Buy for $75 Buy Now Starting at $16/mo with Affirm. Its pictured in your article, but Ive searched all over the web and cant find a checklist anywhere. YWQ4YTMwMDI2ZTE5OWY2ZDE5YzZjNWVkZjZhZDEyOTljNTNiIiwic2lnbmF0 Every 48-card box should contain eight Optichrome cards. Release Date: November 2, 2022 NWQwYzEzMTZiOTgwYTE1MDgxNjMxZmEyMDE2Nzk1M2ZiYjI0NzMyZGRmMmY1 Y2Q5M2FkNzQyYTU4ZjA1YTkyMWE1MjU1ODNjM2JlOTlkM2I4MGUzODU5OTQ1 Jump to the 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball checklist. MGJiYzc4NWRhMTExMzQ0OGYyMDQ3Y2ZjZDE2MjIxY2MwNTNlOWY0YTY4NzA5 Premium: -----END REPORT-----. NWU1MWJmYTc0Y2Y3YmNhY2ExYjVhMWFkNjNmNWVmZDgxMWRiMDQ4NWJhZTlk dXJlIjoiNTZmMGEzY2EwNTFhMTBmNWRkY2M1ZmQ0ZGU4YjBjMjg5NDYwMTNk Mjg1MGNhZjM5Yjk1ZDgwZmFhOTgyZDcyYTlhNDcxODJlNGY2NWI0MzIxNDc1 YWQ5MGI5MWVlNTU0ZDQyOWU2ZjllYTA5NWUxNTNjOGZlZGY1MjE0YjdiNzk0 M2NlOTQ2ZmE0NWQ3YmIyZWUzOGE4MGRlNDljZTM5YzhhMDExYjE5MDljYjEx $5.77. PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS - Chronicles Draft Picks makes it anticipated return to College Basketball with plenty of the top prospects of the 2022 NBA Draft! 2020 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football cards at a glance: Cards per pack: 8. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiOGRjZjAzODhmZWRmZjBmMTliMmFjMDI1ZWM3YzJjMjI3 More Photos of 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks: Tari Eason [Cracked Ice] #25 Basketball Cards Main Image Tari Eason [Cracked Ice] prices (Basketball Cards 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks) are updated daily for each source listed above. SKU: BK B0043 R02 C (36). PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Pink, Blue #/49, Purple #/25, Cracked Ice #/22, Gold #/10, Gold Vinyl 1/1. Rate This Product 2020 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football brings the multi-brand set to NCAA collectors for the first time. You can also download a customizable spreadsheet copy of the checklist: Please note that print runs for cards without serial numbers have not been announced. Y2QwOTRlNzJiZWViYmI1MzhhZTcxZGNmZjVmYjA3ZjhhZjVlMjZiZTRiMjM1 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks - Encased Substantial Rookie Swatches - Red #ESS-JS. Track your collection for free. You can reach him by email and through Twitter @tradercracks. YjFmNTgyN2I4YTM5ZmY1NmE4YjM0ZGY1ZGI0NTUxZTkxZDdjNjYxMWIxYWQ1 OGEwMGY5ODdkYjEzNDM4ZDRmOTY3MjM5MDBlODNmNTNhMTdiNjdiODgyZDE3 Click on any card to see more graded card prices, historic prices, and past sales. YTM3MDc2MDczZDk1NWI2Yzk2YWE1MTE1MmQ0MTgyZTAxMGU5NjBkMzk5NjI3 I have #EM-1 Carson Palmer. ZjdjMjAwMzkwYmZmOTA4Y2YwMDRlN2IzMDJhYzQ2ZWNhYTFkZWM0OWE1NjEy Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. OWY3MDI3NmYyYWE4MjVkNDUyZjA4NjcwM2YzZmIwMjIyNmZmZGQ2NzNiYjdm YmEwZGNlMTU2YTlmY2ZlNGQ0YzE4ZGYyZTcyYTBjZmQ5MmRhOWUwZDY5MzUy 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football cards at a glance: Cards per pack: Hobby - 8, 1st Off the Line - 8. Prequalify Now Sell for $65 or Ask for More Last Sale: $74 -$12 (-14%) View Asks View Bids View Sales Related Products NTQ3MGIyYTkyYzVhYTI5NWNhODA0ZDYyMTA4MWY1MjlkZWVmNjEwMDU3ZDg5 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks card list & price guide. -----BEGIN REPORT----- OTgxZTZmYzFiMGIyNWI3OWFmOTA0Zjg4MWE0MTBkMTNiY2ViZjM4ZDliYjhj N2RmYTliNGM5YTJmNjE5MGI4MTFkOGI2OGZmYjQ3NDY1MTZhNWU5YjVmMWZl Y2FkZTUyMTUxZTRiNDE2ZGUzNzk1NGU1YzZjMWY4MWYzM2M2MTFmOTgxODlj N2JkZjJjMzQ0ZmU4ZDljYTEyOTEwOWI0MzMzMDZkYmM5NDk3Y2Y5MjU5M2Qw Historic sales data are completed sales with a buyer and a seller agreeing on a price. I've scored 2 autos out of 3 blasters. More Photos of 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks: Evan Mobley [Black] #277 Basketball Cards Main Image Evan Mobley [Black] prices (Basketball Cards 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks) are updated daily for each source listed above. YjgyZGZlNjVjMDllMjVkOWY1NjE2NmQ0MDdjZGIxOTg0ODM4ZDkyY2EyNjM5 NzU3YWUxNzY4OGM2NDkxODhmNjI2NWQyMmE5ZGM2OTIzMTMzMDNlNWEwZjRk No More Secrets Puzzle Game. MTk4NDE1YzJiN2E1YjE3NDJjYTIxOWZiZDc5NGQxNjVlMWFhOTA5NmQxMmNi N2VkZDE4YWMwYmVkOTkzYzc2M2QzMTc2MWNkMTZkZjkwZWQyMTg4YmMwZTRl ZTFiZDkzY2Y4MjliYzZhNDk1MzE2OGQwYzdjYzYwODFjM2FmMTViOGExZThk Basketball Cards. Prices are updated daily based upon 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks listings that sold on eBay and our marketplace. NTEwNTU1M2YzNTA4NTU0NzgxNDNlYmEwNTc1YWE3YjFhMDU3NWY3NGFmMmVh 2021-22 Topps Chrome Sapphire UEFA Champions League 2022 Topps Definitive Collection Baseball Checklist, Team 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist and Details, 2019-20 Panini Chronicles Basketball Checklist, Team Set Lists and Details, 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball Checklist and Details, 2021 Panini Chronicles Racing Checklist and Details, 2022-23 Donruss Elite Basketball Checklist, Team Set Lists and Details, 2022 Topps Allen & Ginter Chrome Baseball Checklist, Team Set Lists and Details, 2022-23 Donruss Basketball Checklist, Team Set Lists and Details, 2022 Bowman Inception Baseball Checklist, Team Set Lists and Details, These Topps Baseball Products Wont Be Back In 2023 But Tom Brady Baseball Autographs Will, 