76)Communion of Saints. 7/21/2021 Teena Blackburn, Sin Cannot Be Blessed by the Church A diabolical heresy from Hell itself. Kallistos Clearly Implies that the Church Should Bless Committed Same-Sex Relationships There are over 3.5 million Orthodox church members in the U.S. 7/8/2019 Fr. John Whiteford, Mattingly: Two clashing Orthodox takes on doctrine past and future Though the church building was just four houses down the street from his, John rarely attended. such as adultery, murderwitchcraft, theft, kidnapping, etc. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; Like the Roman Catholic church, the Eastern Orthodox church insists that it is the one true church of Christ on earth. Elpidophoros Radical Leftist Views] 37) No music. 11/5/2014 Fr. 86) The heresy of Masquerading as Evangelicals. Johns Story: Why I Left Eastern Orthodoxy for Evangelicalism. (so bigger the church, the bigger the ego of the clergy. p.article_id { The old Orthodox tradition that cremating a person means they are not resurrected is absurd for multiple reasons. p.section_header (many of them sinner saints). 39) Their version of the Talmud =Catechism, prayer books, calendars etc (all diversionsaway from the bible). They believe church authority to teach is given by the laying-on of hands from one religious spiritual dwarf to another. John Whiteford, Academics Incorporating Leftist Dogma into Orthodox Christianity Gabriel (Hieromonk), On Allegations of Orthodox Fundamentalism (Part 2) The Church and Modernity 7/19/2017 Fr. that they may appear unto men to fast. margin-right:15pt; And immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and died." It was one of the central issues in the Great Schism of 1054. Canon law not only governs the activities of th church but also claims a degree of authority in matters of state. If we hold such false principles as valid, then the Orthodox Church ceases to be the Church of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, the Ecumenical Councils, and the Fathers of the Church. (this sounds like the cult called Spiritism! as false. Jesus showed this is a spiritual birth in John 3 by comparing it to the wind (invisible like the soul and spirit of man). .summary_text { Or why some one who advocates priestesses would not avail themselves of the Anglican-Episcopal Communion, or an Independent Catholic or Orthodox Church instead of trying to force themselves upon the Roman Catholics or the Eastern Orthodox? Robert Arida: Why Dont You Become Episcopalian? And fundamental to the false teacher's success is his ability to deceive. 6/19/2017 Fr. line-height: 150%; They believe they "have no life in them" without the eucharist, that is administered by a priest, thus is sacerdotalist priestcraft salvation (co Saviour). However when shrines are made and people kneel in frontof collections of so called "icons" not of gods or god but of men, pray to saints (an act of worship - see the Lord's Prayer)and burn incense to them, they become idols. note: their sinister indoctrination process. margin-right: 20px; } The Orthodox Church believes that all the people of God-members of the Church, either the living on earth or the departed in heaven-are in constant communion and fellowship with each other in faith, grace, and prayers, since they constitute one Body in Christ-the Church. Lawrence Farley, Public Schools and Antichristianity Name-day. (Gr. 2018 ), (I hope later to put these beliefs in another order). My understanding had always been that to be saved, you had to do a certain amount of good works. Here I would go to the Orthodox Church, cross myself, kiss an icon one moment and despise God the next. line-height:150%; Like Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy teaches that man is able to cooperate with God in bringing about his salvation, and that regeneration is the product of a synergistic effort of God and man. John Whiteford, Is the Patriarchate of Constantinople an Enemy of the American People? His response comes quickly. 1) The racist error of translating the old testamentfrom Greek. The denial or rejection of a revealed dogma or belief accepted and professed by the Church. 3:15). margin-top: 24px; Examining just three areas - Eastern Orthodoxy's positions on Scripture, sin, and salvation - tells us all we need to know to reject it as a false faith. font-size: 10pt; Zechariah Lynch, The Moral Heresy of Sexual Immorality What really matters, as our reader's question rightly puts it, are not the differences between Rome and Constantinople, but between both of these visible bodies and Holy Scripture. color:#333333; Worse as other churches don't do it, how could anyone else be saved? You will know them by their fruits Essentially Eastern Orthodoxy, and Catholicism, are unbiblical pyramid systems where the so called "laity" are in effect the lowest of the low, almost like a lower caste, with the Pope or thePrimus inter pares at the top, and Catholic and Orthodox laity at the bottom like a doormat. (see 1 Samuel 15:22). It also puts burdens on mens back grievous to be born who, unlike the parasite priests and bishops of the Orthodox religion, often have to do a hard days work and need energy. 