, he'll push the opponent's head downwards and drop to his side so that the opponent must support his own body weight on his squeezed neck. Used by Yoshi-Hashi as Butterfly Lock. Jungle Boy uses this as the Snare Trap, while Kazuchika Okada uses a kneeling version called the Red Ink. Such calf crushers can be used as effective leglocks to the knee through a separating and elongating motion. The name is derived from Charlie and Russ, the Haas Brothers, who invented this move. Famous Luchador Blue Demon Jr. also uses a modified variant of this move as well, in which he does an inverted sharpshooter and then uses his free arm to pull back his opponent's arm. Professional Wrestler John will show you how to perform a Figure-4 leg lock, step by step. The attacking wrestler then pulls the second rope upwards, compressing the opponent's throat between the rope and attacking wrestler's leg, choking them. This forces the opponent onto their chest while the wrestler ends in a sitting position facing the same direction as their opponent. Squatting and twisting to the side flexes the opponent's back and stretches their abdomen, which also means leaving their abs exposed and open to further holds, such as a claw to the victim's abs, or simply punching them. The wrestler then moves their hands to the upper arm or wrists of the opponent, holding them in position, and spreading the arms of the opponent as though they were being crucified, hence the name. Used as a finisher by Haku and Bone Soldier. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. The move used to trick an unsuspecting opponent. As such, a wrestling crowd will start shouting "Wooooo!" The move was popularized by Taz, who used it as a finishing move, calling it the Tazmission. The move was invented by Lou Thesz[8] and popularized by Masahiro Chono and John Cena, who named it the STFU. This technique was the Ric Flairs signature move. This stops the opponent from rolling out of the move and makes it harder for them to crawl to the ropes, but lessens the pressure that can be applied. This keeps the over leg, now under, locked while putting pressure on the leg and stretching the legs and back. The attacker places one of their legs across the wrist of the opponent and grabs their own ankle to lock the hold. Also known as the Gorilla Clutch, named for Shuji Kondo's King Kong-themed signature move names. The attacking wrestler then seizes one of their arms and proceeds to walk over the opponent while continuing to hold the arm, forcing the opponent to turn over onto their stomach. The omoplata can be applied from the guard, by placing one leg under the opponent's armpit and turning 180 degrees in the direction of that leg, so that the leg moves over the back of the opponent and entangles the opponent's arm. A standing version can also be applied, which sees a standing wrestler place one of their legs between the legs of a face-down opponent and then bend one leg behind the leg of the wrestler, placing it on top of the knee pit of the opponent's other leg. The opponent begins supine, lying with their back on the bottom or second rope and facing into the ring. The standing attacking wrestler grabs the wrist of a face down opponent, pulling it towards themselves, then steps over the opponent's outstretched arm, placing one leg to either side. A grapevine variation sees the wrestler applying the ankle lock hold and then falling to the mat and scissoring the leg of the opponent. The wrestler grabs their opponent's arm, pulling it around behind the opponent's back. The final position has the wrestler in a semi-sitting position and facing away from the opponent, with the opponent's back and legs bent back toward their face. Sometimes the wrestler may place their foot or knee on the opponent's upper back in order to exert even more pressure. Share. The reversal should be performed immediately at the time King snaps the leg. John Cena, who used it as a finisher dubbed the asuka lock DDT, suplex etc! An often-used rest hold, where the move is also being used by Shane and! Libre this hold has the attacking wrestler stands in front of and with back! Indie wrestler the Silent Warrior, a wrestler can repeatedly step over the opponent arm... Other franchise 's elbows and pulls it up and backward prominence in European.. 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