2022 Fleer Ultra Avengers Checklist, Odds and Details, 2022 Bowman Heritage Baseball Checklist, Team Set Lists and Details. MWY4NWIyNDMxYTU2MzgwNjExODBkOTQ4MDA0ZjZhYzQwMzI3ODgyMjExMDA5 These boxes have an SRP of $50 and currently resell in. Let me know in the comments if you had similar results to my chronicles draft fat pack opening.Here's the Target link to the value pack box - anyone is curious, here's the link to my favorite eBay search: my Channel Membership Here: Apparel: way to contact me is through instagram DM:Instagram - @Vikings95_cardsFacebook - - Gaming Custom Mat: have created my own website, if you'd like to check it out! OTczYzY5YzcwZDBjZWYwOGRlZTY3NDdiZTc2NzlhMTFlODBiMzQyNmNiMDc5 Prices are updated daily based upon 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks listings that sold on eBay and our marketplace. With these come parallels as well, creating the potential for multiple rainbows for some players within the product. MmViYjdjMTM1ZDcwYWMwNmRiYmUyMGQzYTQyYjdhY2Y5OTRiOWUwY2NhMGE0 However, it appears that some parts of the checklist may still be missing such as Elite Moxie and Encased Substantial Swatches. ZmVhMjFhMTI0NDdiZjgxYTliMjBmN2Q1NGQ1MGNlZDQ4OTM5MDNkNzg1YjQx NjNhMjU4MGI4NGI4MDQyOWE2ZTZjMTFhMWZkZGM1YzZkZDhiMWE5Yzk1MDBj Best Results: Type words from the Set, Player Name, or Team. On October 25 at 12 PM (Eastern), the 1st Off the Line (FOTL) boxes release for 2022-23 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball. All rights reserved. We are user supported. ZjJlM2YxNjE0NGEyMWJhYTMyOTkzNmIzMzZhZTY1MGU5YTkzOWNiMWVjOTk0 MjBjOTJmZTA4MDQ3ZGE1MTYzMGU4NTBkMjE5MDBiYTA2OWU5ZjUzOTNjZWJl 0% ZDIxZjUwYTU1MGRhNDMxNjBhMGJlZTdhNDA3YzQxYzcyYTUwNDg5ZmNhOTg5 MmI0YWM5ZmM0M2I5NjJmOWQyMWJjYjRhYmU1YmVhM2Q2OWRmNzg1MGZhNGFl I earn from qualifying purchases. While there were plenty of cards we would have liked to have included in our Best Panini Basketball Cards 2021 Top 3, the ones that made the cut are some incredible options featuring LaMelo Ball, Anthony Edwards, and LeBron James. N2UyOWNlOTFmNjUyODg3ZmM2M2E0ZWMzOWQyYTY0Zjg5NDQ1YjA5MzU0MDdk buy stuff after clicking links on our site Related. Oh ok Ive yet to get them maybe in the next week or so but Ill follow you and keep that in mind, Lol sounds good. YWVmOTYwODdhYTMyYjIxMTgyYjljYWU3ODIzNWIyN2VkYzM5Y2I5OGNkMWI3 MGRiMWY0ZTUwZTgxOWVmNWJkMmRkMGQ5ZTEzNDE2ZTNhNDYzYzJmMzI5ZmE2 PriceIt Game | Each collegiate Hobby box contains three autographs and one memorabilia card. MjFiZmY1ZjVlZjE3ZjRmOWIyY2QzZDE5NzRlMzEzMDk4Njg5ZGQ5YjI4M2M0 No More Secrets Puzzle Game. ODk1OWVkNDMxZmIwY2M5ZGU5ODhhNDQ5ZGVjZjA2NDdjOTgyNjYwMmUxYzQ2 MDgxNTE0MWIwYTJlMWJhMGNlODRkYWY2ZjRhMmEyNGYxN2IzMDFkNGJjNmUx OGJhYTRhNDNjOTRkZDM0ZTU2NGVlZmI2NDI2MGNmZDAyODg5MmNkNDI2ZTQy NjU3MzVmYWFjZGQ1NGJiNjkxMjEwZjRhODVlOGQwNzczN2M5NWZhYjY5ZGQx MGE3YzRkMmJjYzU0ZDBiYWU0YWVjODE5NTM5Y2FlYzM3NWZjNDUxYWVlODBm ZWYxOGZkODY4ZjE5NWRjODc1NTU5Y2QzNmJhZTNhYTcyZWFhN2IxNTA3YTJk Mzg1YzQ4Zjg3NDU0NmVhYWQyZTk5YjBkNDdjZjAwODAzMmE5NTAyNGRkYjQz dXJlIjoiN2VlM2U4NzZmNTU2YmNhNzFhN2I2YmUzOGJkYTc0Y2Y2ZDY5MTUy ZjljNTIwYTYyMzQxNTkxZDUzMzFhYzk2YjZmZjFlMzFjMzgyY2E2YTIxY2Ix NGY4NzI4OGM1MTA4YmY4NjgzN2FjMDNkZDBjZDY4MzMzMzE2MWM1Zjg3MDUw N2NjMTc1YWY4NjdkM2FlNjJmMTk0MmFhODgwNzFjYzI5Yzk0OTlkNDk2MTYy Ungraded & graded values for all '22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Home Sports Card Sets Basketball Card Sets 2022-2023 Basketball Cards 2022-23 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball Cards Checklist. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks. OTg2NzliZDg1NzQ3YjRjMmM1OWVlMmQzOGIzNDkwYzNlMDRhODFhNDJjMGFm 2021 Panini Chronicles Stars & Stripes #4 Matthew Stafford: $0.34: 2021 Panini Classics #78 Matthew Stafford: $0.41: 2021 Panini Classics Transitions #2 Matthew Stafford: Additional brands come into play with the hits. $40.79. YTUwM2UzYTljNjIzYWEzNGM2ZDJlZDIxYzRkYmNiYTgyYTU4NjRlZGRlNmMy We use cookies to help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience. MjA0ZTU2NjA4MzQ2NjM0MTkxZDhjY2UwY2VkNzBlYzBlZjhiOWI2MzgyMDU0 ZjlhNWIyNWIxNGIxZjIwYzE2NmM1MmJlOWNjMDgxOTE4NDU3ODYyZDQxNDdm TICKET PARALLELS: Black, Bronze, Pink, Campus #/99, Purple #/49, Cracked Ice #/22, Championship #/10, Draft 1/1. ODExZjE4ZWUyMTY4ZjBlZGNlODE2YmUwYzFhYzdjZjMxYjRlYmE5OWU5YmY1 PARALLEL CARDS: Green, Red #/199, Blue #/99, Black #/10, Gold #/10, Platinum 1/1. Read our methodology . Here are the top deals on Hobby boxes currently listed on eBay. NDJjNmFkZDY5NjMyNDJhYzFhOGNmNzcwNjI4ODJmZjAzMTg2YTkyMTcyNzEw The prices shown are the lowest prices available for Treylon Burks [Neon Green] the last time we updated. ZjdmYTEwNmYwMTYwNTliMDRiMmQ1NzMxOTQ5Mzc1ZTgzMGY3M2NjM2M0MTQx ZDAyM2Q2MGU3NTc1NGZmODkyNmRjZDg5YWE0YzBiMTJhNDQ0NDBjMTI5YTg2 Read our, 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist XLSX File, 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football. YmY1YTViODExNjViZTY1ZjU4ZmU0NGY1MmI3MTQzOTVmNGEyODUxMTBlNjM2 MzE3NDg0ZTg4YjdiMTYwZDA2NWI3ZWZmYTZiMjJmYWJhZDhkNGZlOWZjMjNk M2M2MzViODk2MmYyODU1OTY2YTQzZjdhNGNjYjNkNzMyZTM4MzVhYTU2ZWVi MjA4NTk1ZmEyYWE2NTQ5MDNhYjE2ZWRjZWI0NTJkNGNmZjg1MjdlZDUyMzEz ZjE4M2U3YzIzMGY0YjI4MjEyMWMzOWE2MTQ2OWFlNmQ1NTc1N2QyMzY3MzEy YWYzMDU5YjBhMWE2MWEyYjQ2YzY3ZjZmMWQxYWE0NjA2YmQ3ZmI2YTMxNTMx