72)The Canon Liturgical, which refers to all liturgical material, including the Creed, used for the Liturgy and the consecration of the Eucharist (see also kanon and Typikon). 6/13/2018 Fr. (Gr. Lawrence Farley, Met. example:Lent. 1) They are superior in nature and intelligence to man;note: (born again human beings are superior, as are sons and daughters of God, angels are not, and there is no evidence they are of superior intelligence). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Real Heresy is caustic serious false doctrine, against the law and teachings of the new and better covenant (Gal 6:2 & Matt 7:24)that usually attacks one of two things: 1) Teachings fundamental to the Faith (Jude 1:3) such as the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the resurrection of Jesus, the virgin birth, the definition of the good news (Gal 1:6-9) or specifically "the gospel by which we are saved" etc. I was born Orthodox, in an orthodox country, in a family that is generally pretty faithful. margin-top: 0; } } . 5/14/2018 Fr. Gabriel (Hieromonk), Against Modern Legalism However Orthodoxy links anointing the sick with chrism/oil linked with confession to their priests and the blasphemy of the mass, The Roman Catholics were so determined to falsify penances in the bible in theirDouay Bible they mistranslated Matt 4:17to say, quote "From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say: Do penance, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." About the Ukrainian Orthodox Church; Ukrainians in the United States; The Testament; Parish History, provided by the Rhode Island Supreme Court (1938) . The false teaching of ethno-phyletism is the basis for "Russian world" ideology. The difference between the two is the difference between Heaven and Hell for a lost sinner. margin-top: 12px; 5/3/2018 Fr. John Whiteford, Missteps in the Churchs response to the LGBT movement [on Fr. (to many Evangelicals and ProtestantsEpiklesis would be seen as one of the most blasphemous words on Earth.). John Whiteford, Response to Giacomo Sanfilippo 69) Man made Rites: atotal and complete avalanche of them! Mnymosyno). font-size: 10pt; Fr. 62) The heresy of directly instructing the Orthodox "laity" to avoid trying to understand the symbolism of the Book of Revelation: 3) It cannot be only ancient Rome (the light of a candle shall not shine). {margin-top:12.0pt; "correct or true belief"). 6/7/2015 George Michalopulos, The Strange Theology of David Bentley Hart [and Univeralism Heresy of Fr. 1/23/2018 OrthodoxChristian.com, 2017 It is a logical deduction they believe other denominations bury their dead in "unholy ground" in an "unholy manner". Mysterion;Sl. 11/6/2018 Fr. (Gr. Memorial. John Whiteford, David Bentley Hart and the Toll Houses Some of these individuals openly and proudly self-identify as "homosexual" or "LGBT." Many are not Orthodox Christians. (Gr. The Church is truly, in Paul's words, "the pillar and foundation of the truth" (1 Tim. But the impetus for that division was not a choice between obedience to the Word of God and the word of man, but rather a choice between two competing sets of that which Scripture repeatedly condemns as "the commandments and doctrines of men.". margin-left:40pt; A Look at the Church of England, The Burning Question from Asbury Isnt About Asbury, Why I Dont Say Passed Away When Someone Dies. margin-left:15pt; 7/2/2019 Multiple Senior OCA Priests (six priests and one bishop, authored July 2018), Protodeacon Feldmans Old Testament The "Scarlet and Purple heresy" (Rev 17:4) introduced formally by Constantine, that is the melding ofsecular (purple) and religious (scarlet) power is also an heresy of Orthodoxy. 10/7/2019 St. Ambrose of Optina (1812-1891), Blasphemy and Open Rebellion by Nik Jovcic-Sas the Orthodox Provocateur 60) Christendom: Contrary to the pacifist directive of Galatians 4, where we are said to be pilgrims (Book of Hebrews) toward the Jerusalem above, not defending the Physical borders of physical Jerusalem below, both the Catholics and Orthodox ignored this directive (asserted again in John 18:36) and created an Empire concept of Christendom, where physical Jerusalem was to always be captured by the military. John shakes his head, sadly but firmly. margin-right:50pt; Zechariah Lynch, Moral Heresy? He spread his false teaching throughout the East, receiving support from certain Eastern bishops. 11/21/2017 Fr. Ioannes Apiarius & Holy Orders. did Jesus keep the old testament law in full if he went against the old covenant law and used leavened bread and alcoholic wine in the Last Supper? They are, 1) St. The intercession of the saints and Mary on behalf of Christians on earth was easily rejected. However what was banned was any image, statue, or likeness, of God or a false god, whether it was like a man, a fish, a creeping thing, an animal, or a flying bird, Orthodoxy is therefore full of idols. 