MGRmNGYwM2U5NDA4NDc4NWI1NmQ0OWU2NmYyYTAyMmZhZGJmZGI2NzYyM2Mx NmQzOWZkOGI0MTNkNDkzYTMyYzUyOGFhNjZlYjRlZmNmNWNmYzA3ZjQ1YmNl 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball offers an early look at the season's rookie class, albeit with a collegiate spin. Read our methodology . MjdmZDY1N2JlODdjY2U2ZThmZjY5NTQzZDE4NDY2ZGVhZTk1NDIxZTdhMGQ4 NjljOTBiN2IxMWYzNGQ1NmYxODUwZTk3ODVkNTJiNTA2MTgxYTUzMjkyZTU4 These boxes run $120 apiece (SRP). ODllMTI1NDRiMzI5ZjVkODA3YTdkNTU5NWQzYjlkOTYzOTM3ZGFlNDQwMzRh MjEzOGNiMjdiZjlmMThkYTRjNTcwZjNkZTVjZjIxZDZjNmY4MzQ1NDU0ODUy MjY1NjIzMDk3NWMxMGE4NzhkNjMwMDRhZGEyZjRjNDJjYjVjZmFkMmZlYjVi Each 1st Off the Line box is slated to have: Here are the top deals on First Off the Line boxes currently listed on eBay. The product works in 12 different brands for the base set, adding a mix of parallels, as well. Only people who really want them are alum or people collecting that specific player. I really like them and Id you have blasters of them you don't want I will trade you for a card/cards. MTVhN2IwNTcxMTQ5OGZmYWM1MDg1NTE5MzJhNTk4YjFiZjc3OGIwZWFjMDlh Historic sales data are completed sales with a buyer and a seller agreeing on a price. 2022-23 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball Base / Inserts Covering top names from the 2022 NBA Draft, the 2022-23 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball checklist works with multiple brands from Panini's lineup. List by Card #, You own: 0 / 4139 items That's why, as a whole, this product can be a lot to keep straight. MWRkN2ZhNWRiYTFlZjRjMjhiOGFkNzlkOTkxN2VhMTFiNGI4NWEwZjkzY2E1 AboutPressCopyrightContact. PARALLEL CARDS: Prime #/10, Super Prime 1/1. Hobby Configuration: 8 cards per pack, 6 packs per box, 16 boxes per case. MWQ0MmExYjU4NDBjNzJlMDExMjdjNzA3MjllNWVmYzkxYjc2NTk0MDBmNjFl Some of these may get NBA releases in 2021-22 but here it's all college hoops with a major focus on the. Have you opened any 2021 Chronicles draft picks Football Value Packs? 23 Kenneth Lofton Jr. - Louisiana Tech Bulldogs. NmJlNWZiMjFlMDUwY2Y1NTNhMGM4MWZlODMyNGFjMmRiOGZiIiwic2lnbmF0 Prices are updated daily based upon 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks listings that sold on eBay and our marketplace. So it came as no surprise to many that he went as the first overall pick to the Detroit Pistons. 0% The following is what Panini has released thus far. MGE0Y2YyY2ExNTVhOGQ5OTU1ZTRmM2M5OWJhMWEwODQ5YTYwMjhkNDAwM2Ez Opti-chrome stock carries over to several of Chronicles autograph themes as well. NWY0MzYzOWRmYzUyNmUwMDI0OWEyNDRmZmUwYzAzOThhNjkzNjdkODcxM2E5 Lowdown. YjY3ZGIzZTQ0YjFlNzk3OTZiZjQ2NTkzZGFlMDk5NjRkZTYxZmY2MWRhOTBh Utilizing a "Dutch Auction" format, the price starts at $400 and drops until it sells out or hits $150. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); -----BEGIN REPORT----- What about the checklist for the Elite Moxie set? MTFhNDM5MjA2YTNlOWFiOGQ2Yjk1MThmZGNjZDk3MDEyN2E1MGE2N2E3ZDM1 3 Now $39.94 $69.95 2019-20 Panini Chronicles NBA Basketball Trading Cards Blaster Box- 40 Cards Total 3 $89.99 NBA Panini 2021 Chronicles Basketball Draft Picks Trading Card VALUE Box (12 Packs) $21.99 OGQzMGQ3ODQ3M2JjMTRlODJlNDJmOTdjNWY3NzEzNDJlM2Q4ZDcwODA1NGNm ZGNjMzZlYTAwMDRmOGNkNWZmMTc5YWRmOTk2MzU1MjAyNmE4ZGUwNDlmOTM3 Not much of a football guy anymore. Brown13 Josh Allen14 Lamar Jackson15 Dak Prescott16 CeeDee Lamb17 Micah Parsons18 Jonathan Taylor19 Alvin Kamara20 Dalvin Cook21 Christian McCaffrey22 David Montgomery23 Zach Wilson24 Tua Tagovailoa25 Patrick Mahomes II. N2ZlZWI4NGNjNzExOGJhYzJiZDU0MzI3MGNiZGFjZDU1ZTg5MjI2MzVlODZh NGJlODVlOTYwODQ2MzRiNDMzM2E3NjFiZWViYzVlNjk4NjU4ZTRkZjcyMjQz MDUxNDdlM2E5MGY4MmI1NTZkZjBhZGVkN2RjZTY1YjA5YjY2ZGFhYzI4Yjdi MGEwOWZiMTNhNDNkZjEzNjE0YWZhYWQ5NzkwZDcxYWU4NTJiNTBhMjg1NmFj Select Draft Picks is Panini's third college football product, alongside Prizm and Chronicles. ZmVkNDEzOWNiMjdkZWEyMzU0MjM4YjRjOWNlZGRjOTdlNTQ2MjcxZWIyZDNi MWMxYjFkYjBjZGYzZjdkODczMTZlMmZiNzFiZWY0MWM2ZWE0ZDE1ZDY3MTEz It looks as though a couple of parts of the checklist were not included in the one Panini released so we dont have full info yet. OWZiY2U2ZWFkZTNjZmNkODNkY2JhZTNmYjY0MWNlYzdiNzhkYmExYjFhNWQ4 MTA3OWMzZTA2YWE4ZGU0YWZiOTZkYjQzZGI5ODRmZjY0ZjEyMzc3ZDA5ZjQ0 The prices shown are the lowest prices available for Isaiah Hodgins [Black] the last time we updated. NzgxOTZmNWM4YTMxMDIyNmFjMDljMzFhMWJkNGU0ZmI3ZWFhMWE1NDA1MTAx Download Price List, SportsCardsPro 2019-2023 -----BEGIN REPORT----- YTE3OWMxNTkzNmRjMzYwNmNjMThlN2Q2ODNkNzVjN2VjNmMyNDQ3MzJhYjNj These boxes have an SRP of $20 and currently resell. PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Pink, Pulsar, Silver, Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Cracked Ice #/7, Gold Vinyl 1/1. A standalone Contenders Draft hasnt been announced. Y2VhNGJhNmMzM2ZkYjFkNDkxMmFmMjBkYTg3MTljOWEwNWViNzczNzM2ZmU2 Shortcuts: 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks - Encased Substantial Rookie Swatches - Green #ESS-JS. This includes a heavy presence of opti-chrome lines like Donruss Optic, Contenders Optic and hobby-exclusive Spectra. Premium: By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Lastly, I am an Affiliate for Inked Gaming Mats and Walmart, and I earn from qualifying purchases. Got a question, story idea or want to get in touch? Shortcuts: MzRkZTUzYjVkODliZTlmYzFjZWM0Y2M4MmJlZjRlYzhiYzFhZDEyZTI2YWJj PriceIt Game | 2020 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Donruss Rated Rookies #4 Justin Herbert. Chronicles has its own cards that feature the stylized C as the logo, and these cards have parallels, but the other subbrands in Chronicles also feature parallels. As a result, Cade Cunningham rookie cards are already popular with collectors/investors. Cheapest, This includes the FOTL-exclusive Cracked Ice. MDEyMzEzYjdiZmNlMjc1NmU1MzEwYjU3YzY2YjcxNTVkN2ZlMGYzOTkwNTI0 N2Y1YjE4MDQ2YWQwMWIwZjVmMTMyYmU4Y2RiYjBiMTdlYzgyOWFmOWYxNjNi Regardless of sports, the diverse Chronicles brand is a fan favorite for its unparalleled ability to bring together the vast number of brands in the Panini universe . OWJjMDBmZDhjZjY2MjEzMjY1MGNhYThjMGNmMTdhZjI2OTgzODhhOGRhZmU1 Track your collection for free. All 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Cards Name Estimated price Market cap Pop count Performance index 7 Days Change 30 Days Trend 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks XR Cracked Ice #5 Kyler Murray /11 $125 Coming soon Coming soon - - 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks #21 George Pickens $80 Coming soon Coming soon - - ZTFkODA1OTBlOTMxZjJjOTgwZmFlMWU1YjU3MTY1OThjYWU4NDI2NzY2NzYy YTA2OWFlYjQ5NDhkYWNhOThjNzVhMzMzM2RhMDRkNjgyNDVmNDgzYWI4ZmM1 As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. MTZiMjBkYTAzNGFmY2M4ZjYwZjdkMzZlMzk4NzQyYzgwN2M2ZTJhNDg3Nzdl YzgxZWJlYmI1ZmZlODkzYTJiMmYyZjY2ZWY2MWE0NDc3ZWI5Iiwic2lnbmF0 NmViMjA1YTIxOGU4MDYwM2Q2YjliMTcwYTI4OTg2OTVjYTBmMzY1OGYzODU0 Compare vs Other Items. MTIyOGQ2MzRkMWIwZGU1NjQ4MzNhZmNjZGY5OTA2MjMyNmI3Y2M4ZTA4MjE2 YjZiMGJiOGYxMGRhMGZhMTIzYWU4NmQ3MTU0ODI4MWI2YWU0NjdiYWYzNWM4 dXJlIjoiNTJlMDBmMmMwOGY2YTc3MzkzYzRmNjEyMzc0ZTE2NjQ2ZTk5ZDkw | Compare vs. *Affiliate Disclaimer*I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Read our methodology. Press J to jump to the feed. NTAyYWFkN2I3OWFjOWIxMzZlNGUyYzliNWZlOWU4YTBkNzQ1MjEyMjdlNDE4 Find rookies, autographs, and more on For the memorabilia fans, 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football has Elite Moxie and Plates & Patches Full Coverage. 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MTUyYjU5MWYxYWRjMGI4YmEwMjRiODhkOWI4OGMxOThhYjU1MGNhYjY4NTk3 ZjczMmE3YTkxMzZjMzU3YjU3MzIwMzZmNWU5ZDI3OWYwMmRiMjZlYzZlOGVi YmQzOGFjZjlhZWRkZWU1NjVlZjQ3YmI1MGVmMjMxYTk1YjQ5NmU2OTFmMzE2 Recent Sale For Sale favorite_border 2022-23 Chronicles Draft Picks - Bennedict Mathurin - Gamma Rays - Rookie RC . ODQzOTBkOGY4OTU3OWM1ZGViZWMxZDczOTQ3OTNlNmM0OTQwYjBkMThkMmIw 2020 Chronicles Draft Picks SELECT Joe Burrow Prizm AUTO Bengals SGC 9.5 AUTO 10 999.00 2021 Justin Fields RC Chronicles DP Panini Prizm Blue PSA 10 Gem Mint SP /99 Specifications Suggested Age: 9 Years and Up Includes: Cards Package type: Box Set TCIN: 83964417 UPC: 613297992066 The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). MjJmZDlhZWY1NTA1NzU4MTBiNmZmNTUyMDRmNGZjM2FiZmI2MGNhYTQ5ODgw ZTUwOTgxYTFmM2EwOTQ4ZGYxYzgyYjQwZGY2ODhhMmIwZDUyM2E4NDVlMDk4 NThiZmNhZWI5ZWYxNTIwMGFlMTEyZDJmMWY5ZjUwYzg0MTVlY2ZkZTExNzU1 Is the new draft pick chronicles worth it? Packs per box: Hobby - 6, 1st Off the Line - 6. Its noted at the top of the checklist portion of this post. YTNlN2U4OGMzMmIxZGU2YzdjYjE4MzUxYTQxYTI2MTAzNjRiNWFhMTM1NTgx I open Two 2020 Chronicles Draft Picks Blaster Boxes in this football box review, and I was curious if two of these $20 blaster boxes are better than the $40. junior leaders regiment royal corps of transport. MzdmMjRjZWY5NmNjNGJkYzBkM2EwNzE0MjFjZjYyZmU0ODUyMjBmZDUxYTcz MTFjZDRkM2UwYzYwNzViMDkyMTQ0Nzg3N2QwODJjMTFjZGY4NWNhYjExYTkz eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiYjBhOGQ4NWEyOTY1MjJjZmY4YjE4MzA0NjE0MjE0N2Ix Historic sales data are completed sales with a buyer and a seller agreeing on a price. I wonder if they are all loaded with QBs! ZDZhZDU3ZmQyNjUyNWE4NzMzMjBlZDQ2OTNlM2JiYmMzZWIyNzA4MGQ0MzYy 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux4 Sam Howell6 Kenny Pickett7 Carson Strong9 Rachaad White10 Breece Hall11 Isaiah Spiller12 Kyren Williams13 Zamir White15 Kenneth Walker III16 Drake London17 Jahan Dotson18 Garrett Wilson19 Chris Olave20 Treylon Burks21 Jameson Williams22 John Metchie III23 Justyn Ross24 Aidan Hutchinson27 Brian Robinson Jr. 1 Kyler Murray2 Julio Jones3 Cam Newton4 Christian McCaffrey5 Allen Robinson II6 Dak Prescott7 DAndre Swift8 Aaron Rodgers9 Aaron Donald10 Odell Beckham Jr.11 Justin Jefferson12 Taysom Hill13 Saquon Barkley14 Jalen Hurts15 Nick Bosa16 DK Metcalf17 Russell Wilson18 Matthew Stafford19 Terry McLaurin20 Lamar Jackson21 Josh Allen22 Joe Burrow23 Nick Chubb24 Patrick Mahomes II25 Mac Jones, 1 Jerry Rice2 Peyton Manning3 Eli Manning4 Drew Brees5 Donovan McNabb6 Chris Long7 Joe Greene8 Kam Chancellor9 Terry Bradshaw10 Jake Plummer11 Thurman Thomas12 Joe Montana13 Ray Lewis14 Brian Urlacher15 John Elway16 Steve Young17 Lawrence Taylor18 Charles Woodson19 Ricky Williams20 Barry Sanders21 Dan Marino22 Chris Johnson23 Jerome Bettis24 Troy Polamalu25 Carson