3/27/2015 Fr. A line of unbroken succession all the way back to the Apostles. When I visited Greece I found the priests there to be quite incredibly vain, and only after discovering the doctrine of Theosis did I properly understand why. Paul said we are dead in sins. note: this concept of "Jerusalem must be captured it is the site of holy churches" shows the knock-on effect of believing in building huge elaborate churches - not found in the new covenant.". 8/29/2017 Fr. Religiosity does not mean salvation, he replies. John Cox, Policing Orthodoxys Borders The main reason for the convening of the First Ecumenical Council was the appearance and growing strength of the false teaching of the Alexandrian priest, Arius. see alsoHagia Sophia. Go to Sleep, Everything is Just Fine 6/12/2018 Fr. font-family: Verdana; 7/7/2017 Fr. In so many parts of the world, religion and state are so intertwined that Christians are unable to exercise their consciences and avail themselves of the many choices within Christendom. text-align: justify; All this does is to add yet another heresy to their growing list of heresies: namely - "There are two gospels that save!". 1) one of the faithfulin consecrated ground, (consecrated by heretics), 2) according to the Orthodox rites and service of burial (Nekrosimos). margin-right:30pt; (bogus man made rites of no importance). The modern contraceptive pill, allowed by many in Orthodoxy, which is based on progesterone, a chemical that destroys the ovum after fertilization, is believed by many to be murder. Today I am interviewing a former Eastern Orthodox believer who has become Baptist. I am totally sure, based on the authority of Gods Word alone, he replies firmly, again appealing to the sola scriptura principle. 10/12/2019 Nun Cornelia (Rees), Dont Dialogue With Sin (Gr. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. .quotation_text_3 { 98) ChrismationRenunciation of Errors: The confirmation service of a new adult convert to Eastern Orthodox has "the renunciation" ceremony in it. In the presence of God I make this vow.". Romanian Orthodoxy is the state religion, meaning that almost everyone born in Romania is already considered a member of the Orthodox church, regardless of devotion or belief. An honorary title given to saints such as St. Constantine and St. Cyril and St. Methodios for their missionary work in the Church. 2) Evangelical & Protestant Arminianism = man is depraved, but not totally, he can accept the gospel by free will, BUT he cannpt take the first steps toward God himself, and only under God's drawing power can he be saved. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; I realized that I had never truly repented of my sins. .series_header { font-family: Verdana; The Protestant Reformation happened for a reason. He was also told to ask the Baptists questions about why they were attending churches other than the Orthodox Church. - certain sinner Patron Saints, instead of a birthday party. wherethe new proselyte must renounce in public the Reformation and the Protestant / Evangelical gospelas false. Like Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy denies the distinction between justification (God's unilateral act in declaring a sinner righteous based on faith in the merits of Christ alone - Romans 5) and sanctification (the indwelling Spirit of God conforming the regenerated individual more and more to the image of Christ, a work consummated in the believer's glorification - Romans 8). 12: 31). Ioannes Apiarius, OCA Synod Categorically Rejects Same-Sex Unions and Homosexual Self-Identity Lawrence Farley, Fr. We also suggest that you include a direct hyperlink to this article for the convenience of your readers. This led Pelagius to deny the doctrines of original sin and predestination, and to deny the need for special grace to be saved. In other words refusing to bury a person if he became a real Christian (for instance). This is not a sacrament in Eastern Orthodoxy as it is in Catholicism. color:#930000; The Orthodox do not view sin in a legalistic manner. 31) Apostolic Succession: OED defines this as. Why God is He, Not She 5/22/2019 Fr. John Whiteford, 2015 Ioannes Apiarius, The Ten LGBTQ Commandments [satire] Unlike the early Quakers (who were much more pious than modern Quakers who are more like a social club thana church) the Eastern Orthodox church makes the usual excuses for swearing oaths, and quote "The general rule in the Greek penal law requires witnesses to take an oath on the Gospels. Joseph Birthisel, Culture Wars Threaten the Orthodox Church, Our Freedom, and Our Families The outward and visible part of religion, consisting of various ceremonies, words, and symbolisms, producing an invisible action by the Holy Spirit that confers grace on an individual. The official sites like to miss it out their dictionaries as it is an immediate reminder the two dates for it refute that =Tradition is on a par with holy scripture. 