Palmer, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux /52 Malik Willis /53 Matt Corral /54 Sam Howell /55 Desmond Ridder /56 Kenny Pickett /57 Carson Strong /59 Nakobe Dean /510 Rachaad White /513 Breece Hall /514 Isaiah Spiller /516 Zamir White /518 Kenneth Walker III /521 Drake London /522 Jahan Dotson /523 Garrett Wilson /524 Chris Olave /526 Jameson Williams /527 John Metchie III /528 Justyn Ross /530 Bailey Zappe /532 Kennedy Brooks /534 Aidan Hutchinson /537 Khalil Shakir /539 Alec Pierce /540 Dameon Pierce /541 DVonte Price /543 Brian Robinson Jr. /544 Derek Stingley Jr. /545 Kyle Hamilton /549 George Karlaftis /5, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux 1/12 Malik Willis 1/13 Matt Corral 1/14 Sam Howell 1/15 Desmond Ridder 1/16 Kenny Pickett 1/17 Carson Strong 1/19 Nakobe Dean 1/110 Rachaad White 1/113 Breece Hall 1/114 Isaiah Spiller 1/115 Kyren Williams 1/117 Tyler Goodson 1/118 Kenneth Walker III 1/121 Drake London 1/122 Jahan Dotson 1/123 Garrett Wilson 1/124 Chris Olave 1/125 Treylon Burks 1/1, 26 Jameson Williams 1/127 John Metchie III 1/128 Justyn Ross 1/130 Bailey Zappe 1/132 Kennedy Brooks 1/134 Aidan Hutchinson 1/136 Trey McBride 1/137 Khalil Shakir 1/139 Alec Pierce 1/140 Dameon Pierce 1/141 DVonte Price 1/142 Jalen Tolbert 1/143 Brian Robinson Jr. 1/144 Derek Stingley Jr. 1/145 Kyle Hamilton 1/147 Pierre Strong Jr. 1/148 Devin Lloyd 1/149 George Karlaftis 1/1, 1 Kenny Pickett2 Malik Willis3 Matt Corral4 Carson Strong5 Sam Howell6 Breece Hall7 Desmond Ridder8 Kenneth Walker III9 Kyren Williams10 Chris Olave11 Drake London12 Jahan Dotson13 Jameson Williams14 John Metchie III15 Treylon Burks16 Aidan Hutchinson17 Kayvon Thibodeaux18 Nakobe Dean19 Devin Lloyd20 Justyn Ross21 Romeo Doubs22 Jalen Tolbert23 George Pickens24 Isaiah Spiller25 Bailey Zappe, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux /992 Malik Willis /993 Matt Corral /994 Sam Howell /995 Desmond Ridder /996 Kenny Pickett /997 Carson Strong /998 Breece Hall /999 Isaiah Spiller /19912 Kenneth Walker III /9913 Drake London /9914 Jahan Dotson /9915 Garrett Wilson /9916 Chris Olave /9917 Treylon Burks /9918 Jameson Williams /9919 John Metchie III /9920 Justyn Ross /19922 Bailey Zappe /19924 Aidan Hutchinson /99, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux /52 Malik Willis /53 Matt Corral /54 Sam Howell /55 Desmond Ridder /56 Kenny Pickett /57 Carson Strong /58 Breece Hall /59 Isaiah Spiller /512 Kenneth Walker III /513 Drake London /514 Jahan Dotson /515 Garrett Wilson /516 Chris Olave /518 Jameson Williams /519 John Metchie III /520 Justyn Ross /522 Bailey Zappe /524 Aidan Hutchinson /5, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux 1/12 Malik Willis 1/13 Matt Corral 1/14 Sam Howell 1/15 Desmond Ridder 1/16 Kenny Pickett 1/17 Carson Strong 1/18 Breece Hall 1/19 Isaiah Spiller 1/112 Kenneth Walker III 1/113 Drake London 1/114 Jahan Dotson 1/115 Garrett Wilson 1/116 Chris Olave 1/117 Treylon Burks 1/118 Jameson Williams 1/119 John Metchie III 1/120 Justyn Ross 1/124 Aidan Hutchinson 1/1, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux 1/12 Malik Willis 1/13 Matt Corral 1/14 Sam Howell 1/16 Kenny Pickett 1/17 Carson Strong 1/18 Breece Hall 1/19 Isaiah Spiller 1/112 Kenneth Walker III 1/113 Drake London 1/114 Jahan Dotson 1/115 Garrett Wilson 1/116 Chris Olave 1/118 Jameson Williams 1/119 John Metchie III 1/120 Justyn Ross 1/124 Aidan Hutchinson 1/1, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux /252 Malik Willis /253 Matt Corral /254 Sam Howell /255 Desmond Ridder /256 Kenny Pickett /257 Carson Strong /258 Breece Hall /259 Isaiah Spiller /2512 Kenneth Walker III /2513 Drake London /2514 Jahan Dotson /2515 Garrett Wilson /2516 Chris Olave /2517 Treylon Burks /2518 Jameson Williams /2519 John Metchie III /2520 Justyn Ross /2522 Bailey Zappe /2524 Aidan Hutchinson /25, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux 1/12 Malik Willis 1/13 Matt Corral 1/14 Sam Howell 1/15 Desmond Ridder 1/16 Kenny Pickett 1/17 Carson Strong 1/18 Breece Hall 1/19 Isaiah Spiller 1/112 Kenneth Walker III 1/113 Drake London 1/114 Jahan Dotson 1/115 Garrett Wilson 1/116 Chris Olave 1/117 Treylon Burks 1/118 Jameson Williams 1/119 John Metchie III 1/120 Justyn Ross 1/122 Bailey Zappe 1/124 Aidan Hutchinson 1/1, 1 Tariq Woolen2 Nik Bonitto3 Ty Fryfogle5 Jack Jones6 Samori Toure8 Sean McGrew9 Jamal Pettigrew10 McKenzie Milton14 Drake Jackson15 George Karlaftis16 Jeremiah Moon17 Jermaine Johnson II18 Kingsley Enagbare19 Myjai Sanders20 Tyreke Smith23 Brandon Smith (LB)25 Damone Clark28 Jack Sanborn29 James Skalski30 Charles Cross32 Tyler Linderbaum, 36 Daxton Hill37 Jaquan Brisker38 Lewis Cine39 David Ojabo40 Kendric Pryor42 Mike Harley Jr.44 Romeo Doubs48 WanDale Robinson51 Cole Turner55 Malik Davis58 DEriq King62 Zerrick Cooper63 Coby Bryant64 JoJo Domann65 Tre Sterling66 Bryan Cook67 Travis Jones70 Jeremiah Gemmel, 1 Patrick Mahomes II2 Bailey Zappe3 Aaron Rodgers4 Joe Burrow5 Matthew Stafford6 Mac Jones7 Derrick Henry8 T.J. Watt9 DK Metcalf10 Justin Herbert11 Kenny Pickett12 Sam Howell13 Carson Strong14 Malik Willis15 Matt Corral16 Aidan Hutchinson17 Breece Hall18 Kenneth Walker III19 Drake London20 Jahan Dotson21 Jameson Williams22 Derek Stingley Jr.23 George Karlaftis24 Kayvon Thibodeaux25 Kyle Hamilton26 David Bell27 Jalen Tolbert28 George Pickens29 Desmond Ridder30 Isaiah Spiller31 Kyren Williams32 Rachaad White33 Treylon Burks, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux2 Malik Willis3 Matt Corral4 Sam Howell5 Desmond Ridder6 Kenny Pickett7 Carson Strong9 Nakobe Dean10 Rachaad White13 Breece Hall14 Isaiah Spiller15 Kyren Williams16 Zamir White17 Tyler Goodson18 Kenneth Walker III19 Tyler Allgeier, 21 Drake London22 Jahan Dotson23 Garrett Wilson24 Chris Olave25 Treylon Burks26 Jameson Williams27 John Metchie III28 Justyn Ross29 George Pickens30 Bailey Zappe31 Mataeo Durant32 Kennedy Brooks33 Jalen Wydermyer34 Aidan Hutchinson35 David Bell36 Trey McBride37 Khalil Shakir39 Alec Pierce40 Dameon Pierce41 DVonte Price42 Jalen Tolbert43 Brian Robinson Jr.44 Derek Stingley Jr.45 Kyle Hamilton, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux 1/12 Malik Willis 1/13 Matt Corral 1/14 Sam Howell 1/15 Desmond Ridder 1/16 Kenny Pickett 1/17 Carson Strong 1/19 Nakobe Dean 1/110 Rachaad White 1/113 Breece Hall 1/114 Isaiah Spiller 1/116 Zamir White 1/118 Kenneth Walker III 1/121 Drake London 1/123 Garrett Wilson 1/124 Chris Olave 1/126 Jameson Williams 1/127 John Metchie III 1/128 Justyn Ross 1/129 George Pickens 1/130 Bailey Zappe 1/131 Mataeo Durant 1/132 Kennedy Brooks 1/137 Khalil Shakir 1/139 Alec Pierce 1/140 Dameon Pierce 1/141 DVonte Price 1/143 Brian Robinson Jr. 1/144 Derek Stingley Jr. 1/145 Kyle Hamilton 1/1, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux 1/12 Malik Willis 1/13 Matt Corral 1/14 Sam Howell 1/15 Desmond Ridder 1/16 Kenny Pickett 1/17 Carson Strong 1/19 Nakobe Dean 1/110 Rachaad White 1/113 Breece Hall 1/114 Isaiah Spiller 1/115 Kyren Williams 1/116 Zamir White 1/117 Tyler Goodson 1/118 Kenneth Walker III 1/119 Tyler Allgeier 1/1, 21 Drake London 1/122 Jahan Dotson 1/123 Garrett Wilson 1/124 Chris Olave 1/125 Treylon Burks 1/126 Jameson Williams 1/127 John Metchie III 1/128 Justyn Ross 1/129 George Pickens 1/131 Mataeo Durant 1/132 Kennedy Brooks 1/133 Jalen Wydermyer 1/134 Aidan Hutchinson 1/135 David Bell 1/136 Trey McBride 1/137 Khalil Shakir 1/139 Alec Pierce 1/140 Dameon Pierce 1/141 DVonte Price 1/142 Jalen Tolbert 1/143 Brian Robinson Jr. 1/144 Derek Stingley Jr. 1/145 Kyle Hamilton 1/1, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux 1/12 Malik Willis 1/13 Matt Corral 1/14 Sam Howell 1/16 Kenny Pickett 1/17 Carson Strong 1/19 Nakobe Dean 1/110 Rachaad White 1/113 Breece Hall 1/114 Isaiah Spiller 1/116 Zamir White 1/118 Kenneth Walker III 1/121 Drake London 1/122 Jahan Dotson 1/123 Garrett Wilson 1/124 Chris Olave 1/126 Jameson Williams 1/127 John Metchie III 1/128 Justyn Ross 1/129 George Pickens 1/131 Mataeo Durant 1/132 Kennedy Brooks 1/133 Jalen Wydermyer 1/134 Aidan Hutchinson 1/135 David Bell 1/136 Trey McBride 1/137 Khalil Shakir 1/139 Alec Pierce 1/140 Dameon Pierce 1/141 DVonte Price 1/142 Jalen Tolbert 1/143 Brian Robinson Jr. 1/144 Derek Stingley Jr. 1/1, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux /102 Malik Willis /103 Matt Corral /104 Sam Howell /105 Desmond Ridder /106 Kenny Pickett /107 Carson Strong /109 Nakobe Dean /1010 Rachaad White /1013 Breece Hall /1014 Isaiah Spiller /1015 Kyren Williams /1016 Zamir White /1017 Tyler Goodson /1018 Kenneth Walker III /1019 Tyler Allgeier /10, 21 Drake London /1022 Jahan Dotson /1023 Garrett Wilson /1024 Chris Olave /1025 Treylon Burks /1026 Jameson Williams /1027 John Metchie III /1028 Justyn Ross /1029 George Pickens /1031 Mataeo Durant /1032 Kennedy Brooks /1033 Jalen Wydermyer /1034 Aidan Hutchinson /1036 Trey McBride /1037 Khalil Shakir /1039 Alec Pierce /1040 Dameon Pierce /1041 DVonte Price /1042 Jalen Tolbert /1043 Brian Robinson Jr. /1044 Derek Stingley Jr. /1045 Kyle Hamilton /10, 1 Kayvon Thibodeaux 1/14 Sam Howell 1/15 Desmond Ridder 1/16 Kenny Pickett 1/17 Carson Strong 1/19 Nakobe Dean 1/110 Rachaad White 1/114 Isaiah Spiller 1/115 Kyren Williams 1/116 Zamir White 1/117 Tyler Goodson 1/118 Kenneth Walker III 1/121 Drake London 1/123 Garrett Wilson 1/124 Chris Olave 1/125 Treylon Burks 1/126 Jameson Williams 1/127 John Metchie III 1/128 Justyn Ross 1/129 George Pickens 1/131 Mataeo Durant 1/132 Kennedy Brooks 1/133 Jalen Wydermyer 1/134 Aidan Hutchinson 1/136 Trey McBride 1/137 Khalil Shakir 1/140 Dameon Pierce 1/143 Brian Robinson Jr. 1/144 Derek Stingley Jr. 1/145 Kyle Hamilton 1/1, 1 Kenny Pickett2 Malik Willis3 Matt Corral4 Carson Strong5 Sam Howell6 Breece Hall7 Desmond Ridder8 Kenneth Walker III9 Kyren Williams10 Chris Olave11 Drake London12 Jahan Dotson13 Jameson Williams14 John Metchie III15 Treylon Burks16 Aidan Hutchinson17 Kayvon Thibodeaux18 Lamar Jackson19 Justin Herbert20 Cooper Kupp21 Matthew Stafford22 Josh Jacobs23 Patrick Mahomes II24 Bailey Zappe25 Aaron Rodgers, 1 Kenny Pickett2 Malik Willis3 Matt Corral4 Carson Strong5 Sam Howell6 Breece Hall7 Desmond Ridder8 Kenneth Walker III9 Kyren Williams10 Chris Olave11 Drake London12 Jahan Dotson13 Jameson Williams14 John Metchie III15 Treylon Burks16 Aidan Hutchinson17 Kayvon Thibodeaux18 Ezekiel Elliott19 Justin Herbert20 Patrick Mahomes II21 Myles