6/16/2018 Fr. 70) Heathen Calendars: as part of the Faith. The section of our Bible Knowledgebase on Roman Catholicism deals extensively with that false church's departures from the Word. } The mitre derives from the crown of the Byzantine emperor. font-family: Verdana; Please make sure all fields are filled out. Thomas Hopko (book excerpt), Gay Iconoclasm: Holding the Line Against the Radical LGBT Agenda John Whiteford, What Do Our Friends at Fordham Have to Say About This? He is a founding editor of The Gospel Project, an inaugural fellow with The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, and the author of multiple books, including The Thrill of Orthodoxy, The Multi-Directional Leader, Rethink Your Self, This Is Our Time, and Gospel Centered Teaching. 3) Vain repetitions in prayer. It is worth researching if the Orthodox have like the Catholics limited languages a liturgy can be read out in. Like Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy teaches that man is able to cooperate with God in bringing about his salvation, and that regeneration is the product of a synergistic effort of God and man. John is visibly taken aback by the question. It is just another example of the theme that the more "powers" you invent for their pseudo priests and bishops, the tighter their grip in lording it over the laity. .normal_text { Josephs Directive On So-called Same-Sex Marriage In other words they deny John 3:16 is true. } 80)Epiklesis. color: #0F4679; 52: Mortification:the action of subduing one's bodily desires: fine. but self torture and torment, like the cilice, is probably what led to the concept of torturing other people "for the good of their own soul". (Gr. line-height: 200%; text-align: left; font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; 1/6/2020 Rod Dreher, Orthodoxy, LGBT, & Spiritual Sedition [re: Orthodoxy in Dialogue scandalous LGBT rebellion] They speak with the authority of the Church, the Apostles, Fathers, Theologians, and Saints. Authentic Christianity, in marked contrast, declares the great doctrines of grace: Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 2/19/2021 Fr. Nowhere in scripture are we told to baptize a person 3 times consecutively, let alone a baby. Though this is an extreme example they do practice penances. 11/15/2019 Fr. As Quoheleth says, Nothing is new under the sun. And the Apostle writes, Jesus..the Same yesterday, today and forever. They simply cannot see beyond their delusions and narcissism and their need not only to move the furniture around in the room, but to introduce new furniture, and to deny the removed furniture was ever removed. } The Baptist church is the true Church that is following the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, he affirms, though admitting the presence of believers in Pentecostal, Brethren, and other evangelical denominations. margin-left: 20px; 7/10/2022 Nick Stamatakis, How Big Foundation Money Is Subverting Traditional Christianity by Fr. 6) It makes you part of the church. margin-right: 20px; 21) Relics, artefacts, including "death cult" worship. 11/1/2019 Fr. line-height:200%; margin-right:0in; John Whiteford, Ed Sullivan Canon Response to Meeting Michelle Part 2 [refuting Public Orthodoxy LGBTQP+ agenda] 2/23/2019 Fr. 2/7/2020 Fr. see 2 Kings 18:4. In Slavic churches, some archimandrites are allowed to wear the mitre as a recognition of their service to the church (mitrateormitrophoros). I am writing as someone formally trained in Orthodox and Western psychology. I would like to point out BEING LIARS is an heresy. This breaks the general new testament directive "Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. {margin-top:0in; 7/5/2018 Fr. This is mentioned as the Eastern Orthodox Churches, such as those in Greece and Russia, believe they are rooted to what they call the Apostolic Catholic Church pre-schism of 1054, and this can cause confusion in the mind of some people in that a member of the EOC might say they are "Catholic" but mean it in a pre-schism sense, not in the modern sense of being under the Pope's authority. margin-top: 12px; 83) Defining the true church as Heterodoxy. 6/3/2017 Russian Orthodox Academic, Soft-Pedaling Christian Morality: A Review of a Curious Review [on Fr. 7/2/2022 Rachel Wilson, Review: Between Heaven and Russia, by Sarah Riccardi-Swartz The heresy is not suggested in their doctrine on it, but that a convert in order to be baptized might be constrained to form a doctrine on it in order to be baptized. I usually went to the midnight Easter vigil, he recalls. 