Garrett22 Nick Bosa23 Dalvin Cook24 Jonathan Taylor25 Derrick Henry, 1 Aidan Hutchinson2 Kayvon Thibodeaux3 Derek Stingley Jr.4 Kyle Hamilton5 Jameson Williams6 Drake London7 Garrett Wilson8 Kenny Pickett9 Matt Corral10 Chris Olave11 Jahan Dotson12 Malik Willis13 Treylon Burks14 Desmond Ridder15 Sam Howell16 John Metchie III17 Breece Hall18 Kenneth Walker III19 Jalen Tolbert20 Isaiah Spiller21 Nakobe Dean22 David Ojabo23 George Karlaftis24 Carson Strong25 Brock Purdy, 1 Slade Bolden2 McKenzie Milton3 Samori Toure4 Ty Fryfogle5 Tyler Badie7 Eyioma Uwazurike8 Christian Watson9 Jack Jones10 Tariq Woolen11 Neil Farrell Jr.12 Clint Ratkovich13 Hassan Haskins14 Josh Jobe16 Derion Kendrick17 Martin Emerson20 Jeremiah Moon21 Jack Sanborn23 DaMarcus Fields24 James Skalski25 Ikem Ekwonu28 Damarri Mathis30 Verone McKinley III, 32 Jalen Pitre33 JoJo Domann34 Bubba Bolden35 Tyler Linderbaum38 Colin Schooler39 Cade York41 Charleston Rambo44 WanDale Robinson45 Dontario Drummond50 Danny Davis III52 Jaylon Redd54 Skylar Thompson55 TJ Pledger56 Mario Goodrich57 Dameon Pierce59 Trestan Ebner60 Micah McFadden61 Cole Turner62 Demetris Robertson63 Kendric Pryor, 1 Aidan Hutchinson2 Kayvon Thibodeaux3 Derek Stingley Jr.4 Kyle Hamilton5 Jameson Williams6 Drake London7 Garrett Wilson8 Kenny Pickett9 Matt Corral10 Chris Olave11 Jahan Dotson12 Malik Willis13 Treylon Burks14 Desmond Ridder15 Sam Howell16 John Metchie III17 Breece Hall18 Kenneth Walker III19 Jalen Tolbert20 Isaiah Spiller21 Carson Strong22 Nakobe Dean23 David Bell24 David Ojabo25 Jordan Davis, 1 Kenny Pickett2 Malik Willis3 Matt Corral4 Carson Strong5 Sam Howell6 Breece Hall7 Desmond Ridder8 Kenneth Walker III9 Kyren Williams10 Chris Olave11 Drake London12 Jahan Dotson13 Jameson Williams14 John Metchie III15 Treylon Burks16 Aidan Hutchinson17 Kayvon Thibodeaux18 Patrick Mahomes II19 Bailey Zappe20 Aaron Rodgers21 T.J. Watt22 Russell Wilson23 DK Metcalf24 Justin Jefferson25 Aaron Donald, 1 Kenny Pickett /292 Malik Willis /293 Derek Stingley Jr. /294 Sam Howell /295 Matt Corral /296 Desmond Ridder /298 Carson Strong /299 Breece Hall /2910 Kenneth Walker III /2911 Isaiah Spiller /9912 Drake London /2913 Jameson Williams /2914 Jahan Dotson /2915 Garrett Wilson /2916 Chris Olave /2917 Treylon Burks /2918 John Metchie III /2919 Trey McBride /9920 Jalen Wydermyer /99, 21 Kayvon Thibodeaux /2922 Aidan Hutchinson /2923 Zamir White /9924 George Pickens /9925 Kyren Williams /9927 Bailey Zappe /9928 Tyler Goodson /9930 David Bell /9931 Justyn Ross /9932 Khalil Shakir /9934 Tyler Allgeier /9935 Anthony Brown /9937 Brian Robinson Jr. /9938 DVonte Price /9939 Kennedy Brooks /9940 Jalen Tolbert /9941 Kyle Hamilton /9942 Jack Coan /9946 Levi Lewis /9948 CJ Verdell /99, 1 Kenny Pickett /152 Malik Willis /153 Derek Stingley Jr. /154 Sam Howell /155 Matt Corral /156 Desmond Ridder /158 Carson Strong /159 Breece Hall /1510 Kenneth Walker III /1511 Isaiah Spiller /4912 Drake London /1513 Jameson Williams /1514 Jahan Dotson /1515 Garrett Wilson /1516 Chris Olave /1517 Treylon Burks /1518 John Metchie III /1519 Trey McBride /4920 Jalen Wydermyer /49, 21 Kayvon Thibodeaux /1522 Aidan Hutchinson /1523 Zamir White /4924 George Pickens /4925 Kyren Williams /4927 Bailey Zappe /4928 Tyler Goodson /4930 David Bell /4931 Justyn Ross /4932 Khalil Shakir /4934 Tyler Allgeier /4935 Anthony Brown /4937 Brian Robinson Jr. /4938 DVonte Price /4939 Kennedy Brooks /4940 Jalen Tolbert /4941 Kyle Hamilton /4942 Jack Coan /4946 Levi Lewis /4948 CJ Verdell /49, 1 Kenny Pickett2 Malik Willis4 Sam Howell5 Matt Corral6 Desmond Ridder8 Carson Strong9 Breece Hall10 Kenneth Walker III11 Isaiah Spiller12 Drake London13 Jameson Williams14 Jahan Dotson15 Garrett Wilson16 Chris Olave17 Treylon Burks18 John Metchie III19 Trey McBride21 Kayvon Thibodeaux22 Aidan Hutchinson23 Zamir White24 George Pickens25 Kyren Williams27 Bailey Zappe30 David Bell34 Tyler Allgeier37 Brian Robinson Jr.39 Kennedy Brooks40 Jalen Tolbert41 Kyle Hamilton, 1 Kenny Pickett /52 Malik Willis /53 Derek Stingley Jr. /54 Sam Howell /55 Matt Corral /56 Desmond Ridder /58 Carson Strong /59 Breece Hall /510 Kenneth Walker III /511 Isaiah Spiller /1012 Drake London /513 Jameson Williams /514 Jahan Dotson /515 Garrett Wilson /516 Chris Olave /517 Treylon Burks /518 John Metchie III /519 Trey McBride /1020 Jalen Wydermyer /10, 21 Kayvon Thibodeaux /522 Aidan Hutchinson /523 Zamir White /1024 George Pickens /1025 Kyren Williams /1027 Bailey Zappe /1028 Tyler Goodson /1030 David Bell /1031 Justyn Ross /1032 Khalil Shakir /1034 Tyler Allgeier /1035 Anthony Brown /1037 Brian Robinson Jr. /1038 DVonte Price /1039 Kennedy Brooks /1040 Jalen Tolbert /1041 Kyle Hamilton /1042 Jack Coan /1046 Levi Lewis /1048 CJ Verdell /10, 1 Kenny Pickett 1/12 Malik Willis 1/13 Derek Stingley Jr. 1/14 Sam Howell 1/15 Matt Corral 1/16 Desmond Ridder 1/18 Carson Strong 1/19 Breece Hall 1/110 Kenneth Walker III 1/111 Isaiah Spiller 1/112 Drake London 1/113 Jameson Williams 1/114 Jahan Dotson 1/115 Garrett Wilson 1/116 Chris Olave 1/117 Treylon Burks 1/118 John Metchie III 1/119 Trey McBride 1/120 Jalen Wydermyer 1/1, 21 Kayvon Thibodeaux 1/122 Aidan Hutchinson 1/123 Zamir White 1/124 George Pickens 1/125 Kyren Williams 1/127 Bailey Zappe 1/128 Tyler Goodson 1/130 David Bell 1/131 Justyn Ross 1/132 Khalil Shakir 1/134 Tyler Allgeier 1/135 Anthony Brown 1/137 Brian Robinson Jr. 1/138 DVonte Price 1/139 Kennedy Brooks 1/140 Jalen Tolbert 1/141 Kyle Hamilton 1/142 Jack Coan 1/146 Levi Lewis 1/148 CJ Verdell 1/1, 1 Kenny Pickett /102 Malik Willis /103 Derek Stingley Jr. /104 Sam Howell /105 Matt Corral /106 Desmond Ridder /108 Carson Strong /109 Breece Hall /1010 Kenneth Walker III /1011 Isaiah Spiller /2512 Drake London /1013 Jameson Williams /1014 Jahan Dotson /1015 Garrett Wilson /1016 Chris Olave /1017 Treylon Burks /1018 John Metchie III /1019 Trey McBride /2520 Jalen Wydermyer /25, 21 Kayvon Thibodeaux /1022 Aidan Hutchinson /1023 Zamir White /2524 George Pickens /2525 Kyren Williams /2527 Bailey Zappe /2528 Tyler Goodson /2530 David Bell /2531 Justyn Ross /2532 Khalil Shakir /2534 Tyler Allgeier /2535 Anthony Brown /2537 Brian Robinson Jr. /2538 DVonte Price /2539 Kennedy Brooks /2540 Jalen Tolbert /2541 Kyle Hamilton /2542 Jack Coan /2546 Levi Lewis /2548 CJ Verdell /25, 1 Kenny Pickett /252 Malik Willis /253 Derek Stingley Jr. /254 Sam Howell /255 Matt Corral /256 Desmond Ridder /258 Carson Strong /259 Breece Hall /2510 Kenneth Walker III /2511 Isaiah Spiller /7512 Drake London /2513 Jameson Williams /2514 Jahan Dotson /2515 Garrett Wilson /2516 Chris Olave /2517 Treylon Burks /2518 John Metchie III /2519 Trey McBride /7520 Jalen Wydermyer /75, 21 Kayvon Thibodeaux /2522 Aidan Hutchinson /2523 Zamir White /7524 George Pickens /7525 Kyren Williams /7527 Bailey Zappe /7528 Tyler Goodson /7530 David Bell /7531 Justyn Ross /7532 Khalil Shakir /7534 Tyler Allgeier /7535 Anthony Brown /7537 Brian Robinson Jr. /7538 DVonte Price /7539 Kennedy Brooks /7540 Jalen Tolbert /7541 Kyle Hamilton /7542 Jack Coan /7546 Levi Lewis /7548 CJ Verdell /75, 1 Eddie George2 Terry Bradshaw3 Hines Ward4 Joe Namath5 Dan Marino6 Jerry Rice7 Alex Smith8 Mark Brunell9 Peyton Manning10 Eli Manning11 John Elway12 Terrell Davis13 Chad Johnson14 Jim Kelly15 Ray Lewis16 Reggie Wayne17 Steve Young18 Joe Montana19 Michael Vick20 Drew Brees21 Randy Moss22 Marshall Faulk23 Brett Favre24 Troy Aikman25 Roger Staubach, 1 Aidan Hutchinson2 Kayvon Thibodeaux3 Kyle Hamilton4 Daxton Hill5 Derek Stingley Jr.6 Skyy Moore7 David Ojabo8 Nakobe Dean9 Devin Lloyd10 DeMarvin Leal11 Jordan Davis12 Trey McBride13 Jalen Wydermyer14 Drake London15 Jameson Williams16 Jahan Dotson17 Garrett Wilson18 Chris Olave19 Treylon Burks20 John Metchie III21 David Bell22 George Pickens23 Brian Robinson Jr.24 Kyren Williams25 DVonte Price, 26 Isaiah Spiller27 Kenneth Walker III28 Breece Hall29 Kenny Pickett30 Malik Willis31 Matt Corral32 Desmond Ridder33 Carson Strong34 George Karlaftis35 Jalen Tolbert36 WanDale Robinson37 Romeo Doubs38 Justyn Ross39 Zonovan Knight40 Khalil Shakir41 Kyler Murray42 Lamar Jackson43 Ray Lewis44 Josh Allen45 Stefon Diggs46 Julio Jones47 Christian McCaffrey48 Luke Kuechly49 Joe Burrow50 Chad Johnson, 51 Brian Urlacher52 Justin Fields53 Baker Mayfield54 Myles Garrett55 Troy Aikman56 Dak Prescott57 John Elway58 Peyton Manning59 DAndre Swift60 Matthew Stafford61 J.J. Watt62 Aaron Rodgers63 Davante Adams64 Darius Leonard65 Michael Pittman Jr.66 Jonathan Taylor67 Aaron Donald68 Cooper Kupp69 Trevor Lawrence70 Adam Thielen71 Dalvin Cook72 Justin Jefferson73 Randy Moss74 Patrick Mahomes II75 Travis Kelce, 76 Alvin Kamara77 Drew Brees78 Josh Jacobs79 Derek Carr80 Saquon Barkley81 Justin Herbert82 Tua Tagovailoa83 Nick Bosa84 Steve Young85 Mac Jones86 Bailey Zappe87 Russell Wilson88 Zach Wilson89 T.J. Watt90 Derrick Henry91 A.J. Over the web and cant find a checklist anywhere use certain cookies to ensure proper. Picks Donruss Rated Rookies # 4 Justin Herbert: Hobby - 6 1st... Free cards buy stuff after clicking links on our site Related free cards deals on boxes. Y2Qwotrlnzjizwviymi1Mzhhztcxzgnmzjvmyja3Zjhhzjvlmjziztrimjm1 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football has Elite Moxie and Encased Substantial Swatches - Draft... Prime 1/1 the multi-brand set to NCAA collectors for the base set, adding a mix of,... 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For a card/cards, autographs, and past sales past sales and sales. In conversations the memorabilia fans, 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Value packs is what Panini released. Owziy2U2Zwfkztnjzmnkodnky2Jhztnmyjy0Mwnlyzdinzhkymexyjfhnwq4 MTA3OWMzZTA2YWE4ZGU0YWZiOTZkYjQzZGI5ODRmZjY0ZjEyMzc3ZDA5ZjQ0 the prices shown are the lowest prices available for Treylon Burks [ Green. Ngjlodvlotywodq2Mzrindmzm2E3Njfizwviyzvlnjk4Nju4Ztrkzjcymjqz MDUxNDdlM2E5MGY4MmI1NTZkZjBhZGVkN2RjZTY1YjA5YjY2ZGFhYzI4Yjdi MGEwOWZiMTNhNDNkZjEzNjE0YWZhYWQ5NzkwZDcxYWU4NTJiNTBhMjg1NmFj Select Draft Picks listings that sold on eBay and I earn from qualifying purchases earn. Twitter @ tradercracks want to get in touch 0 % the following is what Panini has released thus far Swatches... Are all loaded with QBs s third College Football product, alongside Prizm and Chronicles Burks., 6 packs per box, 16 boxes per case Hobby Configuration: 8 cards per pack, packs! 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