1/28/2021 Dissident Mama, 2020 Orthodoxy recognizes the supreme majesty of God, as well as the limitations of the human mind. Mark 7:7, and such traditions and writings that they have are similar to the Jewish Talmud, massive tomes of bogus writings designed as a diversion of the soulaway from the word of God. I had been born again, he says. The concept differs from original sin firstly in that it emphasises 3 consequences of the Fall of Adam upon humanity not one: 2) Thereinafter was increased suffering and toil. A few days before Easter, I would go confess my sins to the local priest. He has taught courses on mission and ministry at Wheaton College and has lectured on Christianity and culture at Oxford University. This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. 97)Three hierarchs. {margin-top:0in; 6/16/2018 Rod Dreher, The Rise of Antichristianity The Mystery of Lawlessness Some people wrongly believe that the Eastern Orthodox Church is false? 6/17/2021 Orthodox Christianity, Mari Iakovou Mars Proudly and Publicly Celebrates LGBTQ Pride Month According to . 2/22/2021 Dissident Mama, Petition for Bishops to Denounce Blasphemous Orthodoxy in Dialogue Website {margin-top:0in; an entirely stupid thing to do, rendering it a translation of a translation (in the most optimistic view). The Orthodox church is a fellowship of "autocephalous" churches (canonically and administratively independent), with the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople holding titular or honorary primacy. } All rights reserved. priests who dont exist. Ill be sure to steer clear of the authors, their writings and any parish that has one of the contributors as a priest. Zechariah Lynch. Josiah Trenham text-align: justify; 7/222018 Fr. For the most part, the term apocrypha refers to any collection of scriptural texts that falls outside the canon.Since most English language bibles are from non-Orthodox sources, they sometimes are subtitled with . margin-right: 40px; 5/21/2018 Fr. Special prayer or petition by the Priest to "invoke" or to call upon the Holy Spirit, in order that God's Grace will descend for the consecration of the Holy Gifts at the Eucharist. The catechetical or Sunday school of each parish is responsible for such "instruction" of children or other faithful. with which he, the serpent, deceived Eve "your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. 5/14/2022 Fr. How did your family get over their condemnation of your newfound faith? I wonder aloud. Webster, Fundamental Errors: A Response to Tradition Without Fundamentalism by George Demacopoulos .quotation_text_1 { Basically, it was to combat the many false teachings that the Roman Catholic Church had adopted through the centuries. font-weight: bold; John Whiteford, Discernment or Scaffolding? It is comparable to the blasphemous Mormon doctrine. Kallistos on Sexual Morality preposterous! 95)Ousia: the complex subject of the expression of the essence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and how to explicitly state this. .quotation_text_2 { Trevin Wax is vice president of research and resource development at the North American Mission Board and a visiting professor at Cedarville University. 11/11/2017 Fr. margin-bottom:6.0pt; (the issues of the Nicene Creed are very complex as attached to historical proof of the people involved in making it and general number of churches cults and sects in the Empire - I can only try to resolve this later on). 88) Leavened Bread & alcoholic wine in the eucharist. 10/31/2015 Fr. but. "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Their bible is false because: 1) The racist error of translating the old testament from Greek. Please go to original post in Orthodox Observer for photos. 99) Chrismation: They actually say this is a sacrament, and that the Holy Spirit is imparted through it. (Gr. Gabriel (Hieromonk), The Pursuit of Happiness font-size: 10pt; That isnt in the Bible, he says, without further elaboration. The Hart Idiosyncratic Version I stopped getting drunk, stopped smoking, stopped cursing. 5/3/2017 Fr. they choose old testament laws, like beards and incense, like a religious potpourri, and yetthey throw out music, that the new and old testament both encourage. You may not be interested in Culture Wars, but Culture Wars are interested in you Here are some passages of Scripture that should be taken into account when considering the subject of false teaching: I Peter 3:15 (KJV) But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Ephesians 5:11-13 (KJV) And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but . '' of children or other faithful books, calendars etc ( all diversionsaway from the crown of the authors their... Review of a Curious Review [ on Fr or belief accepted and professed by the church a diabolical heresy Hell... Difference between Heaven and Hell for a reason Dont Dialogue With Sin Gr! Trained in Orthodox and Western psychology liturgy Can be read out in of sins. Sin ( Gr researching if the Orthodox church members in the eucharist Churchs response to the LGBT movement on. 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